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mason jar
time machine

2007-11-27 10:11:01 · 8 answers · asked by Silva 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

8 answers

My RAMSHACKLE apartment with the CREAKY wooden door, is not a place you will find anything of value. I would be SURPRISED to find anything worth more than $5.00 anywhere in the place. My ex now has everything of value I ever owned. The only thing of any value I got to keep was the huge MASON JAR I threw my loose change in to everyday when I got home from work. The $1800 in there helped me get this apartment and fed me for a while. Oh, and she also let me keep the pink PARASOL I won at the county fair last summer, and a picture of me sitting on a MULE during our trip to the Grand Canyon. It was taken the day she told me she wanted a divorce. I think she just wanted to make sure I never forget that day.

Sometimes I wish I had a TIME MACHINE. I would go back to that day and place. One little shove would be all it would take and she would be dropping 2200 feet to canyon floor, a suprised look on her face, yelling NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Of course I don't have a time machine, or if I did, she has it now. You can bet that if I ever get in a relationship again, there will be no trips to the the Grand Canyon. As I am reminded everyday, I look stupid on a mule anyway.

2007-11-28 01:08:47 · answer #1 · answered by ghouly05 7 · 1 0

This is based on a real experience. Only the facts have been grossly exaggerated for the humorous effect.

Hubby and I happily departed on what we thought would be our 'dream second honeymoon'. We had rented a picturesque log cabin in the mountains beside a beautiful lake. It even came with a boat and stables for our use. Total privacy was promised; We were looking forward to swimming, boating, and riding. We could hardly wait.

Upon arriving, we stared in abject shock at our 'picturesque' cabin. In it's place stood a RAMSHACKLE old shack that had definitely seen better days and was in danger of falling down now. Cautiously we stepped upon the CREAKY front porch. Maybe it was better on the inside. But, no, it looked just as bad on the inside, if not worse. A thick layer of dust cover everything with little animal tracks of God only knows what kind. I opened a sagging door and stared in SURPRISED shock at the 'fully equiped indoor facilities'. There stood a large MASON JAR and an old wooden wash tub straight out of the 1800s! A PARASOL was leaning against the wall with a printed sign above it. "Use in case of rain". I looked up and, sure enough, there was no roof over the 'fully equiped facilities'!

I stepped back into the single room that served as everything. The kitchen was a wood burning stove, a rickedy old table with 2 rope bottom chairs. The bedroom was a home-made wooden frame with rope stretched across it and topped with a stained and torn cotton mattress. I almost stumbled back outside in disapointment.

Hubby pointed out a lean-to off to the left. "That must be the stables," he commented as we headed that way. Inside, we found one stall occupied by one old sway-backed grey MULE. She brayed loudly on seeing us. The beautiful lake turned out to be a staggant pond of green scum and the one boat I wouldn't have trusted to float in a bathtub!

This whole place had an eerie TIME MACHINE quality. I just wanted to get back to civilization. Now I understood the unbelievable low price of $22.00 a day. We had shelled out $154.00 for a whole week. Our dream holiday had turned into a nightmare. But it was money well spent for the lesson we learned. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Would I do it again? NOOOOOOOO!!

2007-11-27 10:25:22 · answer #2 · answered by Ladybug II 6 · 2 0

NOOOOOOOO omg did you hear the ramshackle that is going on? Don't be surprised but the guy with the mason jar you know the one who said that is grandfather purchased it in year 1800? Well they have this new time machine, kind of creaky when you open it, it's weird but he put that and a mule in it and said he would put a curse on me. Look he said something about a parasol... whatever that is, but now he saying that it is not going to come back until year 2200, now how am I gonna impress my date tonight??

2007-11-27 10:27:47 · answer #3 · answered by I'm Michael Jackson BAD!! 6 · 1 0

Im gonna take these 1800 mason jars and just ramshackle em up ur mule shaped a**!! Think im joking?? Im not surprised with ur creaky sounding , 2 face with 2200 parasols stickin outta ur mouth!! So why dont u...jump into a time machine right now and get outta my face!! NOOOOOOO!! U better!!

2007-11-27 10:37:08 · answer #4 · answered by yoyo 4 · 0 0


2017-02-27 20:49:08 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

"Oh Agnus! Your ramshackle ole knees keep making some creaky noise! Its setting my dentures on edge! I can't concentrate like this! Stop moving you hear," came a squeaky voice from a bent over lady attempting to read the local gossip column. "Go get that mason jar, I have another good gossip column I want to put in there!"

A petite woman with thinning hair hobbled over to the corner and quietly lifted away a corner of the floor. "Elma, I don't get you! Why in the world do you stuff your old gossip columns in this mason jar? You should at least put it in a water proof container! What if there was a flood??? What if we had a water leak? They would just all be destroyed! You know, you don't have any common sense about these things! What would you do with out me?"

"I'd get some peace and quite and wouldn't have to listen to those creaky knees all day! Thats what." Elma muttered as she tried to cut a piece of newspaper but kept missing and cutting thin air.

"Eehhh...what was that. You have to speak up, your in my bad ear!" Agnus lifts a megaphone to her ear so she could better hear the important things Elma wanted to tell her

"Oh just bring me that jar old lady! Why can't you get a proper walking stick and get rid of that parasol. You look ridiculous with that pink frilly thing in the middle of a snow storm. Anyways, what would this make our tally of columns now? i would think around 1800."

"Well last count i had was around 1,787 exactly so this plus two from last weak would make 1,790 exactly. So what was the column about, eh?"

"Well you know that ole mule of a man that lives next to the butcher over on Dinkle Hop St.?" Elma squinche up her face to show her disgust of such a neighborhood.

"Are you talking about my old beau Edgar?"

"No not Edgar, Edgar died in '92 Agnes. I am talking about his brother. You know the one with the greasy moustache and parts his hair from one side of his head to the other because he can't accept being bald."

"Oh you mean Paul, I dated him for a time while I was dating edgar. I couldn't decide who would make more money. Looks like I should have gone for their other brother Edmund. He became a doctor you know. Lives in some fancy house on the east part of town. He's one of them high tech surgeons."

"Well, anyways, he tried to build a time machine out of his refrigerator and put it on top of his car. He gets inside his car and starts it. He steps as hard as he can on the gas and takes off down the main street of town screaming year 2200 here i come! While all the towns people are screaming NOOOOOOOO, you're car is in park! ahhhhh hahahaha...that old fool actually thought he could time travel with his car in park! He should have been more intelligent and put the car into gear!

2007-11-27 10:32:50 · answer #6 · answered by Christian R 2 · 3 0

Silva, Sarge, Matt, Sunshine and Miss Kitty

"On Their Way To The Army-Navy Game"

Kitty:" I am NOT going to ride in this RAMSHACKLE of a car to the game. It's CREAKY and an utter disaster....not unlike it's owner!!"
Sunshine just smiled as she blew a big pink bubble and elbowed Matt so he could see it.
Matt:"Hey, baby. That was a good one!" He nuzzled her neck as Sunshine pulled into traffic.
Sarge:"I'm not SURPRISED you're going to the Army-Navy game, Sunshine, but on earth did you get tickets for all of us?"
Sunshine:"I gave the guy at the ticket office a MASON JAR of Silva's special Merlot."
Silva:"YOU DID WHAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you realize how much that cost me?!!.....$1800 a bottle !!!!!!
Kitty handed Silva her PARASOL...."Here. Hit her, for God's sake, hit her !!!!!"
Sarge knew it was time to lighten the mood, so he grabbed his trumpet and belted out, "The Goat is Old and Gnarly."
Sunshine sang at the top of her lungs:

♫" The goat is old and gnarly and he's never been to school. But he can take the bacon from the worn out Army MULE. He has no education but he's......Hey!! He sounds a bit like YOU, Kitty." Matt laughed and laughed, adding insult to injury!!
Kitty tried to hit her with Sarge's trumpet case but it fell on the floor....On her own foot!!!

Kitty:"Silva!! Help me!! I think my foot is broken!!!"
Silva, a registered nurse and local belly dance instructor, took a look....."It is NOT broken! You have a cracked toe nail that's all!! SUNSHINE??? You didn't REALLY give that guy any of my Merlot, did you?"
Sunshine: "It was last summer!! How the hell can I remember?! I'd need a TIME MACHINE to reconstruct the course of events....Sheesh!!"
Kitty stopped rubbing her toe...."A time machine....Yeah....That's the ticket. I'd set the date for 2200 BC........ If I ooooooonly could....."

Just then a carload of Army supporters passed them on the road. One of the fellows in the car yelled out," Beat Navy!"
Sunshine rolled down her window...." NOOOOOOOO!!
SINK THE ARMY! SINK THE ARMY GRAY!!!" The car started to serve violently!
Kitty,Silva and Sarge, all in the back seat, banged into each other. Kitty, sitting in the middle, had a rather bad go of it......
Sarge's trumpet clanged into her head and Silva dropped her glass of Wheatgrass Delight ALL OVER HER!!!!
Sunshine looked in the rearview mirror at the chaos....."Gawd!! What a great time I'm having!"
Matt:"Me, too, baby! Yippee ky AYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!"
Kitty: Jesus H. Christ !!!! Let me out of this car!!!"

2007-11-28 15:36:18 · answer #7 · answered by I am Sunshine 6 · 5 0

yes go to www.madglibs.com

2007-11-27 10:18:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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