I have a well that feeds the house. There is a large accumulator tank after the pump. The fella that put it together used 2" white PVC after that and fed the line to the house down into the concrete pumphouse floor (75 feet from the house) and he fed a similar line down to feed the irrigation pipes. Everything is 2".
I am planning on re-plumbing the system so that I can shut off the whole thing or just the house/just the irrigation. I also want to insert a whole house water filter in the line for the house. Most of the filters I've seen either have 3/4" or 1" fittings. Am I going to have any issues reducing the 2" line down to the smaller fitting and then back up to 2"? I'm sure that he reduced that 2" pipe down to 1/2 or 3/4 somewhere en route to the house's plumbing... I just am concerned about the effect (if any) of the extra reduction and expansion to accomodate the filter. I think the system is set for around 50-55 PSI if it matters. Thanks!
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