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Why should muslims in India go scott free, they form at least 25 crores population,which is almost 1/4th of the populace. I feel they will go out of control if not reigned in by their own muslim law, which severly punishes the crime on eye to eye law. This will keep crimes under check. If any Hindu commits a crime against a muslim he too should be punished according to their law. This will solve majority of the problem.

2007-11-23 22:01:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

so far only muslims seem to be answering my ? no staunch hindus or true Indian seems to be responding.

2007-11-23 22:35:24 · update #1

well are we to expect that muslims will get away with multiple marriages as per their personal law and keep breeding away in the name of the lord and escape rule of law

2007-11-23 23:05:28 · update #2

20 answers

we Muslims welcome your very very brilliant idea..let us work to implement it A.S.A.P.

2007-11-24 04:23:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Obviously no!

There are many other religions also other than this. If such thing happen than Christians, Sikhs etc. will also demand for such law, and Hindus will obviously demand for more better laws than Muslims, because India has mostly Hindu peoples than Muslims.

It may create great war in-between the religions in India.

And the most important thing, if the Muslims started govern by different laws than following things could happen:

1. India's Hindu peoples will demand that India should be Hindu country.
2. The Muslims may have to leave India, because as such things get started trending, peoples will more have a look into the religions of peoples, and the Muslims will be deal in negative manner from all the other religions.
3. Muslims may have to live in Jammu & Kashmir, and only they can live there. And you know, how much the topic "Kashmir" is making Indians and Pakistanis mad, it will blow up all the situation and J&K may be another country (probably, a islamic country) or get in govern by Pak, and be another heaven for Terrorists.
4. The laws will probably be a bigger disaster to the Muslims, as obviously Hindus are more in India than any other religion, so Hindus will have more better laws.
5. It will show Muslims that they are not safe, don't have same rights as other etc. and will certainly grow Anti-India thoughts in the Mind.

I hope that you understand that it may be a dangerous move by any government. Everyone is equal in India, it does not matter from which religion a person belongs to, but the thing matters is what is in the mind of a person...

2015-03-19 02:53:12 · answer #2 · answered by Akash 1 · 1 0

If they want to be governed by Islamic law, they should go and live in a Muslim country. India will not be a secular democracy if you start making provisions for certain minorities. If you want to give Muslims special rights, then India should be classified as a Hindu country because 83% of Indians are Hindu. The purpose of partition was so that Hindus and Muslims can live seperately. All the muslims were supposed to leave India and go to pakistan and Bangladesh. They stayed in India knowing very well that they were going to be in a Hindu majority country and one which would be a secualr democracy. So what the hell do they think they are doing demanding special rights. If that is the case, they know where the airport is and they can leave India anytime they want.

2007-11-23 23:19:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If muslims are staying in India they should abide by the laws of India and not muslim law like any other rest countries apart from muslim country. If they want there muslim laws to be implied on them then they can go any other Muslim countries. To be very frank enough India is a very tolerating country and everytime it gives its citizens to take everything for granted...If you see in the other rest countries atleast most of them they dont buy anyone's sh**. I just cant understand why all citizens of India cant see that we all are Indians and make something to benefit India rather than individual's religion, what is more than humanity...Dont we all bleed blood, that too same color. Think as an Indian and India will definitely prospire.

2007-11-24 15:49:42 · answer #4 · answered by JB 3 · 0 0

Non of the Islamic countries are applying the Islamic law , neither any other country in the whole world , they all practice that separation between religion & state , even those who claim to practice the Islamic creed are liars (( such as Saudi Arabia , Egypt , United Arab Emirates)) , they just practice the simple laws such as punishing the thieves and prostitutes , but the majority of them don't even care about the Islamic law , Islam prohibits establishing military bases in Muslim lands but there's many Islamic governments who allow it , Islam prohibits helping non-Muslims to fight other Muslims ((just like the Saudi government did in the war between Iraq and America )) and who does it then he's an infidel , Islam prohibits Alcohol but there's many Islamic governments allowing it , Islam forbids for men and women to dress improper cloths but the Islamic governments don't even care about it , ETC,ETC.... , the Muslims who live in non-Muslim countries can't argue about the laws of that state because it's not their country , they have to accept either they like or not , they have no choice , just because they live under those laws that doesn't mean they agree with it

2016-05-25 04:46:46 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Unless all the political parties come together and agree to enact a uniform civil code for the
people of India irrespective of their religion,the
chaos will continue. These politicians who put
down the BJP as a party of religious fanatics
are least qualified to harangue about secularism
No country in this world is governed by a slew of religious laws except India and we call ourselves secular.What hypocrisy!
Strangely,can anyone tell me how the muslims
in India can still enjoy the status of a minority
community and for how long this farce will be continued by the politicians who are bent on pampering all minorities?

2007-11-23 23:55:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

With due respect to what the Holy book of Muslims, Quran provides regarding the rule & regulations for Muslims with regard to Civil as well Criminal law, I don't agree that in today's democratic set up in which we live & follow, where the Constitution of India is the most sacred book for all the Indians, we should at all follow the personal law as being provided by the religious books followed by the Indians, whether it is with regard to Criminal law or Civil law. There is a common criminal code or law which we follow & so should we have a common civil code or law to be followed by all Indians. The constitution of India clearly provides under article 44 Uniform civil code for the citizens.
The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.
But unfortunately even after 60 years of Independence we have not been able to provide this Uniform civil code for the citizens of India. Whenever any political party wants to bring about such a uniform civil code in the country they not only face great criticism from the so called minorities but even they are termed as Hindu fundamentalist by other political parties. As far the larger population of the country who are basically illiterate or semi-literate it seems article 44 of the constitution of India is some sort of Hindu fundamentalist provision that will break the secular democratic set up of our country & the Hindus will be become too strong in this country & force their way of life to other minorities in the civil form. I do not adhere to use of unlimited or illegal force against any criminal or offender other then provided under the Criminal Procedure Code & Indian Penal Code, the major criminal statutes which we use in India, but if the attitude of fundamentalist Muslims who are indulging in terrorist activities in parts of India doesn't stop, then stricter legal provisions should be enacted for them, may be based on what the Holy Quran provides for such criminals.

2007-11-23 23:05:24 · answer #7 · answered by vijay m Indian Lawyer 7 · 5 0

Multiple marriages is an old law on all religious books and the intent was to populate the earth....now that the earth if overpopulated it should be seen as a religious law that only fit in that ancient time. Surely someone who is religiously governing (no matter which faith) should realize this. Otherwise they cause grief and sorrow for all.

Am in USA so can't comment on laws in India.

2007-11-24 08:34:07 · answer #8 · answered by sophieb 7 · 0 0

I am a Hindu and I am all for Muslim laws for Muslims only.
NO tv for Muslims only
No cinema for Muslims only
No Music for Muslims only
No education for Muslim females only
No Muslim females to come out of the house with out wearing a Burkha and covered from head to toe.
If Muslim women get raped, send them to S. Arabia and let their holy land sentence them to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail
Invite the Taliban to over see that Islamic laws are followed to the letter
Just think--India will be haven on earth as they will self destruct.
Viva Taliban, u have my vote and good wishes.

2007-11-24 11:27:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

a big no. everyone here should be treated as equal. there should be one law for all. there is no hindu no muslim, no christian, no sikhs, etc. only Indians then almost all the problems solved. Our politician let the things worse for getting their votes they will do anything. The tolerent vast majority has to suffer for everything, this is too much, we have to raise our protest in strong way. dont let the things go their way.

2007-11-23 22:51:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Certainly not.
All human beings are and should be equal in front of the law.
Belonging to a certain Sect of religious beliefs does not entitle anyone to be governed in a different manner.

However, the law in India is not as efficient and effective as in the US or other countries.
Cases remain pending for years, decades even! Often, the accused or the plaintiff die of old age by the time the decision comes.

Justice is extremely delayed in our nation. And justice delayed is justice denied.

2007-11-23 22:11:22 · answer #11 · answered by Achint 2 · 3 0

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