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Alright, last year for my 13th birthday, I got a rabbitt. The rabbitt got really mean and bit hard a lot and it was getting diffucult to clean its cage. One day it bit me good and I had had enough so I gave it to my lil brother. This year for christmas, I want a small pet that I can hold and that doesnt need much work. My mom says I cant have a bird, I know I cant have a dog or cat, and a rabbit is out of the picture too. PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-11-27 12:03:27 · 30 answers · asked by GBT 1 in Pets Other - Pets

30 answers

you can get a mouse, they're pretty easy to take care of

2007-11-27 12:07:41 · answer #1 · answered by chris b 1 · 0 2

The best pet is a Duck, yes a duck, it may seem strange but here are resons to do so......................................

1.) a duck isnt hard to take care of and are cute and sweet. If you have a fenced in yard or cage its great. a breed that doesnt fly and can handle cold weather is a Pekin duck.

2.) a duck is very good with kids and DONT BITE and love people. They will follow and are cleaner than alot of animals and come to you.

3.) a duck doent cost much and not much to feed. They are from $2-$5 so not expensive and the feed is cracked cornwhich is 8 dollars for a 50 lb bag. Start off with chick starter for 4 weeks untill 4 weeks old then do the cracked corn.

4.) The breed Pekin cant fly and if you have a fenced in yard or area around it cant fly out. For 7 or 8 bucks you can buy a kiddy pool. they love water. or a pond if u got one.

5.) They can live a long time up to 22 years. So they will grow up with you.

6.) If you get one you should get 2 so its not lonely and if you get them when babies they will follow you around from baby to adult. Even go to a rescue around to save a couple

Those are my 3 pekin ducks the back left is WADDLESWORTH he is a male, the back right is KAYA she is a female who I rescued, and the one with black spots on bill is LAYLAH siter of kaya

2007-11-27 21:18:46 · answer #2 · answered by ILoveKlausMichaelson<3 5 · 0 0

Don't get a bird! Birds are alot a hassle! They also need to be trained by the owner. I would not go with a bird if you want an "easy" pet!

Some one suggested getting a ferret...DO NOT get a ferret!!! Ferrets are amazing...I have one...but she is so buch work! She needs to always be played with. And they need to run around. You have to train ferrets. They are animals that need to have a lot of time invested in them...sorta like house rabbits!!!

Perhaps,y ou should get something like a hamster or a lizard.

Or maybe a guinea pig if you are willing to put sometime in to it.

I have a guinea pig and he is wonderful. You have to clean them out a few times a week and makes sure they always have food and water. But, they don't need constant attention. Although you do need to play with them and they love being scratched.

But, you are not willing to put any time in to training, cleaning, playing with, giving attention to, etc....you really shouldn't have a pet like a guinea pig, bird, ferret, cat, dog or such. They all need some love! If you don't want to invest so much...just get a fish!

2007-11-27 20:09:25 · answer #3 · answered by KaitMarie. 2 · 0 0

You really shouldnt get a pet if you couldnt handle a rabbit. You should wait until you mature a little bit more. For now get a virtual pet.

By the way no pet doesnt need much work except those creepy robot breathing dogs and cats

2007-11-27 20:08:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Leopard geckos are cool. They are neat to watch and you can hold them and they won't try to get away. They are super easy to care for. They only need crickets and those are cheap. See my 360 page for my sons.
They also shed their skin and they eat it. I posted a video of it on youtube. All you need is an aquarium, a heat lamp, a rock and some sand or grass that they sell at the pet store. Also something for it to hide in. We use a paper towel (empty) roll.

The don't bite!!

2007-11-27 20:09:02 · answer #5 · answered by FL Sunshine 5 · 0 0

If you can not commit to take care of an animal long term, you should NOT have one. Pets need to be like part of the family and not passed around as if they were a pack of chewing Gum! You shouldn't get an animal unless you plan to take care of it for it's whole life. This means researching how long the pet lives, how to train it, how to take care of it, what is best for it to eat, what type of house does it need, ...etc....

Get a pet rock until you can commit to an animal for it's whole life.

2007-11-27 20:09:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

some of these suggestions are not good
Turtles are alot of work and upkeep is very expensive, you cant just throw them into a bowl. they need special light, filtration and different foods
Ferret is more work then a dog or cat combined, they need to be trained and have at least 3 hours of exercise time out of their cage everyday SUPERVISED
Birds are hard to take care of because they are flock animals and need attention too. they can be noisey as well


2007-11-27 20:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by Ajaxnl 5 · 1 0

Pets are not a good gift.They are lives aren't toys.They need love,respect about their nature and stay well, clean and they need a good vet too.If you aren't ready for this responsibility,change idea about your gift Christmas!!!
I have 2 rabbits,1 cat and 3 lovebirds they are members of our family.

2007-11-27 20:13:29 · answer #8 · answered by Papillon 7 · 1 0

All pets need work, but I suggest getting some kind of lizard or reptile, because they tolerate being held and don't require a lot of attention. Birds are social animals and need a lot of attention, and shouldn't be a lone animal anyway. Dogs and cats need a lot of work plus vet care, shots, etc. Please, if you get a reptile, do your reading and make sure it gets proper care, light, food, etc because without proper husbandry they can get sick.

2007-11-27 20:10:32 · answer #9 · answered by Dig It 6 · 1 0

A pet rock!

Seriously, the fish suggestion was good. Fish do not take much work, and you can get them to be friendly. My uncle has one fish that comes up to be fed and will eat out of your hand. It also will follow your finger around the tank. Fish would be great.

2007-11-27 20:07:28 · answer #10 · answered by McDudette 3 · 2 0

DO NOT GET A GUNIE PIG! Get a Turtle, there fun to watch, can play with, don't bite hard, and are easy to clean the pigs are hard to clean alot of money

2007-11-27 20:09:35 · answer #11 · answered by Dennis 2 · 0 0

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