report them, everytime someone checks your credit report,even if it is a company, there is a record of it. First file a police report and then the police will be able to get a court order of who has been checking your report. Once they find out which bank, the bank will be able to look into their records and determine which of their employees has been checking the report.
2007-11-25 16:51:23
answer #1
answered by ShouldBeSleeping 2
I have collected debts for many years. It costs money each time someone checks your credit files. Just asking the credit manager of that bank why would get that person in trouble. Unless you owe money. They may be seeking a new address on you or income. many things. It could be that a judgment has been rendered on you and they are trying to determine if your income is justifyable to try a court ordered collection
2007-11-26 23:18:41
answer #2
answered by J R 4
Report them to the police. The banks can trace who is checking without authorization.
Yes and no, although it will not hurt your credit score it might hurt your chances of getting a loan since other lenders will check when you apply for one and they will see how often it was accessed. If they see a lot of checks they would assume that you made applications for other loans as well.
2007-11-26 00:58:40
answer #3
answered by Daisuke 6
Banks are bound with the LAW titled "Bank secrecy law". If you believe that an employee in a bank breached their responsibility to keep your bank records then you have the right to sue them in the court. Find a good lawyer that can help you with this case.
I worked in the bank few years ago and I know that sensitive information (i.e. bank account) needs two people to open. Usually, the bank manager and the teller could open that information.
If you think your confidentiality was breached by bank employees then you have the right to proceed in court litigation. Through this way, bank employees will stop doing this to you and to other bank depositors.
2007-11-26 01:45:13
answer #4
answered by Grantcliff_cosep 2
you can report them. no one has a right to keep checking your personal information. like others have said, report it to the police and they will tell you what you can do. your personal business is your and no one has a right to keep checking into your personal affairs.
2007-11-26 15:08:10
answer #5
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
Report them to the proper authorities. They have no right to budge into your business without your consent.
2007-11-26 15:10:46
answer #6
answered by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5
vall the police == and yes it does hurt!!!
2007-11-29 11:50:53
answer #7
answered by mister ed 7