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I have receive a mail from Eva recruitment agency with an offer letter from Dexxon Oil & Gas Company on 29th Nov07.Since there was no interview which I attended neither through telephonic or othrwise, hence am surprised on the same.I have been asked to get in touch with UK Travel Agency for further work permit/visa.Could you please help me on what should I do next.And is this reliable ?
Thanks & Regards

2007-12-01 04:38:31 · 4 answers · asked by pranab b 1 in Local Businesses United Kingdom London

4 answers

No it is a SCAM.
You will be asked to pay money for a work permit, visa and other things, then find out there is no job.

2007-12-01 11:16:23 · answer #1 · answered by Philip W 7 · 0 0

if you have registered your CV in any website these agents may contact you. But the important part how you you ensure that they give you original papers of various documents for immigration. This can happen for a genuine case also but u have to ensure things.

2007-12-04 09:08:26 · answer #2 · answered by soumyajit c 1 · 0 0

Dear Pranab, a friend of mine received a similar letter but for a five star hotel. if I am not mistaken this person who sent you the appointment letter must have been someone you met in the chat room as my friend did any wayz I have already warned my friend and wud advice u to contact the company directly but not thru the nos. mentioned in the letter but go to the company's website and get in touch with them to get it verified.

2007-12-01 12:56:16 · answer #3 · answered by eegleseye 1 · 0 1

Since you did not prompt their contacting you, I would be very leary. If they ask for money for travel or any other expenses then you will know it is a scam.
~be cautious and don't give out any personal information

2007-12-01 20:59:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0