2007-11-28 15:26:11
answer #1
answered by LovesToCook 3
According to the Ancient Vedas, which are the original "How To." Books, which came with the material creation, and given By God. It says that every living being is an eternal spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, Rama, etc.) That the soul never is born nor dies. Only these bodies are born and die. Due to envying Gods position we fall to this material world. In the eternal kingdom there is only pure cooperation and God gives us free will, so He created the material universe for those who want to live separate from Him. When one has gone through many lifetimes trying be happy here and becomes exhausted and bored, they then question there existence. When one becomes intelligent they take up the process to Return Home also known as Bhakti yoga(not some stretching or breathing exercises) For info on this Read The Science of Self Realization by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada and go to harekrishnatemple.com As far a the creation of these bodies into this world. The first created Living Being lord Brahma (Not God but an empowered servant of God)then creates all living beings. (Every soul is already existing but they are then taking so called birth within this material creation. Darwin theory was incorrect. It is evolution of the soul within this world coming to consciousness. Not that bodies evolve. One must understand Karma and Reincarnation to understand this Universal wisdom. It is all written in the above mentioned book. Thanks.
2007-11-28 23:43:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's possible that we were created by some kind of "God", however, most if not all of the evidence points instead to millions of years of evolution.
Miss Cornicopia - You clearly do not know what a fact is.
grd_jck - Yet another person who does not understand evolution. The evolution of one species does not insist upon the extinction of the species it evolves from. You may as well ask, if I came from my parents, why are they still alive?
peilthetraveler - Your own ignorance about science does not equate to proof of creationism. I guess molecules don't form from atoms either, then, do they? Because things can only break down, right?
2007-11-28 23:30:10
answer #3
answered by Master Maverick 6
The human race came about by evolution, though that's not so much my opinion as it is established fact. Of course if one believes in a god then there is no reason why he could not have used evolution as his means of creation.
2007-11-28 23:30:06
answer #4
answered by R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution 7
Even if it was evolution, everything had to start somewhere. There had to be some beginning. You cant get something from nothing. This would also bring into question where God came from. Quite Frankly, I have no freaking idea and neither does anyone else on this planet. My best guess is that there has to be a God, so I think he made us... or at least guided evolution in that direction or something. No one will ever know.
2007-11-28 23:28:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Evolution happens, and I'm pretty sure humans as we are didn't just appear.
The reason we aren't still changing (much) is because through modern society we've eliminated the whole 'survival of the fittest' aspect that makes evolution so darn effective.
And primates is a vague term. Humans didn't evolve from modern primates (gorrillas, chimps, monkeys, etc.) Modern primates and humans evolved from the same common ancestors. Those aren't around anymore, and the other forms of primates are just alternate evolutionary routes.
But that's just the scientific view. In reality? Flying Spaghetti Monster.
2007-11-28 23:32:47
answer #6
answered by Djinn 2
I really don't know how humans were 'created'. I am feeling like I should say God created us, but I am really not sure, and I really don't care. The point is that we're here, and everyone should stop arguing about it, because unless we have a time machine that can go back to when humans were created, we will never know for sure.
2007-11-28 23:30:07
answer #7
answered by pianoman_twentyoseven 2
i believe that the human race started from other planets using earth as a prison to keep their outlaws from screwing up their home planet. this would explain why we have 5 different races on earth. I'm agnostic so i don't buy the creation aspect of us being here. an evolution just doesn't cover enough of our evolution sound weird, well so does an entity that no one has ever seen who creates all that is here but never shows us he, or it is real, we must believe .
2007-11-28 23:35:21
answer #8
answered by als been a dad 3 times 2
Well you are going to get about 50 50 on this so what is your opinion.Is your mind already made up in advance ? If you don't have an opinion ,how can you pick the best answer? Or will you let this go into voting,which happens a lot on this subject. Oh, by the way, i believe in a Creator.
2007-11-29 01:38:10
answer #9
answered by ROBERT P 7
I'm not really sure about everything...There always comes a point in time when I Think.."How was the world made, It can't just pop out of nowhere."
And I Think the same thing about everything.Because It can't have been there forever.Something had to start Everything.
But I Believe that god started it..But then what created him if he created us?
and who was the person that made him...Made of??
2007-11-28 23:28:45
answer #10
answered by ? 3
God created us and here is the proof. First of all Evolutionist will tell you that we came from monkeys and monkeys came from fish and fish came from whatever else, but they will go back and back until they tell you that a protien merged with something else and formed the basics for life and then that thing form something and so on until you got single celled organisms. But just look around. There is so much evidence that life just doesnt work like that. Everything gets broken down over time, it doesnt build up like the evolutionists say. Look at animals. They die, they decompose. Look at plants...same thing...they die and decompose. Then look at rocks. Over time...they erode and so does everything.
It all started when Adam ate the forbidden fruit. God said that if they eat the fruit they will die. Thats when they were kicked out of Eden and where the world now dies everyday and so does everything in it. We now live in a fallen creation and everything returns to dust now.
2007-11-28 23:36:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous