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Apparently a few people who post to society and culture > royalty feel that it does not. They even refuse to cite sources. From most of my postings about Chinese nobility, I have not seem many heavy weights post answers to my questions.

Are Chinese less then human, while the white race superior in each and every way?

Is the Chinese monarchy royalty?

And why is there so much hatred and discrimination between people. Is this the way that Christians should live their lives? Is this kind of attitude Christian-like and approved by God?


This question stems in part from comments rendered at the link below:

2007-11-23 22:10:25 · 6 answers · asked by peacenegotiator 3 in Society & Culture Royalty

Pec, how would you know. What is your background in China history?

2007-11-23 23:43:54 · update #1

Calliope, these questions were asked because of the treatment that we, I and many others, have received in America.

I feel that America should and is supposed to be a good nation, but when we are smeared and continually lied to what are we to think. Ergo, my questions that I am asking all of you the general public.

2007-11-23 23:50:28 · update #2

Pec, if I were a college professor (though I am not) and I asked my students to name fruits from the largest to the smallest and my students named fruits in order but from in between sizes in a logical and fashionable way, are they correct and should I give them credit for their work? They did not answer the question correctly. Also, should President Bush be pushed through college (passed), even if he did not know the subject matter? Same thing!

2007-11-23 23:55:45 · update #3

madpol1, Pec, death from above, and firey, I asked the question "Does the term "royalty" apply to the Chinese race?"

The answers expected might be "Yes, it does." or "No, it doesn't." Posters would be expected to give reasons or supporting evidence. This is a simple question.

Why would I ask such a question?

If people treat you badly. If people in America first make claims that this is a great nation and later try to demean you through their words, what would you be thinking about these people?

Pec, my earlier questions were very good questions, which people could not answer. Answers that were plagiarized are penalized in college. A good number of answers posted as answers to my questions were of this type, would you not agree? Yet, I would allow such answers, if they were correct answers but they were not correct.

madpol1, the standard definition of a Chinese emperor is not correct. A lot of Western propaganda that I would like to debunk and I am not playing a race card.


2007-11-25 01:35:00 · update #4

death from above:
You are the one playing the Race Card, why ?
I hate to urinate on your parade, but there is no such thing as Chinese *race*, not any more than there is a French *race*... that tired old cliche was explored by anthropologists for more than a hundred years, no success, so far, so they gave up many decades ago.

You answered your own question, looking for racial differences causes hatred and discrimination. Oh, another thing, there is a government-sponsored campaign in China aimed at Chinese NOT usnig an ugly and demeaning term to describe foreigners, you DO know what that term is, no ???

Your words can get your account deleted by Yahoo! Please don't say such things or slam people. I will not report you. I ask decently that you don't do such. It is not right to attack people and pretend that you don't know the answers. I am and I always try to be civil. Like any other human being, I can lose my temper, but I will try to always be civil and show people

2007-11-25 01:40:58 · update #5

some love. Also, this is not a forum for debate. So, if you hate Chinese, please don't hate me and post your comments in an appropriate debate forum.

With respect to Chinese behavior and American behavior, would it be wrong to chastise Chinese while White America has faults and flaws that are even greater?

This is a civil question posted for regulars in Society & Culture > Royalty.

It asks, "Does the term "royalty" apply to the Chinese race?"

Generally regular posters here in this forum know better. So, I asked the question above.

It seems, sometimes, in my eyes that other races are left out in the cold and that the regulars consider only Whites to be "royal". My statement, this statement, is not a statement of fact, but an opinion expressed, because some posters were inconsiderate to me and I felt pretty bad about the whole thing.

I don't want people to hate me and if I offended you or anyone else, may I apologize.

Yours truly,


2007-11-25 01:52:09 · update #6

6 answers

The Emperor of China, or "The Son of Heaven", very much qualified as royalty since he ruled with absolute power and was overlord over all the peoples whom the Chinese saw as "civilized" from 221 BCE until CE 1912.

Of course, the Greeks and Romans, the citizens of the Byzantine Empire, the Persians, the Indians, and Chinese would have viewed most Western Europeans as barbarians for much of their existence and would be entirely justified in doing so. I have never, however, heard of an entire nation referred to as royalty. Historically, the peasantry in both the East and West has supported the landed class, who, in turn, kept kings and emperors in power.

Terms like "civilization" and "royalty" are relative since historians have now determined that Native Americans, for example, led a much more decorous existence then many of their European counterparts during the Middle Ages. On the other hand, artisans during the Middle Ages also produced glorious Cathedrals and works of art, such as the Book of Kells.

Each country and people is probably destined to have its time in the sun. For example, Charlemagne at the height of his power would have appeared more like a tribal leader to the Emperor of China. However, by the 19th century, many European countries had carved out colonies like the Dutch East Indies and the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong in Asia.

Is discrimination Christian? No, nor does it follow the precepts of Moses, Buddha, Confucius, or Mohamed. Perhaps civilization needs to apply to the individual, not the ethnic or national group?

2007-11-24 10:30:18 · answer #1 · answered by Ellie Evans-Thyme 7 · 2 0

1. Does the term "royalty" apply to the Chinese race?
If there is a monarchy (kings and queens) then sure....just as much as any other race.

2. Are Chinese less then human, while the white race superior in each and every way?
What a baited, loaded, and anatgonistic question! Not all of us white people are boogeymen to be dealt with as if you're dealing with some Nazi regime. Most of us like other races just fine---and while we are on the subject---racism comes in every race, every color, and every culture. So no, of course they aren't "less that human". This question is meant NOT to get a real answer, but to make a blanket statement about white people...and hello? Can you see the hypocrisy in that?

3. Is the Chinese monarchy royalty?
Just as much as any other monarchy, sure.

4. And why is there so much hatred and discrimination between people. Is this the way that Christians should live their lives? Is this kind of attitude Christian-like and approved by God?
By nature, people can be hateful and ignorant creatures. and religion...well, when you put that into the mix then you have a whole other issue to deal with. However, Christians are not the only religion that can be hateful---many others are the same in the respect that most think they are "right" and "true" and all other relgions are wrong. And no, that hateful and bigoted attitude is not Christian-like...however according to certain interpretations, it may be Bible-like. Believing and having faith in God has never been the problem. Religion and man-made words have usually been the REAL issue.

I am doubtful though, that you will accept any answer that does not agree with your ideas; I am doubtful that you will accept any interpretation on these thoughts but your own. I think this question was meant not as a question, but as a general statement...one that targets a race just as badly and unfairly as you feel yours has been targeted.

2007-11-24 06:25:28 · answer #2 · answered by Calliope 5 · 2 0

You are the one playing the Race Card, why ?
I hate to urinate on your parade, but there is no such thing as Chinese *race*,
not any more than there is a French *race*...
that tired old cliche was explored by anthropologists for more than a hundred years, no success, so far, so they gave up many decades ago.
You answered your own question, looking for racial differences causes hatred and discrimination. Oh, another thing, there is a government-sponsored campaign in China aimed at Chinese NOT usnig an ugly and demeaning term to describe foreigners, you DO know what that term is, no ???

"Defining divides"
Lao Tzu

2007-11-24 09:31:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Possibly not. A case could be made that the Imperial Family transcend mere Royalty.

After all, the Emperor doesn't just have a Bush style, "Divine Mandate," but is a God in his own right.

And, if you are going to play the Race Card, I think it's only fair to mention that Imperial China never had a Foreign Office--just a "Ministry of Barbarians." Racial Superiority isn't just a "White Thing."

2007-11-24 09:28:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Their answers actually made sense, also the question was worded in such a way that you were asking if all chinese people were royalty.

2007-11-24 06:20:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You have a strange name, for someone who wants to make trouble

2007-11-24 18:15:07 · answer #6 · answered by Firey 5 · 1 0

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