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i hate my life alot cuz people talk about me cuz of my big forehead and my big head, am getting of sick of it, and sometimes i ask myself, why did God make me this way. i wanna change my life, i got lots of frnds though, and am not ugly, its just my head is huge, am african. ive been here for 5 years, and i suck at basketball and alot of sports, cuz i wasnt born around em, and wasnt interested in it, but i love American Football, my favorite team is i wanna play it too, but am sometimes scared to go outside, cuz of wat people think of me, am i know how to dress, i wear hip hop style of clothes like ed hardy, lrg, stuff like that and everything, and people tell me am kool as hell, but they still talk about me. and its get me down, and i feel so down about myself, sometimes i cant go outside, play, and i cant focus at school, becuz i care too much what people think, thats the way i am, and i want to start going outside, exercising, playing football. what should i do???

2007-11-25 17:40:38 · 4 answers · asked by GetYaPopcorn 3 in Family & Relationships Friends

i have thought of killing myself, but ill never do it cuz i got too much i want later in life, for example an Rx7 for my first car, a suzuki gsx 600 for my first bike and i am a snake lover, i really want one, i wanna become rich, am a christian, and i go by God's rules, i try to my hardest to. i got too much stuffi wanna live for, i just want to make life easier for me, i wanna get straight A's, and am letting people get in my way. i need help, Bad!!! thank you

2007-11-25 17:45:37 · update #1

4 answers

the important thing to remember is while this point in your life sucks.....school ends and you can move on....your forehead and your head.....when you get out of school...no one cares. people may always talk about you, but what they say changes. don't worry about what other people think of you...it really only matters what you think....and when you are cool with yourself, people will notice that more...

this is a tough time in your life, so instead of focusing on what you suck at, why don't you focus on what you like to do? i was born around sports but they don't interest me and i still suck at them....but i'm good at what i truly love to do.

keep your chin up and find out who you really are, you can't change the people around you...only you. be who you like and other people will follow.

2007-11-25 17:52:48 · answer #1 · answered by miss macy zane 3 · 1 0

I was hardcore into medications and lazy. I made up our minds sooner or later on my possess that I desired some thing extra out of existence and set to work quite rough on the matters that I desired and my targets. I took out pupil loans and went to group school and bought a measure, then I determined a role that could pay for the leisure of my schooling. I am now enrolled side time at a four-year school completing a BA in Civil Engineering. I have a four.zero and I've been promised a merchandising whilst I graduate. My bosses handed over folks with Ph.d's for the role and made up our minds to move with me. I bought all this via giving up on seeking to take the effortless approach out and simply labored quite rough for matters that I desired. It's quite bizarre how whilst I used to be seeking to take the simplest direction not anything ever labored out. But whilst I set to work rough the whole thing perceived to determine and simply fall into location. It's like I used to be eventually commencing to do what I used to be supposed to do all alongside. I have no idea if it used to be Karma or God or Luck, however I do recognise that rough paintings will pay off and plenty of the time while you deliver one hundred% you get a hundred and ten% again.

2016-09-05 14:34:08 · answer #2 · answered by vandevanter 3 · 0 0

You are at a hard time in your life because of just being in school but one thing that may help is to remember that school will be out and then what the people you go to school with think wont matter. I will give you a site to raise your self esteem and be happy and I think that may help you. Don't worry about how you look but accept it and those who are your friends will not notice. One of our greatest American actors, in my opinion at least, was Jimmy Durante, who had a big nose, was short and bald, but a great performer. Check this site out and I hope it helps you!!

2007-11-25 18:15:35 · answer #3 · answered by Al B 7 · 1 0

If you want to change your life for the better, then it will have to start with your 'Attitude'. Ninety-nine percent attitude and one percent detail. People can sometimes be cruel and say mean things to hurt ones feelings. You just need to ignore them and move on with your life. Don't focus on those types of people, but focus more about what you can do about how you see things. Your perception in life. How do you really see yourself?

If you say you want to do things to change your life, then start now. You have listed some goals here and now is the time to take charge of them and go after your goals. If you want to play football, then what you have to do to reach that goal is to practice football. Don't be afraid, be strong. Because coaches can sure use strong football players with great faith and courage! Just remember, don't focus on what people say, focus on how you can become. They may see you differently on the outside, but deep down in the inside, you are a different person, a good person who wants to change.

Life is what you make it. If you want to go outside, play, exercise, and play football, don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do those things. Because you can do it if you put your MIND to it.

So, if you want to change your life. Will you still worry about what people tell you? Will you be afraid to go outside? OR, are you going to stop focusing on what people say or see in you and follow your dreams and goals? You have a choice. And it all has to do with ATTITUDE. People are judging you just like a book cover, but they don't know what is inside. The saying goes, "You can't judge a book by its cover." In other words, people are judging you just by what they see outside of you, not the inside of you.

You can change, but you will have to want to change and defeat your fears.

I can recommend a good movie to watch for you especially if you like football. It is called, "Facing the Giants." It is a good inspirational movie to watch. Check it out!

Hope what I said here has helped you. Life is what you make it.

2007-11-25 19:02:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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