So far, all of my experiences have been great, but my crew DID see something disturbing this time around.
We were at the Best Buy in Dearborn, MI. We were in line at around 4 a.m. We see this single mother bring a BABY to wait in line with her! The baby I'm guessing was months old and was covered in a blanket, but bringing a BABY in line, oh did I mention it was 25-30 degrees outside?
2007-11-26 02:50:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not sleeping till 10:00 or 11:00 AM. I don't do Black Friday. I like to call it "Sleep In While Everyone Else Beats Themselves Up Over A Few Measly Dollars Friday".
2007-11-26 11:05:12
answer #2
answered by Gene Rocks! 5
I haven't really had any. I have worked the last five in a big super center (better than Wal*Mart) and I have seen some horrific things. Last year a guy pushed a lady in front of the hi lo my boss was driving. She wasn't hurt but scared. I heard about an incident at a Wal*Mart in Ohio this year where a worker was getting a DVD player for a disabled person and another customer snatched it from her saying employees weren't allowed to shop and she snatched it back saying it was for a disabled customer and he smashed her in the face with his fist breaking her nose. HE didn't get the DVD player!
I got to hand out numbers for some TVs this year. Our ad said we only had 25 so i handed out the 25 numbers in 1 and a half minutes. The first lady had been waiting for six hours! Two of my co workers got knocked down bringing out a skid of digital photo frames.
NONE of the sale stuff is ever worth THAT much to me!
2007-11-26 10:14:42
answer #3
answered by AKA FrogButt 7
I used to work in a domestic abuse shelter and every year it was always packed with families .. So all the women would go out and buy stuff and most of the time these women were junkies or had serious mental problems ... And the one was trying to steal stuff from the other families. I think there was like 6 families staying there ....
HUGE CAT FIGHT! It was kinda funny but I had to call the cops to break it up and have them go threw all her stuff to see what she'd actually bought from receipts and have them throw the woman, her kids, and her stuff out on the streets ... I called the Salvation Army to see if they'd allow her to stay there but no one would take her after that ... I felt bad but what can you do?
2007-11-26 11:01:41
answer #4
answered by ♥Holly Cookie Starr™♥ 6
I guess I haven't ever had one because I get claustrophobic in large I never go shopping on Black Friday!!!
2007-11-26 13:19:14
answer #5
answered by F-1 says KISS IT! 7
Having to work in it! Being run over by a bunch of sale hogs. and then telling them the disappointing news that they have insufficient funds or their card just simply doesn't work.
Worst of all is when I have to tell somebody bigger than me that we are sold out!
2007-11-26 10:11:59
answer #6
answered by mit 4
Having a little old lady steal a DVD player out of my cart and then attempt to run from me, it wasn't actually mine yet because I hadn't been through the check out line but I had to stop and say to myself , "what the hell is wrong with you ? , your chasing an old lady for a DVD player :))" .
2007-11-26 10:16:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When I used to work at a department store, I couldn't even get in the door to go to work. I think shoppers treat the workers that get up and go in to accommodate them, like crap!
2007-11-26 10:11:10
answer #8
answered by 3030gal 3
Sitting on the boat at the lake and not getting a single duck.
2007-11-26 10:08:23
answer #9
answered by BirdogsID 6
A few years ago I was standing in line with 3 items. (no cart) These people with a huge cartload jumped in front of me and argued with me that they were in line the whol etime. I alsmost killed them...
2007-11-26 10:09:45
answer #10
answered by kaytee3212 6