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bobby socks

2007-11-30 14:33:40 · 10 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

10 answers

Bubblegum was the color of Char's freshly dyed hair. Since her hair turned white from all that worry leading up to the 50's Jitterbug Contest, she had tried Mango, Blueberry and Grape Drink colors. At this point, all of us old sorority sisters were grateful that her hair hadn't fallen out, leaving her as bald as a bedbug! There she stood, all five foot nothing, in her hot pink bobby socks and letting out her all too familiar Werewolf Whoop, as she dragged Buster Radomski onto the gymnasium floor. The crowd was stamping in the stands and the guy at the mic was trying to sing Rock Around the Clock, but no one could hear him. "Whoa!!, please settle down," he
yelled into the mic.
"This is he orneriest crowd I've ever played at, except for that Senior Oldie's Dance at Harvard Bean's School in Flushing," he continued. The band behind him all nodded their heads in agreement. "It is too hard to make gigs like this work, what with the blends between geriatric party-goers and what used to be called Rock and Roll. These old gals and geezers still act like they did when they were 17," said Silva Sabastiani, the retired ballroom dance champion and head judge for our little contest. "Yeah, last year at the Polka Hop, Louise Franzkowiak slipped on Homer Gzankowski's lost glass eye and tore through her support hose and her Depends undergarment," added Myrtle 'Sunshine' Mcgilligutty. I remembered that night and all I could say was, "Really!"
C. :)!!

2007-11-30 16:22:47 · answer #1 · answered by Charlie Kicksass 7 · 1 1

Bubblegum tastes best when made from a freshly killed jitterbug mixed with a lightly crushed bedbug. Or so I surmised as I forced the last of the crushed exoskeleton paste into my mixing machine. Alas, I only had bobby socks with which to mix the grim concoction.

It should have dawned upon me that I had accidentally made lycanthrop gum. No sooner did I come to the realization when in burst a werewolf to take it from me. Whoa! I never ran so fast from a place in my life.

Back to Harvard I skulked to undertake some additional research. Next time I shall know better what blends of bugs really make the best gum.

2007-11-30 14:55:13 · answer #2 · answered by oda315 4 · 1 0

I put some bubble gum on my jitterbug which turend out to be a bedbug that had been makin sweet love to my bobby socks. A werewolf walked in on him like Whoa!!,last time I seen this was in Harvard. So the werewolf blends up the really horny bedbug and eats him...... The ENd

2007-11-30 14:44:37 · answer #3 · answered by RiddleMeThis 2 · 1 0

hnmm there is no assure in humorous with me. yet here is going... Ooh how unusual! i presumed to myself as I stepped out in the night breeze. there became right into a actual sense of falseness in the way the individuals have been smiling at one yet another as they walked the streets. At very almost precisely, yet not truly an analogous, time each and every night I take a walk alongside the beachfront street. I even have made a monster-ous attempt recently to get the physique-appealing energetic and in shape. those little wanderings have been area of the entire element. i became into unquestionably not sure approximately getting gymnasium club, yet on condition that i became into turning out to be a blob i truly needed to unfold my techniques for exercising to maintain me inspired. i became into grim-ly reminded of ways getting out of shape could have a volatile result when I study the day gone by some woman of my very own age, yet 100pounds heavier, and addicted to quickly nutrition, died jointly as bending all the way down to %. up the newspaper from her front backyard. considered one of those tragedy in a youthful needed existence to ultimately grow to be a information merchandise, finally, in that way. Whoosh! hi! What th…..an in-line skater very almost knocked me over then, amidst my daydreams. I even have desperate the international is an exceptionally risky place. perhaps I’ll merely circulate homestead and characteristic something of the cream cake i offered, study the information and resume my well being tension….. the next day.

2016-10-09 23:37:17 · answer #4 · answered by prebor 4 · 0 0

The dance contest was scheduled to start in half an hour and John was still not back. Mary chomped her BUBBLEGUM in agitated nervousness. The first dance was the JITTERBUG. They had practiced it until they had it down perfect. She was as nervous as a BEDBUG on a mattress being laid out to sun.They had worked on their costumes together; Mary wore a black felt poodle shirt she had made with yards of colorful net petticoats underneath, a white blouse with the collar turned up, white BOBBY SOCKS with black suede penny loafers. With her hair tied up in a ponytail with a flowing silk scarf, she looked like she had just stepped out of 1959.

John had chosen to wear Levis with a cuff turned up at the ankle. He wore white crew socks with black leather loafers, and a white tee shirt. He had his hair well oiled and combed into a shinny ducktail. But his most prized accomplishment, which he had forgoten and gone back to get, was the black leather jacket with all the silver buckles. He had painted a picture of a werewolf riding a big Harley motorcycle on the back. Around the picture in flaming lettering was , "WEREWOLF Motorcycle Club."

Mary saw him the instant he entered and breathed a sigh of relief. WHOA! Did this look like the HARVARD graduate she had married?! If she didn't know better, she'd swear that John Travolta from the movie Grease had just walked in.

He joined her and bent to give her a light kiss on the tip of her nose. "Nervous?" he asked as he sat down beside her.

"A little," she smiled back. "I heard that an old group called The BLENDS was going to play tonight."

"REALLY?! Hmmm, I don't recall hearing about them. But that crazy, daddio!, he laughed.

"Groovy!" she grinned back.

2007-11-30 16:04:38 · answer #5 · answered by Ladybug II 6 · 1 0

'bubblegum' a jitterbug was walking with the love of her life,
a bedbug named 'bobby socks'.

bobby was wearing a jacket,
on the back there was the image of a werewolf,
with the exclamation 'Whoa!!' above it.
and below the words 'Harvard man', the movie.

'bubblegum' said "how do you like my scarf?"

bobby replies "it blends real well"

waking up,
I drive to work, on the side of my van, it says Exterminator.
Its a bugs life, really!

2007-11-30 14:59:19 · answer #6 · answered by Brad456 5 · 1 0

Bobbie Jo snapped her bubblegum nervously as she waited for her friends to arrive at the corner malt shop.

She was getting tired of the same old thing at the end of every school day. Share a Coke--dance the Jitterbug--swoon over the boys in the next booth--go home--do homework--go to bed.

"Blah, blah, blah!" she moaned as she blew a huge bubble that collapsed onto her face, leaving it a pink, sticky mess.

"Hey, who put a bedbug in your britches?"

It was her best pal, Nancy Sue Nerdlinger. Nancy Sue stood there in her best cashmere sweater, poodle skirt, bobby socks and saddle shoes. This was her usual attire, and that bored Bobbie Jo to tears also.

"Nancy Sue, we need some excitement around here! We need a vampire, or a teen-age werewolf or.....something. This place is so squaresville," she sighed.

"Whoa! Be careful what you ask for, Bobbie Jo," said Nancy Sue, looking around the malt shop furtively.

Just then, the boys at the next table (a bunch of Harvard frat boys looking for some fun) started to grow fur, long fangs and sharp toenails. They began howling and frothing at the mouth and jumped over the booth into the one where Bobbie Jo and Nancy Sue were sitting.

Bobbie Jo regarded the writhing pack of wild beasts slavering over her.

"You know, their fur blends really well with your cashmere, Nancy Sue", she remarked calmly.

"Really!" replied Nancy Sue. "Let's go over to your house and give them all make-overs. We could braid their fur, do their toenails...."

The girls happily left the malt shop with their new furry friends in tow....and were never heard from again.

2007-11-30 15:27:28 · answer #7 · answered by TexMel 4 · 2 0

BUBBLEGUM! its really nice. wonder if it would be as nice as a JITERBUG!, had a bad sleep had BEDBUGS! playing around with my feet so i went for those nice comfortable BOBBY SOCKS!.
locked the windows so i couln't hear those WEREWOLFS! always making out.WHOA!! cant believe that HARVARD accepted me i would really have to try and start begin a lady now make sure my nackup BLENDS in with what i will start wearing to my new school.should i REALLY! lolol i dont think so .hahaahah

2007-11-30 19:12:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Silva, Sarge, Matt, Sunshine and Miss Kitty

"The Army-Navy Game"


Miss Kitty:"Sunshine!!! Good GAWD!!!!! Stop blowing bubbles. You look like a moron!!"
Sunshine took out her (1) bubblegum but didn't know where to put it. All at once the Brigade of Midshipmen started marching on the field. Sunshine shreiked at the top of her lungs as she did a cheerleader's move that resembled a cross between the (2) jitterbug and the Northern Minnesota Medieval Norse Polka.
Miss Kitty slapped her forehead in disgust as Silva finsihed off another bottle of Merlot and Matt scarfed down a chilidog.
Sarge was busy photographing the magnificent spectacle on the field. Sunshine suddenly stopped dancing and stared at the splendid men and women in uniform taking the field. Her eyes filled with tears as she thought of her brother who had graduated from Navy in the class of '65. Matt put his arm around her and held her tenderly.
The crowd was cheering so loudly that no one could hear Miss Kitty screaming ....." OMG!!! What's on my ......hiney!!!"
Silva....in a drunken slur......."Who the hell cares??!! *hic*"
Sarge:"I think it may be a (3) bedbug."
Kitty:"You idiot!!! " She finally was able to rip the offending "thing" from her trousers." SUNSHINE??!!!!!!"
It was the bubblegum !!!!!
In a few moments the Corps of Cadets did their equally impressive March-On. By now Silva was "three sails to the wind." She took off her (4) bobby socks and hung them from her ears, screaming.....Goooooooooo NAWY! NABY! Uhhhhh
.......Oh yeah.....Goooooooo NANCY!!!!"
Miss Kitty stared at her, mouth agape......"NAVY, you plastered fool.....NAVY!!!!! Why in the hell is everyone in this group a numbskull??!!"
As if to further her point, Matt let out a howl that sounded like a (5) werewolf in heat. Miss Kitty jerked her head around just in time to see Sunshine throwing a blanket over her and Matt's laps!!!
Miss Kitty: " Do you EVER think about anything but groping Matt?!!"
At that moment the football teams took the field and Sunshine jumped up!!! Matt let out a gigantic groan and doubled over in pain!!
Silva:"(6) Whoa there Sunshine!! I think you just dislocated something on Matt! *hic*"
Sunshine was too mesmerized with the activity on the field to pay any attention.
A fellow with a (7) Harvard sweatshirt , seated fairly near SIlva and the gang, could be heard saying......."Who cares about this little game between these two insignificant colleges? I'm wearing the colors of an Ivy League School.....Therefore I AM COOL."
Sunshine:" YOU are a horse's ***....Therefore I shall KILL you!!!"
It took Sarge and two security guards to pry Sunshine off of the Harvad dude.
Silva, too drunk to help,was busy polishing her over-size sunglasses and waving to the tv cameras. Miss Kitty was still trying to remove the last of the bubble gum from her pants and Matt was applying an ice cold can of beer to ......... Matt was in a bit of discomfort.
When Sunshine had finally settled down, she returned to her seat...... "Ohhhhh, Matt....... I have a feeling I sort of hurt you....Huh?!"
Matt slowly looked up at her, through tear brimmed eyes......"Oh (10) REALLY??!! You figured that out all by yourself, did you?!"
When the Star Spangled Banner was being played, all 100, 000 people stood.....Well.....99, 999, actually....Matt was still unable to move.



2007-11-30 14:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 5 0

Me too!

2007-11-30 14:40:05 · answer #10 · answered by lonelioness 4 · 0 0

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