I hope she can be charged with stalking because that's precisely what she did. What a pathetic woman.
Edit: This is not girls being girls. This is the result of an emotionally immature and bored adult woman who was so wrapped up in her daughter's life that she had no life of her own. I will also say that I was more mature at the age of 14 than this woman is. I learned early on not to gossip about other people or get overly involved in their lives. If people say bad things about my daughters, then let them. I know I can't make everybody like them and it's a waste of time and effort to even try. Part of the experience of growing up is realizing that not everybody is going to like you and being able to deal with it without getting too emotionally involved.
2007-11-28 14:52:20
answer #1
answered by RoVale 7
Lori Drew needs to be made an example of for what she done to this poor upset child...but apparently, by their state laws she has broken none....in my opinion this should be considered a form of child abuse...the object of these head games were to cause this little girl emotional suffering ..and they achieved it...it wasn't a joke and it wasn't to find out if something was being said about her daughter...or they wouldn't have chosen a "josh evans" to woo this girl...they knew this girls weaknesses and they used it against her ..they knew this would cause her the most pain......how this isn't considered abuse is beyond me.....
...since the law seems powerless to do anything..the best thing the community could do for Megan and her parents to show their support is to ostracizes this family....which I believe is happening now....and the Meiers need to file a civil suit and sue them for everything they have got and will have.....Lori Drew's daughter needs to see what her mother did was very wrong and that there is repercussions to this type of behavior so she will not grow up and be the same way...sweeping this under the rug or letting it go for her sake will do no good...all it will do is show her you can be mean and cruel in this manner and get away with it.....
...this story has struck a nerve with me..I have seen many say what this woman did was petty..but she didn't cause this girl to kill herself....but I disagree... I know from my own personal experiences that it only takes one person to make a difference..after a really horrible episode in my life when I was young...I suffered greatly and thought many times of doing away with myself ...came very close a couple of times....and along came this wonder person who helped me..they didn't know they were...and I got past the rough spot..and I am here today sound and well..if it hadn't been for this person..my life probably would have ended early on.. before I ever had a chance to really live.. like Megan...at that time if a person like Lori Drew had came along with her antics I am pretty sure I wouldn't be here today... .....sorry to have went on so ..I have just felt sick since reading about this ....
2007-11-29 03:48:36
answer #2
answered by LeftField360 5
That beats all! The mother, as an adult, should be charged with harassment and contributing to the delinquency of minors for her role in all that, although it'll probably never happen. But for the sake of the dead girl's memory, I hope from now on, none of the offenders ever meet a friendly person in their hometown.
2007-11-29 01:08:29
answer #3
answered by CharJ, 6
This is girls being girls. Females are mean to each other in so many ways. If women ruled the world would the world be at peace? yes because humans would have killed each other off 10000 years ago.
The parents of the girl what died should sue the others out of house and home.
2007-11-28 22:45:10
answer #4
answered by jmack 5
In this case, it is torture that leads to another person's death. That she kicked the stool herself does not absolve the women and her daughter of Megan's death. They emotionally toyed with her, robbed her of her dignity and humanity and threw her on the trash heap. Even before the act, Megan was already spiritually dead.
Really, what happened to human compassion and consideration. Megan was just a kid. Couldn't the adults around her have been more supportive and generous instead of selfish, self-absorbed and cruel?
2007-11-28 22:36:56
answer #5
answered by pepper 6
god, that's awful.
the times they are a-changin'.
2007-11-28 22:09:34
answer #6
answered by We Hope That You Choke 5