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Marion Jones admitted to taking the steroid that Barry Bonds took. Her apologies seemed very sincere. Do you respect her more than Barry Bonds? Or is Barry Bonds still the man?

2007-11-23 19:01:04 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Baseball

22 answers

I don't respect steroid users, but I respect Marion Jones more.

2007-11-24 01:56:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jones adamantly said for years she never, ever took steroids. She only made that pathetic speech when facing down serious jail time and financial ruin. She is a piece of garbage who cheated others from being recognized for national and international awards when she won and placed in events where she was wired up on the juice. Bonds is simply a reprehensible human being no matter the amount of clear and cream that rolled through his veins. But like all the BALCO clients, his time of living the lie is about to chime midnight.

2007-11-24 03:26:06 · answer #2 · answered by Zombie Birdhouse 7 · 2 0

Neither deserve respect or forgiveness. The damage they have done, not only to their own reputations but to those who trusted them, believed in them, looked up to them, can never be repaired.

Think of Jones three relay partners who now have to forfeit their gold medals. Three people who trusted Jones as a team mate, who worked just as hard to prepared for the Olympics, now have to give up their life long dream just because Jones cheated.

Jones apology is not sincere. She cried because she was caught. She cries because now she realizes the millions of dollars of endorsement she will lose as a result of the investigation.

Both have damaged their respective sports more than they will ever realize. The effect their actions will have on the youth of this country could take a generation to correct. Someone who might have been dreaming of an Olympic championship may now turn elsewhere.

Both Bonds and Jones have unknowingly dashed many young people dreams because of their complete lack of integrity as well as their dishonesty.

Post Script: To those who are part of my contact list and others who have followed my philosophy on the steroid issue: Jason Giambi has always been on my undesirable list. I have always maintained that the Yankees should let him go. In my eyes he is no better than all those who have chemically enhanced their careers to gain unfair advantage over their peers. (note to fitforlife1320)

2007-11-24 08:31:20 · answer #3 · answered by The Mick 7 7 · 3 0

Of course, Marian Jones is a teeny bit more respectable than Barry Bonds. At least, she's now conceded her guilt and given an apology, though late.
But they both deserve little respect overall, considering that they were not forthcoming for so long, and considering that fans have been ridden by their steroid-tainted glories!

2007-11-24 03:07:52 · answer #4 · answered by Konstantinio2 1 · 1 1

There is no way you can respect either of them. Remember that Marion Jones DENIED any wrong doing in the press...then when she was about to get caught she came clean. Not somebody that I would consider "sincere".

2007-11-24 20:50:45 · answer #5 · answered by KO21 2 · 0 0

Does Jones try to portray an innocent, or nice image? If so, then she is worse than Bonds. At least with Bonds other than his possible lie about steroids, every other facet of him being proud and arrogant is the man himself :)

2007-11-24 03:31:07 · answer #6 · answered by Kutu 2 · 0 0

No. I think everyone has missed the mark here.
I'm sure they both have selfish motives as do we all when faced with decisions that will have a huge impact on our lives.
Take one moment and step into their world. In the beginning as a child, there is "The Dream".
1. Growing up with opportunity, not so much.
2. Having the monetary advantage, not so much.
3. Family support, maybe, not as much as after the proof of ability.
4. Ability, very much.
5. Ideals, yes to be better than anyone else in this sport.
6. To live the American dream.
The early years sees them strong and true. Then what happens, they rise to the top of their sport like the true athlete that they are.
Now we add in the stress, and the Press! The press comes in droves. Their microphones up their noses and bright lights make them unable to see. The questions they ask go beyond intelligence, to rude and crass. You either become their "Darling" or their "Devil", and you can go from one to the other in a heart beat.
The press, TV, any kind of news media can make your decisions for you, from who you should vote for, to the toilet paper you use. Please do not forget yourself, "The Fan".
"And if they don't win its a shame".
Barry Bonds is on track for a new home run record! Marion Jones is set to win five Gold Medals!
How can we let everyone down? How will my fans look at me if I fail? What will my family think? I won't get all the fame and money endorsments. I'll be forgotten. I won't be loved.
Do people know I'm just human? I'm older and it takes more and more to get myself in shape and stay that way. I have other important things in my life that take my time, like my children. I'm not a super hero like spiderman and all those other make believe heros. I have to make my sponsers happy, so they make money on me.
So, what do you want from your hero's? Sure it was the wrong thing to do. I would have to guess that they are not alone.
Everybody cheats, just most are not caught. "Joe say it aint so". Why you cheat just depends. People cheat on their taxes, someone gave you back more change than you should get, you get a extra item you didn't pay for, you steal a candy bar, you write a check that you don't have money for, you copy answers from someone elses test, you drive over the speed limit, you drink and drive, the Pats steal signals, the list goes on and on. Should you be punished for your mistakes?
Just how much difference did these drugs do? Neither of these athletes out distance their competitors buy miles and miles. Could it be that their competitors had some kind of help too?
What about the record setters? Back in the day, could they have used something to cheat with?
It takes a Strong Person to admitt that their wrong.
I think Marion Jones is worthy of our forgiviness. She has done everything ask of her, given back her medal and money. I think she should be allowed to compete. In some small way, maybe she can make things right. To leave her sport with the satisfaction that she did do her best and gain respect again. The amount of work, and time given to this sport in her life time, she deserves this chance.
Look at the Patriots, they didn't really need to cheat, but they felt that they had too. Why?
Owners, media, sponsors. Money makes the world go round.
Barry Bond has his own reasons for not admitting he took drugs. Maybe he really didn't? None of the other players that have been brought up on charges have been so punished?
Why? Why should Bonds be singled out to take one for the sport? Would it really make a difference if he did admitt to taking drugs? Most people believe he did anyway. Look how Marion is being treated for owning up. When will she be forgiven?
The Media rules the way we live and think. I blame the sports casters and sports writers for the way we view sport heros today.
They have to be larger than life and accomplish the impossible.
No matter what it takes.............Just Do It!

2007-11-24 17:48:42 · answer #7 · answered by labsandy 1 · 0 2

I don't respect either since they both lied about the steroid/growth hormone use they got from Balco. I'd have to lean toward Marion if I had to choose because she did finally come clean.

2007-11-24 11:53:58 · answer #8 · answered by Andy 5 · 0 0

this is hard for me becasue i love baseball, and i also love to run, i admired Marion Jones before i heard of this. it is diffcult for me to think of someone like Marion whom i had know so much about and grown to admire when i ran took steriods. i love baseball but never really cared for Barry because i am a Phillies fan any way. but i have pretty much lost respect for both of them, even though i never had much respect for Barry.

2007-11-24 10:16:04 · answer #9 · answered by feenafee 4 · 0 0

They are both cheaters so as far for respect I don't respect either but I hope some how they redeem themselves by educating younger people of the dangers of using potential damaging steroids.

2007-11-24 03:07:42 · answer #10 · answered by D S♦T♦A♦R♦S 6 · 1 0

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