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No matter how much or little we are taxed in the US, spending is always out of control. We have increased the debt every year now for over a generation...meaning spending ALWASY exceeds revenues.

If half the people that put so much energy into how we are taxed put that same energy into the issue of federal spending, how we are taxes would be far less important.

This is a problem that crosses over both parties, as both up a pretty even share of Congress. Blaming one party or the other is not only unproductive, its denial. We need to have a movement that really puts a stop to this out of control spending or the US truly will go bankrupt in time.

2007-11-30 10:07:38 · 6 answers · asked by Marcello 2 in Politics & Government Government

6 answers

The reason we discuss tax issues is simple: That is what affects our lives.

2007-12-01 00:09:32 · answer #1 · answered by Landlord 91335 3 · 0 0

I have always wondered why they never had a lottery. Almost every state has one now days and no matter who wins the GOV gets a part of it. So why not have a big GOV lottery and people could buy into it and the GOV still gets to keep some of the winnings. Just like if it cam from the states. Until the drawing the money is setting there in a bank or someplace and once you win they will give you a choice lump or paid over so many yrs. No matter which way they still get to keep a large portion just for them because they are the GOV or your state. As long as the money is in the bank it is still drawing some % and over time the national debt would get paid. because we as Americans think we would be a big winner and we would be but also help pay the debt off. Or are there to many finger in the pot and they don't want to get dirty?

2007-11-30 10:21:33 · answer #2 · answered by Yogi 7 · 0 1

The Republican Party likes to create as much debt as possible so that there is no room for spending programs..

2007-11-30 12:36:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Very good point. It is only really discussed by the well off that want to pay less.

2007-11-30 10:12:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If they take less of my money I dont care how they spend it. Maybe they wouldnt need to spend as much on social programs and retirement for people iof they would let people keep more of their paycheck

2007-11-30 10:11:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

you my friend are right

2007-11-30 10:10:38 · answer #6 · answered by paulcondo 7 · 0 1