There is a lot more involved than you think. You first need a web host. You can go to and get a site for free. It is run by Yahoo.
The word document will have to be converted to html in order to display properly. I believe that if you save as HTML in Word it will create the HTML for you. Without the "tags" your entire document will flow into one long line. Look for html tutorials to get the basic formatting information.
If you use Geocities your URL will be Any other address will cost a fee.
NOTE: Once you save a document as HTML, you can double click on it and it will open in your browser to let you see what it will look like when it is actually online.
2007-11-26 03:08:10
answer #1
answered by Barkley Hound 7
You can save the document so it can be viewed by a web browser on the file pull down menu. File/Save As... then at the bottom of the pop up window in Save As Type, select web page.
The other half of your question is more difficult. You can't just put something on the web, unless you have storage space. The easiest way is to check with your service provider, let's say it's Go to their website & find instructions on how to upload. Your final address will be something like, if your name is bob johnson. You can also get your own web address,, but need to purchase that. Make sure you don't go to a place that charges $1000. First check with your service provider, you can often do stuff through them for $10 month or less.
Good luck!
2007-11-26 03:10:29
answer #2
answered by billy b 3
You need a place to host the web page/site. so you would have to first buy a domain name ( is the name of the site and gives you that address. Then you have to find a place to host your site (domain). After you have those signed up then you just need to upload the html file (and save it as index.html) then when somebody types in the server automatically looks for index.html and would pull up your web page.
2007-11-26 03:08:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
go to a website of a hosting company, purchase an account, purchase the address. rename xyz.html to index.html, upload to web account. then have fun creating more html/php/doc/xml/xslt/conf/ini/txt files and create an entire website.
2007-11-26 03:09:14
answer #4
answered by Graham S 1
file> save as web page
2007-11-26 03:06:08
answer #5
answered by steven25t 7
open the file with word , save as "web page"
2007-11-26 03:06:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Print it out on paper first... then scan it... save the scanned image as a JPG file
2016-04-05 23:08:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you can not make these two pages website. for your own website , you have to buy webspace in any website then U
create your website.
other wise you can make your own blog .
its free of cost.
2007-11-26 03:12:12
answer #8
answered by shardul 3
click the box with all the words and when it all highlights click and drag it to whatever on the internet
2007-11-26 03:05:09
answer #9
answered by toniey_14 2