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Does the ipod (30GB) need initial charging when first bought? If so, how many hours should I charge it first?

Here's the problem. If it does need initial charging (with a certain number of hours different from the normal charging time), I can't do it now because I've already been using it and I didn't charge it (initial charging only) properly. The battery goes down REALLY fast. Is this the effect?

What am I supposed to do?! o_0
Please help.... I beg you guys

2007-11-30 13:00:16 · 1 answers · asked by jenn :] 2 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

1 answers

When you first buy it, YES, it'll need to be charged! The first time you charge it, let it charge for about 4 hours. Then every time after that, it'll just need to charge for like 45 mins.

Oh, it doesn't matter. I thought you just wanted to know if it needs to be charged or if it'll be ready to go. The fact that you didn't charge it when you first got it doesn't have any effect on it =D

The reason the battery goes down so fast is just because it takes a lot of energy to do the things that the iPod is supposed to do. Here's some hints:

Go to Settings > Brightness and turn the brightness level all the way down. Leaving it all the way up takes up a lot of the battery.

Go to Settings > Backlight Timer when you're listening to music. Click on 5 seconds. Leaving the backlight on all the time is such a big waste of battery!


2007-11-30 14:11:03 · answer #1 · answered by Me 7 · 0 0

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