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There's this new British boy who came to our school and he's always complaining about the United States, China and alll those other countries. Saying there's too much pollution, American people are stupid, Chinese people are dumb and so on. Recently I've lost words to say. He said Titanic was made by the British. I told him it sank. And he said it rather sink than go to America. What is it with him? I am at a loss of words. I can't even stand up for my own country. He says the inventions are what are causing global warming. What am I supposed to say to fight for the U.S.A? Tell me please, thank you. And I was just wondering, do you think they might be teaching horriblestuff about USA, China etc. in Britain? Thanks..

2007-11-23 23:34:41 · 8 answers · asked by delilah123 4 in Arts & Humanities History


2007-11-23 23:44:59 · update #1

And you know, there's quite a lot of good stuff about Britain, such as it stopped USA and its slavery and so on. Give me something that I can talk about and win this boy for the first time because for every conversation he always wins.

2007-11-23 23:47:26 · update #2

8 answers

If inventions are the problem, then he should blame Britain. For example:

British supersonic research was given to the Americans in order to Chuck to beat the sound barier (UK research stopped and all notes/research handed over).

Hover craft - British.

Jet Engine - British

Space Shuttle - Original designs for a re-usable space vehicle designed at Cranfield Inst - British.

Steam engine - British.

First computer - British

First home computer - British.

I could go on. Basically, America is not that good at inventing things. However, it is good at throwing money at a good idea.

China on the other hand is an up and comming super power. Our petrol prices are rising due to increased demand from China. 1 billion people are in the process of modernizing and industrializing. If/when they get their act together, they will be very dangerous economically. My money is on India for the next super power.

Unfortunetly, the UK is now a has been country. We had a global empire and are on the way down. America has about 80 years before they are in the same boat, unless they find a way to compete with India and China.

All of this, however, is window dressing for the real issue. This boy feels out of place. Strange land, strange practices, doesn't know how to fit in yet. Solution - hit out, deride, etc.


2007-11-24 01:16:36 · answer #1 · answered by Alice S 6 · 0 0

As a Brit, I can only apologise for the behaviour of my young countryman, which seems very rude. In answer to your question about what he is being taught, I would doubt that this includes being horrible to America and China. However, it might be that he has been taught that the USA has not ratified the Kyoto Treaty - but, then, neither has Australia (yet). I don't think many of us, if any, regret the outcome of your War of Independence - even if we give it much thought at all. And what inventions cause global warming that are the 'fault' of the US? Ask him that. OK, it was Americans that made the first flight, but it was something that was being developed in Europe as well. Cars? These were invented in Europe. I don't think the lad knows much about anything and, as other have said, is just homesick - especially for all his mates he left behind. He may find some things odd - I believe in American schools it is usual to start the day with the Pledge of Allegiance. To salute the flag in school is unheard of here - our schools often start with an 'assembly' of many classes or the whole school and that might include a religious service, which I believe would not be permitted in the USA. The only real advice I can give is that it would be counter productive to start a yaa-boo 'we're better than you' kind of thing. Why not see if a Counsellor or teacher can take him aside and point out that his behaviour will make him very unpopular and, as we say here, a real 'billy-no-mates'

2007-11-24 08:40:04 · answer #2 · answered by rdenig_male 7 · 0 0

It sounds like you need to forget arguing with him and just go straight to the root of his problem. He's obviously miserable and bitter for having left his home and friends and feels lonely and isolated as the only Brit in a school full of Americans.

Let him have his little rant and then say very calmly "look I'm sorry you feel so miserable and lonely that you have to be rude about my country, but it's not our fault your mummy and daddy decided to move to the US. If you're so unhappy I think maybe you should tell them and stop taking it out on us. If you don't you'll never make a single friend here" and then just walk away. If that doesn't shut him up I don't know what will!

Oh and Jeff G, thanks for that sweeping generalisation. Way to promote harmony between our nations, you bigot.

2007-11-24 08:02:22 · answer #3 · answered by †®€Åç∫€ 5 · 0 0

Im and american who moved to scotland just last year for 10th grade. I can say that it is difficult to move, let alone move to a different country, the cultural gap is surprisingly large. People in great britian live a different lifestyle and think a different way then people in america do. He might be antisocial to you now but it might just be a phase.

If it is not then I would say he is acting like many british people do. Europeans in general are not fond of the us. The news over here is very different and I would say more unbias when portraying world events. The united states sadly is shown in poor light through thier actions. Not only in the news but in the news papers and magazine the us culture is also shown in bad light. Most of it I admit is true. In britian they aren't taught or shown bad things about the us but the truth.

I wouldn't "fight" for the united states of america. Im not saying that it isn't a great nation or world power but Im not really that happy being american now that im living in europe.

I would say that your british class mate is right about global warming. Europe is better, I can understand why he dislikes america but I have no idea why he doen't like china. Maybe he's raceist or deosn't like thier food. Chinesse food in here is horrible.

And if your still confused on why he hates america then you obviously have failed us history. We beat them and broke off remember. Deos the date July 4th, 1776 ring a bell? The british still hold a grudge about that.

I guess if you really wanted to piss him off just through that in his face. Though I think he might think up something witty to say back to you.

Oh and I forgot, washing machines suck over here. I don't know what you could do with that but I thought I should let you know.

2007-11-24 08:06:15 · answer #4 · answered by EthanS 1 · 0 0

Just ignore him, maybe he's feeling a bit homesick and doesn't know how to deal with it...lol the Titanic thing, that was a good one sorry...Just tell him, ok you're right, he's only doing that to provoke you.

2007-11-24 07:40:38 · answer #5 · answered by Josephine 5 · 0 0

Simply put, the Europeans in general, including the Brits, have always thought of Americans as morally, intellectually, and socially inferior. In other words, they are terrible snobs, and think of Americans as dimwits. They don't hesitate to call upon us, however, when they need our financial or military support. They are terrible hypocrites. In other words, they are fair weather friends, who love to judge and mock us, but have no hesitation in calling upon us when they are in peril.
With regards to your British schoolmate, tell him to keep his mouth shut unless he has something nice to say about his host country. Otherwise he'll probably wind up getting beat up by some of his fellow students who get tired of hearing his nonsense.

2007-11-24 07:55:19 · answer #6 · answered by JeffG 3 · 1 2

It sounds like he didn't want to move here but he had no choice so he's bitter.

Tell him tea is for old ladies and soccer is for girls. LOL

2007-11-24 07:39:39 · answer #7 · answered by WilmaF 5 · 1 0

soccer is man game

2007-11-24 09:11:04 · answer #8 · answered by asdasd a 1 · 0 1

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