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What is your opinion on kids with misspelled names?

ex. Aleczandyr / Alexander

Personally I know how much it can suck as a kid to not have your name on any object but I think if i had saw my name spelled "wrong to me"/ the correct way to everyone else, I would be upset, Like okay they have it spelt that way but how come not the way I do?

2007-11-30 16:17:37 · 34 answers · asked by corrick_1 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

I dont see the point in spelling it different if it sounds the same.. its the same name just now they have to say spelt ....
I dont really mind if its spelt a way for rememberance of someone else

2007-11-30 16:24:31 · update #1

"Personally, if you want your kid to be unique, don't just change the spelling, name your child something completely original."

I agree

2007-11-30 16:38:00 · update #2

34 answers

There is no right or wrong way to spell a name. Although I would admit that Aleczandyr is taking it a little too far, I would not say that the parents misspelled the name. Its their child, their decision.

2007-11-30 16:24:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 7

I 100% agree with you. I hate when people misspell their kids names to be different. It is still said the same way but people will always spell it wrong and it will just cause issues for the child. I also think it makes the parents look ignorant like they don't know how to spell. Are little Alexzandyr parents so dumb they don't know how to spell Alexander correctly? That's what I think when I see things like this. I think people should really think about how misspelling names will affect their children.

2007-12-01 03:10:15 · answer #2 · answered by bbwdys4 6 · 2 1

i think it's okay as long as it still looks like it would be pronounced the same. Afterall, spellings of names also change culturally, like the Russian spelling of Alexander, Aleksander (Aleczandyr is a bit out there, though). I don't think it really makes much difference if it's Britney or Brittany or if it's Joseph or Joseff, or something like that. But if someone's name is Jimmillee (like a guy i knew in High School) pronounced Jameel (not Jimmy lee), then it does get confusing. So i think giving unique names / spellings is fine, but,like with everything else, it should be done in moderation.

2007-11-30 16:48:48 · answer #3 · answered by Miss Understood 7 · 7 0

No kid asks to have that done. It's the parents' fault. There is a fine line between unique and stupid. Of course the parents wholeheartedly believe they are giving the child a unique name by butchering the spelling. Instead it reflects badly on them, not the kid, giving the impression that the parents are very young and/or on drugs. I feel sorry for any kid who has to go through life with a butchered name like that becasue I know exactly where they are coming from, having experienced that myself. Unless they get it legally changed when they are old enough, they will forever be correcting the spelling and pronunciation (yes, people will have trouble with that too) for teachers, doctors, employers, etc. all because their parents were trying to be cutesy and it backfired.

2007-11-30 18:20:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It is hard for some kids. There are so many variations of some names and then if someone spells their way wrong because it isn't the traditional spelling the kid gets all pissy about it. I say if you want to give your child uniqueness, use a name that is unique but easy to spell.

2007-11-30 17:46:37 · answer #5 · answered by Rizzel 2 · 3 1

What kills me is the way you have used the word spelled in the first part of your sentence, then in the last part you used spelt. The correct spelling is SPELLED!

I looked it in the online Webster's Dictionary. Old English, a spelt is a split piece of wood, or an ancient wheat with spikelets containing two light red grains.

2007-11-30 18:49:47 · answer #6 · answered by Lizzie 5 · 3 2

Ya I totally agree with you, I love the name Arabelle, It's original and I think it's spelt how it sounds. But you are right it sucks not to have your name on all the 'things.' Humm, interesing thought. I like original names but not normal names misspelled.

2007-11-30 17:22:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Parents misspell their kid's name or make things up because they think that the only way to make a kid unique is through their name.

For example, a Mary can't possibly be unique to them.

2007-12-01 05:35:04 · answer #8 · answered by Kate 3 · 4 0

Extremely spelled names really press my nerves. The other day on BabyCenter I came across an Elexzendryia, no lie. Alexandrya is one thing.. but completely insane spellings are another!

2007-11-30 19:44:49 · answer #9 · answered by TZ 3 · 4 0

i agree i have a funky name spelling its Klaire and just the k throw s everyone off they get this dazed and confused look on there face lolol i like being different but i agree my name is never on anything when i was younger everyone had those name plates on their bikes and i didn't lol i believe if u want to name your child something unique then do that for a middle name and have a nice strong name for a first so they arnt completely screwed for life

2007-11-30 17:12:42 · answer #10 · answered by Bookybell 4 · 2 2

I just feel bad for the kid. Not because they won't be able to find their name on bicycle vanity plates or Disney World key chains, but because they obviously have idiot parents.

It's a real shame. Tossing random letters into your child's name won't make them unique, it'll just confuse everyone else. If you want your child to be an individual, RAISE them to be an individual, the name has nothing to do with it. One of the most unique people I know is named David... an incredibly common name for an incredibly unique guy.

2007-11-30 20:01:59 · answer #11 · answered by Rachel B 5 · 3 2