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Dear reader
cow like

2007-11-28 16:24:43 · 8 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

8 answers

Farmer Bob reached down and picked up the note lying on the floor of the barn. He glanced around, curious to see from where it could have come. There were no other humans in his barn on this lonely stretch of prairie. Just livestock---cows, sheep and a few pigs.

"That's strange," he said to himself. Then he opened it.

"Dear reader," it began. "I have been watching you ever since I came here and have found you to be a sensitive and fair individual. I think it would be justifiable for me even to go so far as to say that I find you manly, strong and macho beyond compare.

"I have a confession to make. My heart has exploded with love for you. I have stared at you with cow-like adoration for hours on end, but you never have noticed me beyond the occasional, obligatory de-worming treatment or seasonal wool shearing. How much longer can my innocent devotion go unrequited?"

Yours forever,
Sheep #43567

Farmer Bob felt a chill run down his spine. Without thinking, he zipped up his coveralls in a reflex action to ward off the cold.

Then, looking down at the note still clutched in his rugged yet gentle hands, he unzipped his coveralls and stepped quietly into pen #43567.

2007-11-30 12:53:40 · answer #1 · answered by TexMel 4 · 1 0

Gimme another say half hour please. OK that was quicker than I thought...

Abby does it again! Her “Dear Reader” column in “M & B Weekly” has something for everybody. She shows such a flair for being sensitive, warm, caring and fair in her treatment of people. I just don’t know how she does it. She is simply a wonderful woman.

I find it perfectly justifiable to open up her articles to show my partner what Abby has to say when she is talking about relationships. I mean, my man is strong and macho but he needs to be taught to see the "inner woman" in him more. Hey! I mean the positive nurturing part of being a woman that should be generic to mankind! yes that bit. (His man-boobs are enough external evidence of the chromosome mix-up but I am talking in terms of his nature.)
I’m talking consideration and kindness and the fact that an arm round the shoulder does NOT always mean a woman wants sex! Get a grip men! (hmm I better be careful with what I say here because it could accidentally lead to a confession). So moving right along….

If the whole relationship exploded tomorrow I know I would be lost but Abby, with her words of truth and sensibility, would lead me cow-like into a new era of being me.
Maybe if I could go back to being innocent again and re-start my life it would make a difference.

I could sit hear all day and muse about the “what ifs” but I have things to do…starting with opening the “zipped” section of my “M & B Weekly” Oh my God! Is THAT Fabio?! Looking good brother woo hoo!

2007-11-30 17:14:55 · answer #2 · answered by *Jellz* 6 · 2 0

Once upon a time dear reader a sensitive and fair ogre lived in the forest. Any passing stranger not having a justifiable reason for disturbing him was slain. One day a strong and macho maiden heard him making his confession to the trees and exploded in laughter. "What does a cow like if not some innocent grass" he told the tree and then he zipped up his pants.

2007-11-29 04:22:45 · answer #3 · answered by Form F 4 · 2 0

I really hope this doesn't offend anybody and you didn't say it had to be humorous. So, here goes and please forgive me.

DEAR READER, I am going to approach a SENSITIVE subject here and I want to be FAIR. Is it JUSTIFIABLE, the STRONG feelings of racism some of us feel today? Is it really MACHO to discriminate against our brother or sister? What does 'macho' really mean? It is a Spanish word with many meanings and was adopted into English in 1959. If you look it up in a Spanish to English dictionary you will find one of the definitions, 'male animal, stubborn, mule-like'. I will make a CONFESSION here. When I watched as the World Trade Centers EXPLODED into flame and rubble, I felt hatred in my heart for another race for the first time in my life. COW LIKE, I followed where I was led in my mis-guided hatred. I no longer hate the people as a race but focus that hatred on Ben Laden and the Al Quaida. So, I am not INNOCENT of racism myself. I have felt it and worked through it. I know that some of you are going to think I should have kept my lip ZIPPED but Silva opened the door and I sneaked through.

2007-11-29 06:58:28 · answer #4 · answered by Ladybug II 6 · 6 0

Dear reader...I am a sensitive man who is fair in practice and justifiable in means, morally strong but not macho, and I have a confession to make: my mind exploded when I witnessed a cow-like race of innocent aliens dancing around in my urine until I zipped my pants up and walked away.

Am I an addict?

2007-11-29 00:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by John Doe 3 · 2 0

dear reader,
i am a sensitive and fair person. what i did was justifiable. i was dating this man. you see he was a strong and very macho man. here is my confession. we were fighting. i can't even remember about what now. but he hit me and i exploded. you could say even cow like. one thing led to another and now i'm not as innocent as i use to be. i have murder on my record. as they zipped up the body bag all i could think of was "the time finally came"

how's that?

2007-11-29 00:36:47 · answer #6 · answered by ask and i might tell..... 1 · 1 0


As you know, I have written many editorials SENSITIVE to minority issues. But to be FAIR, many recent complaints made to me by mostly men but also some women seem JUSTIFIABLE. It now seems to be politically correct to label anyone with a STRONG opinion, man or woman, as a Neaderthal, regardless of the opinion. MACHO men are out, as are strong woman. It seems if a person has not yet made a teary eyed CONFESSION of their many faults, they are obviously insensitive brutes who should be shunned by society.

This attitude has EXPLODED in recent years. It seems like society wants everyone to be COW LIKE, easily prodded into following the herd. This has led to a proliferation of politicians and oher leaders afraid to take a stand on anything lest they be labeled as insensitive to this group or that. Their desire to appear INNOCENT of any bias overwhelming society's need for leaders who actually try to lead. Many politicians choose to keep their lip ZIPPED rather than take a stand assuming that doing so is the safest way to insure their incumbancy.

I for one find it refreshing to see anyone take a stand on anything. At least then I know what they stand for. I may not agree with it, but the fact that they state their belief gives me a chance to decide whether to follow them or oppose them. Today's prototype politician seems to have no firm opinion on anything, their opinion varying with the crowd they are addressing. Thus they cannot lead anyone.

(The opinions expressed in this editorial may not represent the opinions of the management).

2007-11-29 13:34:18 · answer #7 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 3 0

Silva, Sarge, Matt, Sunshine and Miss Kitty

"The Army-Navy Game"

As Sunshine pulled into the parking lot in Baltimore, everyone in the back seat was still trying to untangle from each other!
Sunshine turned to Matt, who was seated next to her in the front seat...(1)"Dear? Read 'er rights to her....You know the law."
Matt smiled and told Kitty to simmer down....."No laws have been broken. You are being far too (2) sensitive."
Kitty:"YEAH?! Well I think my shoulder and two ribs may be broken!!!! That adds up to a (3) fair case for a lawsuit."
Sarge:" Uhhhh, Kitty. That's not a (4) justifiable reason to sue your friend."
Kitty glared at Sarge and screamed:"FRIEND?! You think she's my FRIEND?!" She gave him a (5) strong elbow to the stomach. Sarge, not feeling as (6) macho as he would have liked, slid back in his seat, cowered in the corner and rubbed his sore stomach.
Silva who had remained quiet finally blurted out: "Okay....Everybody SHUT UP!!! Sunshine? Did you REALLY give the ticket guy a bottle of my $1,800 Merlot?!
It's (7) confession time."
Sunshine gathered her purse,flask, and seat cushion....." Can we PLEASE discuss this AFTER the game? Come on. We need to hurry. I don't want to miss the March-On."
Just then one of Army's end-zone cannons accidentally went off. The loud boom sounded as though a bomb had (8) exploded.
Kitty jumped very high and started running in a (9) cow like fashion.
Sunshine laughed so hard that people began to stare. Soon, they too, were laughing at Kitty.
When a very embarassed Miss Kitty returned to the group, Sunshine started whistling "Anchors Aweigh" and shuffled her feet back and forth.
Kitty:" You pathetic, moronic Neanderthal !!! Don't adopt that (10) innocent look with me!!!!"
Sarge, who had previously (11) zipped his mouth, finally re-found his courage....."Miss Kitty? We're going to the game WITH or withOUT you. FORWARD>>>>>MARRRRRRRCH!"
Silva snapped to attention.
Matt threw his arm around Sunshine and hugged her tightly.
Sunshine began singing at the top of her lungs:

♫ " There's an aggregation known throughout the country. Always ready for a problem or a fray. From their high and mighty station they are known throughout the nation as the boys from down on Crabtown on the bay♫"

And Miss Kitty? Well Miss Kitty took out her bottle of Randy Scouse Git Rotgut from her bustle...... After a LONNNNNG sip she could be heard singing along with Sunshine:

"Each year they sally-forth to face the Army. And they turn the Army mule into a lamb.........♫ "



2007-11-29 19:45:39 · answer #8 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 7 0

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