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Is it fake or real? Or is it like half fake. The storylines seem very fake but the fighting and stuff sometimes seem real like when they jump on top of each other? Please clarify this for me?

2007-11-28 14:32:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Wrestling

13 answers

Some of the stuff is pretty real, like the chest slap, but most other stuffs isnt. The wrestlers are really at making us believe they hit hard when in reality they're not really themself very hard. But you certainly need to be a tough guy to jump from the top rope and land on your back. Being a wrestler is a not a walk in the park.

2007-11-28 14:56:27 · answer #1 · answered by Kaynos 5 · 1 0

It isn't fake at all not even half fake. It is all scripted. The storylines arn't usually real and the fighting is scripted for the most part (don't get me wrong it still hurts). When they fall off a ladder and crash through a table, they really fall off a ladder and crash through a table. When they land in tacks, they really land in tacks (untouched tacks I might add). As you can see it is no where near fake but like I said it is scripted. I find it disrespectful and ignorant when people call it fake because it seems like they don't appreciate what the stars are doing.

2007-11-28 22:41:31 · answer #2 · answered by Military Chick 4 · 2 0

Wrestling is in no way fake, it's staged violence. I call it "The Soap Opera For Guys" because it has lots of action, storylines & drama, faces & heels, & so on. They are taught how to hit & fall as to minimize injury to themselves, or their opponents, although they do sometimes get injured, or worse. HHH's knee (both times) was a real injury, Stone Cold's neck was a real injury, Candice's collar bone was real. Sometimes they can be "injured" but be totally fine, like if tthe wrestler just wants time off for whatever reason they have. The wrestlers, announcers, refferees, & a lot of other back stage help all know what's going to happen for the most part in a match, I'll give an example. In the Hell in a Cell match between Undertaker & Mankind, Mankind was supposed to be thrown off the top of the cage, that was planned, & he was supposed to be chokeslamed on the roof, but not threw it. You will never in your life see a trainer run that fast to the ring. As far as weapons go, you can't fake getting hit with a chair, or going threw a table, or landing in tacks. They do get hit with chairs & so on, but they don't take as much damage from it as we're lead to believe. Does it still hurt? Yes, of course it does. But, does that mean they got hit with full power & didn't see it coming? No. The trash cans are especially made from a thinner metal so it hurts less, you can't fake falling off a ladder, you can land the right way or the wrong way, but either way you still, the tacks sharp points have been cut off so they don't stab as far in as they normally would, & the tables have a few of their supports taken off so they don't get sliced open. (Hardcore Holly got sliced open because he & RVD didn't fall right threw the table.), & the blood is real, (or at least it was for a while.) they'd cut themsleves open with a very small razor hidden either in the apron or somewhere on their body, & they'd take Asprin (a blood thinner) so it makes them appear to bleed more. So, to answer your question, is wrestling fake, no, it's staged violence. But, it's exactly what you said, a story.

2007-11-28 23:06:03 · answer #3 · answered by Crow 3 · 0 1

I have answered this question before as follows:
yeah, it is fake in the sense that they plan how the match is going to end and who will be champ and how long and all of the storylines, but you can't plan for everything. the wrestlers can always do something slightly wrong and that changes everything. the main thing that they can't plan for is an injury. who knew that doing a spinebuster would blow out your knee (hhh), and getting a headscissors by rey mysterio would cause his knee brace to bust open your head (matt hardy), or falling backward through a table would have the metal frame slice open your back (hardcore holly). that is the real stuff.

2007-11-28 22:46:42 · answer #4 · answered by tygreen77 3 · 1 0

I think AJ Styles fan gave a great answer on that. There is not much more to add.
But for the other comment about the blood being fake ... In most cases it is real blood, the wrestler blade their forehead slightly so that it will bleed.

2007-11-28 22:44:55 · answer #5 · answered by komets.geo 7 · 2 0

Hey, I Watch all kinds of Wrestling, like AAA(Mexico) it does look fake, don't worry about it, just watch it, live it, and entertain your self. This is a question that you and only you can answer, no body else, if you see all this answer-all of them are kind of the same but at the same time there different, and i think that the only way to find this answer is just see it, or live it, like the wrestlers,

2007-11-29 00:17:13 · answer #6 · answered by Elly d' Cena 2 · 0 0

its PREDETERMINED! The match's results are determined before the match. As for the wrestling moves, some punches and kicks are fake but the rest is real. The falling off the top rope, going to tables, getting hit by chairs, etc. The injures (when people are out for a certain amount of time) are real. EX: HHH, John Cena, Edge, etc.

2007-11-28 22:39:49 · answer #7 · answered by Aries 7 · 1 3

WWE = World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. It's not a sport.

According to their mission statement, the WWE's business focus is on professional wrestling, a simulated sport and performing art which combines wrestling with theater.

They disclosed in their public offering that, "We (WWE) develop compelling episodic content anchored by our Superstars for television and digital media distribution." in laymans terms they write scripts and they have wrestlers act them out show after show.

2007-11-29 00:11:57 · answer #8 · answered by [z]ther 5 · 0 0

The storylines, finishes, and drama during the show are preplanned. The moves still hurt, but are done so that you are not criticaly injured. The wrestlers are still athletes and have to take terrible bumps and injuries.

2007-11-28 22:36:27 · answer #9 · answered by Urijah Faber fan 4 · 7 1

all is fake but the moves hurt but not that bad (like say u'd get hit by a chair if it was real u would have bleeding in ur brain but when its fake they just would get hurt but no bruise or anything.

okay say they have a big match where they are bleeding the next day they are fine!

2007-11-28 22:43:19 · answer #10 · answered by That Guy 3 · 0 3

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