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Baby dolls that had been amputated of arms and legs. Upon seeing this, and sickened by it since many of the peace-marchers haven't the first tactile clue of conflict, myself and a few friends began to wing our own projectiles of expression: oranges and eggs.

One of the bird embryos happened to spread the contents of it's genetic code on the face of a rather grimey looking hippy; patchouli-kid immediately hit the bricks crying.

Call it a 'counter-protest'.

The police seemed to concur by not only ignoring our volley but also by escorting the stunned leftists into a waiting patrol car.

Now, would you agree the American way still works?

2007-11-23 23:37:17 · 11 answers · asked by Re- Right 1 in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

Too bad the police didn't tear gas them and use batons, Tasers, firearms, etc

Anti-American protestors got what they deserved at Kent State

2007-11-23 23:42:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 4

I started to answer this question by saying how antiwar protesters should be in jail for treason, but our jails are already overcrowded. This made me realize what a big problem we do have: if we achieve our future victory over terrorism tomorrow, and half of our troops (100,000) return home within the next 50 days what will/can we possibly do for them? The VA still has new young veterans on waiting lists to even be seen for a future 10 minute appointment. Many of our local hospitals are full, with some emergency room patients sleeping in the hallways, and their costs for sleeping in a hallway are still astronomical.

Ask someone that was at least 16 in the early 70s (when the Vietnam veterans came home), ask them about the bowling alley brawls, the drive-in-movies, or how fast the local bar would become a war scene with just a few young and physically fit, angry and very bored young war vets (and that was the least of their problems…). Back then some of these guys were in and out of jail, but back in the 70s some of these "incidences" were almost "cute and humorous". Presently our society could not handle just half of our troops returning home, even in victory! I am actually glad our prisons are overcrowded. A money hungry politician would probably advocate for the release of convicted criminals just so their prisons district could make much money billing the VA for housing such a large amount of veterans…

2007-11-24 05:43:14 · answer #2 · answered by pacer 5 · 1 3

Dude, that is nothing more than the most awesome thing. My only regret is that I was not there to partake, or at least watch on TV. Awesome!! I think more of us should engage full onto, following your example. These bed-wetters feel they have the right to protest and yet feel it is a right exclusive to them. I say, I have that same right. And I elect to execute this right against them. This is an awe inspiring moment that I hope others will join into. Its time to have a revolution...a counter-revolution to thoroughly beat back the tides of this chronic liberal, bed-wetting pansy development.

2007-11-24 06:38:44 · answer #3 · answered by Kiker 5 · 4 1

Next time freeze the eggs and pranges before throwing them. Frozen chicken embryos won't splatter so much on the punk's faces. Since the liberals are already yellow, the yolk on their face wouldn't change a thing anyway...

2007-11-24 02:24:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Did anyone get egg on Jane Fonda (Hanoi Jane)? I guess some humans never evolve.

2007-11-25 10:55:12 · answer #5 · answered by DesignDiva1 5 · 0 0

Why is it that the libs can do things like that and it is "Freedom of Speech" and when it is given back it is completely and totally wrong? And liberals say that they are open-minded. That would be funny if they did not really believe it were so.

2007-11-24 02:19:39 · answer #6 · answered by Jake S 3 · 7 1

Tell us George, how do the following show the world that you love freedom and honor the people's right to dissent: spying on peace group meetings, infiltrating them, keeping secret files on innocent people, keeping track of what people read and where they go on the Internet, arresting anti-war protesters for no reason and questioning their political affiliations, having police pose as antiwar couples at events, police gathering names of people attending meetings, operatives infiltrating church groups spying on people, taking down license plate numbers, profiling people as activists, lying about the potential of violence at demonstrations by demonstrators, police rioting for the purposes of intimidation, closing down transportation facilities during demonstrations, harassing protestors, beating demonstrators, pepper spraying them for no apparent reason, tapping telephones, coming into peoples' homes without a warrant, embedding agent provocateurs, etc. None of these are characteristics of a free society.

I'll tell you what I think, George. I think you are still upset that the people pissed on your inauguration parade in January, 2001, when you could not walk the final leg of the parade up to the White House after stealing the election. I think that you don't give a damn about the Constitution and that freedom and dissent get in the way of achieving global neo-liberal hegemony. The Constitution be damned when it comes to getting your neo-con way. But listen and you will hear an ever-growing sound. It is more than the sucking sound of jobs going to Mexico and China. It is the collective roar of the masses of the United States' people waking up to your lies and deceit. It is the sound of the imminent demonstrations and outcry against your corrupt regime. It is the sound of the cheering masses as you, like your mentor, Richard Nixon, are removed from office. It is the sound of the world's second super-power: dissent in opposition to you. You can toss around all the lies and diversion you want, but the people are no longer listening. An MSNBC poll taken the morning after your June 28th speech clearly shows this. MSNBC asked, "Do you agree with President Bush that the sacrifice in Iraq is worth it?" 78% said NO. 22% said YES. The people are saying, "No more lies. No more deception. No more Bushit!"

2007-11-23 23:50:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 8

congrats on your pithy approach. really. you must be proud.

you figured out how to use the words grimey looking, patchouli, hippy and crying in the same sentence with derision.

your American way is worth dying for. really. i'm so proud you get to vote.

2007-11-24 00:05:46 · answer #8 · answered by leftypower 2 · 2 7

what no flag burnings? flipped over cars? MY GOD MAN!what happened to true liberal values?

2007-11-23 23:48:28 · answer #9 · answered by a person of interest 5 · 7 2

I'm sorry that I missed it.

2007-11-23 23:48:34 · answer #10 · answered by "That One" 5 · 5 2

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