You can't turn the highest payroll in professional sports into a youth movement overnight... or even in a couple of seasons.
Any Yankee fan who doesn't want Santana is CRAZY. He would instantly be the best pitcher on the roster, and probably the second best player overall on that team.
2007-11-27 04:43:34
answer #1
answered by [z]ther 5
When the yankees front office said they were going with a youth movement, I think there were some had bitter sweet reactions. Not only are they trying to find young relaible prospects, they're also trying to feed fan's expectations of getting to the world series.
But, this is by no means a youth movement. If it was, they would have gotten rid of Posada and Rivera. A Santana deal would kill it all together.
I don't want to give up the young players because the yankees have so much to be proud of with players like Robinson Cano and Joba Chamberlain.They're like sons to us, and giving them away just to get Johan Santana would be cruel.
2007-11-27 08:19:41
answer #2
answered by Brian B 6
You exhibit your age. Santana has validated he's one, if no longer the highest pitcher in all of baseball. Your customers - they're simplest customers. They have no longer validated a factor. So you pretty much say you might as an alternative gamble on gamers that can be well, or would possibly suck. And if they're well, what are the percentages that they are going to end up the first-class pitcher within the league, exchanging Santana? Really - suppose approximately it. You might as an alternative have the unknown versus the identified. You might must be loopy to not desire Santana. Need evidence - The Cubs Mark Prior might had been traded for Tejada and Beddard a couple of years in the past. But the Cubs didn't desire to aspect with their "prospect". Look wherein Prior is in these days. Hurt like continuously. Always take the validated man. Live for now.
2016-09-05 15:26:44
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Frizzer is absolutely correct.
If not for the cost of acquisition and retention, every team in the majors should want Johan Santana.
Cost will be prohibitive in about 80% of teams.
Of those 20%, the next issue is what does it take to get him.
For the Yankees, it will take an offer of guys like Hughes, Chamberlain and another guy.
They 'could' wait for him to get to free agency, but any team that wants a trade with the Twins will insist on doing so only if they can sign him long term, so if he's traded, there will be no Free Agency for Santana.
The decision for teams is how much is that one player worth at the expense of two or three that can take the place of aging and expensive veterans.
Alot of people have suggested that the Yankees have improved this year. They have the same team so far, minus Pettite and Clemens. The veterans have gotten a year older (not good) the young guys have gotten a year older (very good).
So, does the age of the older guys outweigh the age of the newer guys.
The answer to that is the same as the answer of 'did the yankees get better'
2007-11-27 05:11:33
answer #4
answered by brettj666 7
Santana next year will be 29 years old, so is still a young player with an excellent career.
Of course I want Johan Santana as a Yankee.
2007-11-27 04:50:54
answer #5
answered by yellowratberni 2
Well, Santana IS the pitcher of the century so far. So I'd have to say ANYBODY would want him. If the Yankees don't give up too much young talent, why it's be good.
Say, don't the Twins need a center fielder now? Maybe good ol' Johnny Damon could be part of the package.
2007-11-27 05:02:12
answer #6
answered by Sarrafzedehkhoee 7
I'm not a Yankees fan (Go Redsox) but you would need your pulse checked if you didn't want Johan Santana on your team.
2007-11-27 04:53:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Everyone would love to have Santana, but at what cost? Every team looking to deal with the Twins has a line established that they will not cross, and the Twins don't have to rush since Santana does not become a free agent until after the 2008 season.
2007-11-27 04:48:23
answer #8
answered by Frizzer 7
Santana is young. You can never pass up an opportunity to get a pitcher like that in his prime. You stockpile a farm system to try to get a guy like that.
2007-11-27 06:40:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they're going to have to give up 2-3 young stars to land Santana - but they'll do it. Santana is the bets pitcher in the league- I can't blame them.
2007-11-27 04:48:51
answer #10
answered by mikep426 6