Because denial is really, really hard.
Think about it....
They have no REAL platform BUT they disagree with conservatives. So, rather than dialog, you know, like adults, they resort to name calling, threats, and slanderous media blitzes.
Must be a frustrating place to be in.
2007-11-28 08:08:49
answer #1
answered by MrOrph 6
Both parties act the same because they can use the bad things that happen against the other party in power. Its an old political game. And so called liberals and conservatives are equal in wishing bad things to happen to one another.
2007-11-28 16:24:00
answer #2
answered by Robert S 5
Of course liberals thrive off of bad news -- it's their time honored way of finding victims that can be used as examples for why big, biG, bIG, BIG, BIGGER government should happen.
Want examples? In my home state of Minnesota -- when the I-35 bridge collapsed in downtown Minneapolis -- there was a major call for greatly increased federal and Minnesota state spending (by Democrats of course) -- yet, truly it isn't a matter that enough spending on infrastructure is being's a matter that the funding is being seriously misspent on earmarked projects.
How many liberals do you know that truly WANT things to go well for our troops in Iraq and elsewhere? Most (not all liberals) don't want this to happen because that might mean that our reasons for being there might be quite a bit more correct than recently thought.
It's all about taking tough/difficult situations and increasing their power through handouts, socialist policy to ensure future election viability.
I've found very few liberals who enjoy and celebrate good news - those who find personal and societal satisfaction in living in the best country (certainly not perfect) in the world.
We should all be so much more grateful(and less entitled) for what we are able to enjoy.
2007-11-28 16:18:41
answer #3
answered by spicymnguy 5
Just because conservatives seem able to paint their sky a friendly, pretty color and pretend that a) we're not pointlessly pouring money we don't have down a sinkhole in Iraq, indebting ourselves to the Chinese for generations to come; b) global warming isn't happening; b) that you really CAN get a $400,000 mortgage for $500 a month because the little dancing icon on the Web ad is cute; d) that we're not running out of oil worldwide and that it's still A-OK to buy that giant SUV; and e) we don't need any regulation of business by the government, because a little heavy metal in your imported fish and some lead in your children's toys never hurt anybody doesn't mean that "liberals" are wishing for bad things to happen.
2007-11-28 16:04:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Considering the jokes I heard concerning Bill Clinton in the '90's, I think conservatives would have been pretty happy if something bad were to have happened to him.
I dislike Bush, I disagree with his policies, but he's fine as a person. I'd be willing to greet him, shake his hand, and tell him to his face that I don't like his policies and don't like the way he and the Religious Right have twisted Christianity to suit certain political objectives.
But I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
When all the stuff was happening on 9/11, I was hoping that he would be able to find cover, then get back to Washington safely. I strongly disagree with his political moves following 9/11, but I mean, he's my president. I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
"Shootem"--wrong, JFK was not like today's GOP. Many of the social programs passed under Johnson were first JFK's initiatives.
2007-11-28 16:35:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think you are listening to too much talk radio, or spending too much time on this forum or hanging out with too many pessimists or maybe doing all three of these things.
Liberals are not wishing for bad things to happen. The Democrats are pretty sure at this point that they will win the presidency in 2008, and if there is a cataclysmic event such as a terror strike in the US, the Republicans would be more likely to win. So it is actually illogical for Democrats (or liberals if you prefer) to wish for bad things to happen.
2007-11-28 16:01:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, some cliches are a good place to start:
"Cutting off the nose to spite the face"
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
First, I should say that leftists who are educated about Islam, turn out to loath Islam even more than conservatives because Islam, once properly understood, is the farthest nightmare extreme of the right-wing.
Problem is, most leftists are entirely ignorant about Islam, and instead, imagine Islamists to be anti-corporate paladins which heroically compliment the leftist agenda. Put it another way, leftists envision Islamists like the "fremin" from "Dune".
Of course the reality is, Islam is the greatest threat to humanity in existence. Almost all armed conflict worldwide is Islamic, and the spread of Islami literally strips feminity out of the world like locusts in a wheat field, leaving a homo-sexual grey, where men spend most of their time with men.
2007-11-28 16:40:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
An interesting question
The answer is that they are invested in defeat. Bad news for the USA is good news to liberals. Even to this day they still gloat over helping Communism win in Vietnam
But the American people are wise to their tricks now. We will not be fooled again by their treachery.
Vote GOP in 2008!
2007-11-28 16:18:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Ah yes the conservatives would and have. Aren't you glad to live in a country where even the most ridiulous thought can be put out there to be heard.
2007-11-28 16:09:54
answer #9
answered by gone 7
what party has been in when the assasination attempts have been made? I believe Ford was not a democrat, I know Reagan was no longer a dem. because all dems hate his guts, Bush Sr? another GOP,,,,,,,,Since JFK, it seems the dems have had the loony assasins (and in some ways, JFK seems like todays GOP) So, from what I see in my lifetime, the democrats have such a hunger for control that they hit the lunatic fringe ---and arent they for gun control???
2007-11-28 16:13:16
answer #10
answered by Shoot-em-All 4