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2007-12-01 03:10:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

I am not a Lib or Rep. Its just something I have noticed.

2007-12-01 03:45:11 · update #1

16 answers

You must not watch the same Fox News I watch. The one I watch is Fair, Balanced, and Accurate.

2007-12-01 03:13:26 · answer #1 · answered by Dash 7 · 5 5

Because they report the news. They did not create the events of the news. Just telling you what is happening. Go to another channel if you want to hear how rosey things are or how the truth reallly is-it is Bush right? He created all this MO-BC stuff? I know Fox though does not report it all! The border on Mexico has been invaded and people are dying. 12 people in US a day kidnapped, beheaded. There is a war down there and Fox is not covering it! There is nothing BUTT hate, fear and devide in this country. We need an upgrade in the news for the worse of worse of the truth maybe you would prefer al-jajerra!

2007-12-01 03:57:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Fox "news" is a bought and paid for propaganda outlet for the Bush administration and the interests he serves. It is ruled by the iron hands of the Murdoch empire and was expressly established not to give news, but to pimp conservative views on every subject.

in terms of serious journalism, it is as credible as Pravda once was, or the "news" organs of Josef Goebbels.

Be you Democrat or Republican or Libertarian or whatever, Fox News is a blight on your country's reputation.

2007-12-01 05:35:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why do "people" keep insisting that "FOX" is a hate crime? Sure its ok for CNN and MSNBC and Katie Kouric and Kieth Oberman and Anderson Cooper and the NEW York Times to stretch and twist the truth to fit their view of the world. And to further "their" agendas. This is the problem with "libs" if you dint go along with them they immediately degenerate those they are opposed to or those who oppose them. Why because they fear the truth and that you will be exposed as to what you really are!! Just weasel saboteurs!

2007-12-01 03:21:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Joe the nice and cozy button is there are various extra unhappy human beings precise now. i assume it may be extra advantageous if we weren't divided however the guy on the helm steers the country . precise now apparently somewhat rocky in maximum neighborhoods.

2016-10-18 11:42:02 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

CNN and MSNBC are the ones that divide us. Fox News is the Chanel I watch because I trust them more.

2007-12-01 03:21:24 · answer #6 · answered by BAKER 3 · 1 2

Fox news keeps the socialist/communist press in the US honest or at least calls them on their warped views. Thank god! It's funny to see that liberals tremble at the thought of Fox News. That's all I need to know!

2007-12-01 03:13:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

You're probably talking about CNN, because CNN openly reports the negative and tries to 'manufacture' news. Watch Wolf Blitzer, and you'll see.

2007-12-01 03:22:11 · answer #8 · answered by Savo 2 · 2 2

its all o fMSM (main stream media)

its the "4th branch" of government (dick cheney is the 5th)

cnn maybe on one side while faux news is on the other. there's your division (for example). both deserve the people's contempt.

2007-12-01 04:07:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because it is the Republican strategy to use ignorance, hate and fear to bring "downscale" (That is the Republican strategists' term, not mine) into the Republican fold by convincing them that somehow supporting big business and cutting the legs from beneath working people, unions, etc. will benefit them. An example of this is the concept of "trickle down" economics. The only thing trickling down from this concept is the drool from those who are stupid enough to swallow it.

2007-12-01 03:17:10 · answer #10 · answered by Thomas B 3 · 1 4