Just put all the songs from your old iPod back onto a computer. This website tells you how to do it, NO downloading!
It's really easy. When you're done, just sync your new iPod with the library. Good luck!
2007-11-30 13:57:52
answer #1
answered by Me 7
First you must transfer all of the music from your old iPod onto iTunes. Once it is in iTunes you can transfer it to your new iPod.
Transferring iTunes Music:
>>> MAKE SURE that your iTunes is set to [MANUALLY MANAGE MUSIC] <<<
Method #1:
If ALL of your music was purchased from the iTunes Music Store then Apple has a step by step solution: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300173
Method #2:
Download iDump or any other similar software from download.com (for free).
Method #3:
[This method does not require third party software or an internet connection. This method will transfer ALL songs, photos and videos from iPod to computer; use Method #1 to transfer specific songs. Playlists will not transfer.]
> Connect iPod to computer.
> [Start]
> [My Computer]
> Double click [iPod drive]
> [Tools]
> [Folder Options]
> [View]
> Select [Show Hidden Files & Folders] and click [OK]
> Right click [iPod Control] folder.
> Select [Properties]
> Un-select [Hidden] and click [OK]
> Select [Apply Changes To This Folder, Subfolder And Files] and click [OK]
> Open [iPod Control] folder.
> Open [Music] folder.
> You will notice folders labeled F00, F01, F02, F03, F04, etc.
> Place iTunes side by side w/ this window. Make sure that [Music Library] is displayed.
> In iTunes select [Edit> Preferences> Advanced] and put a check next to:
- [Keep iTunes Music Folder Organized] &
- [Copy Files To iTunes Music Folder When Adding To Library]
> Click [OK]
> Drag and drop all of the [F] folders into the iTunes [Music Library]
> Done.
2007-11-30 20:43:03
answer #2
answered by T M 6
plug in your old ipod into your windows laptop, then, open my computer, find your ipod and right click on it, then click explore, then you have to go to a folder with all your songs in it, i don't know the the folders name though, it might even be in a sub folder, after you find it, then, select all the songs and copy them, after that copy them to your computer, unplug your old ipod and connect your new ipod, drag and drop all the songs into itunes, then sync them to your ipod
when you find the songs in your old ipod, you will not be able to see the original name of the songs, they will be in album like folders, copy all the folders to your computer, good luck
2007-11-30 20:31:25
answer #3
answered by ferarri1993 2
You can't if you no longer have them itunes you will have to redownload them into itunes. Once you plug the old one into yoru computer, it is going to delete them all since you have no songs in your itunes.
2007-11-30 20:19:22
answer #4
answered by strtat2 5