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2007-11-30 17:29:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

To Life is Beautiful....I disagree....
You are NOT permitted to build A CHURCH in a Muslim Nation.
Or take the Bible there.
Please be more honest. Thankyou.

2007-11-30 17:54:15 · update #1

Some churches are from the days of the crusades.
Why was Terry Waite arrested?
You are deceived. Muslim prayers, 5 times a day are permitted in all the countries Muslims live in, but if Christians were to go & live in Muslim countries they would NOT be permitted to have their sermons or prayers, or Bible readings.Let alone build churches like Muslims are permitted to build mosques in so-called Christian countries.

2007-11-30 18:37:13 · update #2

Since posting this question I have seen on the news thousands of muslims in Khartoum screaming for the death of the English teacher, some holding machetes.
You certainly don't see British people doing that in England, screaming for the death of Muslims, living in Britain.

2007-11-30 21:34:09 · update #3

14 answers

The crocks of the matter is Muslims think they are the almighty and the whole world revolves around there religion,alas it doesn't for very good reasons,in the recent TV news showing the hated mobs baying for blood how many women did you see..(A) non, women do not have a part to play in there religion except to cook and be abused and produce children,its just as well the British people are tolerant ,i don't agree with what a labour MP says about withdrawing aid form the Sudan as this will cause more suffering to the women and children of that repressive state.Ms Gibbons shows much more courage than any of baying mob who are only brave in dog packs,remember Sudan Britain sends aid of over £114 million per year so why do you want to risk this aid for a bunch of decrepit so called leaders,

2007-11-30 21:13:45 · answer #1 · answered by lifeintheolddog2002 2 · 3 0

Do you have a question or are you just trying to make a point about the (thank goodness) freedom we in the West have?

I do think some people might think that naming a teddy bear Jesus would be in very poor taste, but I cannot envision club-wielding mobs out to kill the person who did so.

2007-11-30 17:38:12 · answer #2 · answered by stoneinthestream 3 · 5 0

They could and would be allowed to,but in a way I can see with all that is going on in this world she should have used better judgment.She is the teacher.Children did pick the name,but that is why we have teachers.Children can not always make a sound decision.

2007-11-30 18:51:12 · answer #3 · answered by one10soldier 6 · 1 0

Yes, because in civilized society, we don't go around lashing or executing people for using the name of Jesus in ways that are not respectful or appropriate.

2007-11-30 17:53:36 · answer #4 · answered by diamondldy4 3 · 5 0

By their rules, we are permitted stone and utterly humiliate them for their transgression! Claim a Jihad on them.

2007-11-30 21:29:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

wot the hell are you on abt here:
You are NOT permitted to build A CHURCH in a Muslim Nation.
Or take the Bible there.

have you ever been to a muslim country i think not
you really should educate yourself before you make ne comments like that

2007-11-30 18:02:40 · answer #6 · answered by alisha 2 · 2 4

we are no more a christian country anymore, this lands filled with asylum seekers
(Im a patriot, so you can deport the ones that aren't patriots, if they aren't they shouldn't be here)

2007-12-01 04:23:18 · answer #7 · answered by Punit D 1 · 0 0

Well if they named their teddy bear Jesus, I don't think it would be in an attempt to be disrespectful to Christians... Muslims think Jesus was a great man and one of the greatest prophets. They respect him too.

EDIT: If you are not allowed to build a church, or take a bible, (which I seriously doubt, by the way) it is probably because of the GOVERMENT, not what the religion teaches. And yes, in fact, Muslims DO consider jesus important. Just look here:


That should clear up any confusions you have about how Muslims feel about Jesus. And it was written by a Muslim himself. Any other comments? As you can see, I was being honest. Why don't you try being less ignorant?

2007-11-30 17:35:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 8

because in London, we have human rights.
in these countries, humans, especially women, are generally treated worse then live stock.

by grateful for what u have! it could be a lot worse!

2007-11-30 18:06:18 · answer #9 · answered by deaity 3 · 5 0

That would be cute.
Some people might not like it, but nobody would be arrested or threatened with official flogging.

2007-11-30 17:55:39 · answer #10 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 3 0