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I've always had to work for my family and oneself, though now I'm an old man I can still look back on life and say that I've done my bit, what do you think?

I'm 76 years old and wishing you all the best,
Take good care now Alfred.

2007-11-27 00:38:38 · 28 answers · asked by Alfred Jones 2 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

I agree with you "The Snail"

Thank you very much

2007-11-27 00:45:38 · update #1

28 answers

Yes I believe that to be very true,
I was always brought up in the respect.

Thank you very much :)

2007-11-28 06:18:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with The Snail , and also if my kids ask me for money i make them earn it too , they aren`t happy about it but thats the way it is . If they want my money i want to benefit too from it :)

All The Best Alfred :) Hope i am still on answers when i am 76 xx

2007-11-27 00:55:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It only seems fair, right? I mean, thats what people who build the houses, answer the phones, work the assembly lines, and service the customers have to do. However, if you, the other answerers, or I were given handouts by our hypothetically rich mom and dad, would we turn it down? I don't think I would. Does it have to be earned? In reality, not always. Is it appreciated more if it's earned? Most likely, but when your parents are filthy stinking rich and generous with handouts, then who cares if the filthy rich man's son appreciates money? In fact, let him spend recklessly as long as it might generate more revenue for the people who provide the products and services he spends money on.
Some people are just born lucky.
"The rich son waits for his father to die, while other people just drink and cry. And me? I just don't care at all." - Lou Reed (from the song "Men of Good Fortune")

2007-11-27 01:04:48 · answer #3 · answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7 · 0 0

That is a hard one for me to answer Alfred.
I worked all my life, even when I was a single parent. Money has to be earned and I took great pleasure in working and saving for things. I earned it and it was mine, no credit!
Now unfortunately I am disabled and cannot find work. The job center says 'no, sorry'.
I no longer have the joy of working and earning my money. I feel less of a woman because of it. Yes money has to be earned; and I wish I was out there earning it!
All the best anyway.

2007-11-27 04:52:21 · answer #4 · answered by Ilkie 7 · 0 0

I too agree with snail. I never was allowed any money as a child. I did work for my aunt and uncle's restaurant as a waitress at a young age. I loved it. The first time money was left on the table, I told my aunt and she explained it was a tip I earned. So many years ago I almost forgot. They've been long gone now.

2007-11-27 03:25:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You might be old Alfie but I aint and Iam the same age. What do you mean, You've done your bit? No you aint, not yet. Get out there and do some more, Lots more. Have you got something wrong with your legs? Work my old son or else you will freeze up and die. I am a decorater and I am still doing over 40 hrs a week (At least 40) So get of your b.m and get out there. All the best my mate. Sam

2007-11-27 00:51:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i do and thats how it was back then the father worked real hard to earn the money and there was no easy way out of that
today kids get pocket money 3 times the first salary our parents earned
though my grandfather had a company of his own he did not allow my father to take over it as soon as he finshed his studies he had to hunt for his job and work there for 5 years
though our family was very well to do my parents were brought up in an environment where money had to be earned and not just gotten by throwing a tantrum like kids do nowadays

the principle of making one work for the money teaches them the value of money and teaches them reapect for money and also because you start off with a small salary you learn to make do with the minimum even after getting a higher salary
but nowadays kids expect to be spoonfed by their parents thats why they are not satisfied no matter how much they get

im not saying all of them are like but a majority of them have become like that

2007-11-27 00:52:58 · answer #7 · answered by blackcat XIII 5 · 0 0


I wish everyone had the same attitude as you and then maybe we could get this Country back on it's feet again. If just half of the lazy scroungers on the dole got a job we could give all of our pensioners the pension rise they truly deserve. In turn the next generation could do the same and when we retire we would be comfortable as well.

It's nice to hear a voice of reason on here. Keep posting.

2007-11-27 01:29:10 · answer #8 · answered by Captain Sarcasm 5 · 0 0


That was the way i was brought up. My parents are quite comfortable but they never give me any hand outs. I work for everything i have and it frustrates me when people judge me because of the size of my parents house and have the nerve to call me spoilt.

Anything i have i have because i worked for it and thats the only reason. I think that i will be better at making financial decisions in the future and that i will value my money and appreciate it more than my friends who were given brand new cars when they turned 18.

2007-11-27 00:49:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes I do!

However I disagree with The Snail (sorry to pick on you) saying 'Kids today just expect to have everything handed to them'.

I've never been paid by my parents for doing chores. They expect me to do them for nothing and I do. I pay for everything I buy, and I pay my parents for my food etc. Currently I am studying full time at college, and I work 16 hours a week to support myself. If I want something, I save up. Simple as that!

2007-11-27 04:57:12 · answer #10 · answered by skip a heartbeat 3 · 0 0

I think in most cases it does have to be earned unless it is a gift! I am working two jobs to correct the mistake of credit cards and THAT is bad! Good day to you, Alfred. And you've "got me" by 16 years!

2007-11-27 00:45:12 · answer #11 · answered by AKA FrogButt 7 · 2 0

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