With what is Europe going to re-colonise us? Is it with the band of badly-educated, badly-informed, uncultured, uncouth weirdoes, with heads and minds filled with every chemical known to chemistry, that one see on the streets of Europe today?
Of course, they can also try and throw their ‘precision bombs’ here and there. But then bombing is not occupation or colonization, as the Iraqi resistances are gallantly proving! Or perhaps, the oxymoronic outfits they call intelligence agencies have gathered another ‘solid evidence’ that showed that some 3rd world are waiting with garlands of flowers to welcome new colonizers. Give me a break!
if we have to be colonized again we should, at least, be colonize by a more decent specimen of the human race, and not by the miscreants and the riff-raffs and the homophobes
that only Europe is capable of siring!
No one, especially not a European, is ever going to colonize me. And this is true for every ppl I know, aside from a few
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