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I'm just curious if there's anyone else who experiences this. To be honest, I've always been 'sensitive' so It really doesn't scare me.

Sometimes, at night, I feel someone sitting on the end of my bed. You know that feeling when the mattress compresses? It's very distinct and no, I'm not asleep. I don't have any pets in the room at night, so I know it's not that.

I don't get a bad feeling, so I imagine it's either a guardian spirit, or perhaps one of my recently deceased family members. Sometimes I'll even acknowledge them and say goodnight.

I grew up in a house full of spirits, so I've experienced stuff like this since I was a child (as did my late Mother). I'm just wondering if anyone else has this happen.

Also, any idea's what it might mean. Would this likely be a guardian spirit, or an ancestor. Do you think they're trying to tell me something, or just want me to know they're there?

2007-11-23 18:11:47 · 37 answers · asked by lapis 4 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

One more thing, don't bother recommending a doctor. I know it's bizarre to some, but I also know what I'm feeling. I've had similar experiences since I was a child. I'm also a psychology major with a 4.0 average, I'm all about logic, but some things in this world do defy it.

2007-11-23 18:13:28 · update #1

I did try a Ouija board as a teenager, and I'll never touch one again. We got very 'dramatic' and terrifying results. It took me months to get that spirit out of my house, unlike the others, this one wasn't friendly.

Whoopie Cusion, LMAO!

I think it might be my Mom as well. I also have Lucid Dreams and OBE's....I sometimes talk to her, of course, I can't be sure it's actually her, but it's still very comforting. :)

2007-11-23 18:19:37 · update #2

It's a laddie, interesting! I've often had the feeling that at least some of the time it might be my Grandfather. I never meet him, so I'm not sure why he'd be checking in on me, but I can't shake the feeling.

2007-11-23 18:22:11 · update #3

I'm not lying. I really do have better things to do with my time than make things up on Yahoo. I should actually be writing a paper.

My floor is solid. The house is less than 2 years old and there's nothing wrong with the floorboards.

We flip our mattress regularly, and it happens just as regularly. It's only about 3 years old, and is high quality. There are no 'loose springs'.

I know the sound of the refrigerator, the gas heat, the dishwasher and the washing machine. The bed is also not located above or below any of these appliances. The heat duct comes up through the side of the wall, not through the floor.

I'm not lucid dreaming, as I DO lucid dream quite regularly and am very familiar with what they are. I can sit up, and often I'll get out of bed afterwards to go to the bathroom or get a drink. I don't think I'm 'lucid dreaming' that.

2007-11-23 18:33:11 · update #4

One more thing, I don't claim this as any kind of 'proof'. I feel no need to prove anything. It is what it is.

Brain malfunction or chemical imbalance? I suppose I'll have to take my chances, I wouldn't want to get it fixed and have my GPA go down! I think I'll leave things the way they are for now, since I have no actual syptoms to back such a theory up.

2007-11-23 18:36:34 · update #5

Wushuboy - I know what hypnogogic hallucinations are. I've had this happen right after crawling into bed, and it takes me hours (literally) to fall asleep. (busy mind) I doubt I've managed to reach such a state in a matter of less than a couple minutes as I'm still busy tossing and turning. I do, however, understand that phenomena outside of the realm of current science is hard for some to accept or understand.

2007-11-24 03:58:21 · update #6

Peter D - Unusual? I'm all for being unusual, but in this case I do believe you're incorrect.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

–adjective not usual, common, or ordinary; uncommon in amount or degree; exceptional: an unusual sound; an unusual hobby; an unusual response.


"Fifty-one percent of the public, including 58 percent of women, believe in ghosts, according to a Harris Poll of a cross section of 2,201 adults surveyed online between Jan. 21 and 27. Thirty-one percent of the public believe in astrology, including 36 percent of women, and 27 percent believe in reincarnation – that they were once another person."

Unsubstantiated, perhaps, but so is God and Gravity, and I still believe in both. ;)

2007-11-26 05:24:44 · update #7

37 answers

I could think of dozens of things it might be before I'd make up some story for myself about a disembodied energy released from a dead person with some sort of remaining structure and consciousness somehow affecting this universe in the form of compressing part of your bed.

Your bed is damaged or has a broken spring that shifts when you move a certain way after lying on it. Try turning your mattress or buying a new one or sleeping on the sofa.

The floor under your bed is damaged and moves for some reason.

There's something under the floor that moves or shakes your bed at night such as the hot water pipe, dishwasher, fluorescent light, refrigerator, water heater, heating duct, heater vent heating your bed or floor causing movement, noise.

You're lucid dreaming (these types of "proofs of the supernatural" seem to always happen to people during sleep or in bed, and they always insist, "I wasn't asleep." Trust me, you were. Sleep and dreams are very confusing.

You're having another one of those hallucinations of a presence just like the girl having brain surgery when part of her brain was stimulated and she felt someone next to her, which may somehow affect you due to a brain difference or defect or chemical influence.

You're lying.

2007-11-23 18:26:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It sounds like a family member is watching over you. The first thing you want to do is ask the spirit to communicate through a picture, get a camera when you feel the presents of the spirit on your bed be ready to take a picture, however you must have permission or the picture will be blank or of the normal room where you took the picture( nothing unusual) Also use a tape recorder on the highest volume, you will need a computer most likely hear the frequency of the actual decibels of a phenomenon because the normal ear cannot hear certain decibels. Some can so to cover both ends. So now you have possible vision or sound now go back to dream do a meditation dream and ask for what it is you are looking for doing all of these things you should have something. If this spirit is trying to communicate with you. If it is not and this still continues either you need better, higher developed equipment or the spirit is not interested in communicating with you could be some one around someone attached to the house or has not learned how to communicate yet another words the spirit may not be crossed over long enough to have learned this yet. There are many facts to consider. The picture if it is paranormal you could have orbs or color streaks or strange things on this picture that is not in the room. Also take many pictures and be in the middle of the film. Digital cameras works better its speed is fast enough to capture the spirit. And if you get something on film post it i can take a look and give you my opinion i have seen and taken actual spirits. There is so much i could type on this but this should be long enough. I hope you feel you have been helped, You can contact me through my email if you need more info or post it. Everything happens for a reason. Happy hunting and good luck.

2007-11-24 03:49:42 · answer #2 · answered by Ganine K 1 · 2 1

This could very well be a genuine encounter. I myself do quite often have similar encounters, sometimes they will try to talk to me but I can almost never understand what they're saying and I have also on many occasions seen apparitions, this has been happening for as long as I can remember. I find that 99% of the time they are perfectly harmless, often confused, but they will always keep coming back if you somehow acknowledge their presence. If you want these encounters to stop the best thing you can do is control your own fear and no matter what pay no attention to them whatsoever. Some entities will actually "feed" on your emotions and often come around during times of stress when you are at your most vulnerable and absorb the energy you release during these times of stress. For this reason is why most negative entities will often try to cause even more stress. They might do this by somehow trying to scare you or other family members that are close to you often by making noises in the night or appearing before you. However I do not believe this is the case in your situation. I think you may be more sensitive to spiritual energies than most others might be and once a spirit senses this it's like shining a light into a vast cavern shrouded in darkness and whatever may be inside will naturally be drawn towards the light. Now everybody in this world has their own light yours just shines a little brighter, but their is also a light that shines much brighter than yours and it will always be there to help you whenever help is needed just don't be afraid to ask. So remember, they cannot physically harm you only drain you emotionally and spritually. As long as you remember this you should be able to control your fear and overcome anything that you may come across. Acheive inner peace.

2016-05-25 04:32:47 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I've read your question thoroughly, and i do not doubt that you are genuinely experiencing something paranormal. You are obviously smart, and you have considered most, if not all, possibilities, even the arcane (hypnogogic hallucinations.) The only other thing that comes to mind are temporal lobe seizures which can and do cause the sufferer to experience strange sensations and odors. But, somehow, in your case i doubt it's that.
Actually, i am somewhat concerned that what you may be experiencing is a demonic haunting. The reason i say this is that you have had satanic involvement in the past although unknowingly with the ouija board. What you in effect did was give satan and his minions permission to enter your life, and even though you say it's gone, i would disagree with you. Demons can and will lay dormant for weeks, months, or years so as to lull you into a false sense of security, but they will never leave unless they are exorcised.
I believe it is possible that the demon or demons associated with your ouija experience are still there and responsible for the unnerving sensations you are having. These subtle haunting techniques are always a precursor to more terrifying phenomena, and, in some cases, lead to possession--a demon's ultimate goal.
Demons can and will masquerade as departed relatives, "evolved" spirits, and spirit guides, but they always give themselves away by their response to blessings, crosses, prayers, or commands by a christian.
If, in fact, you do believe you have a demon, do not hesitate to have a true, born-again christian perform an exorcism. This is the only way to get rid of such vermin once and for all, and, i think, in your case quite warranted.
God be with you.

2007-11-26 16:10:17 · answer #4 · answered by Patricia B 2 · 0 0

Be prepared for all the negative energy coming your way on this community, not everyone is as open minded as others. It's okay to tell your experience, a few of us have had events that can't be explained.

To hear it from someone trained in the sciences is absolutely a step in the right direction.

I don't know who or what it might be, you might try asking it next time to see if you can get an answer, sometimes you will get one, sometimes it won't come right away. I'm glad you're not afraid, just be careful, especially with your history with ouija, not a good thing, invites unwelcomed guests difficult to get rid of.

Just keep an eye or ear out for the answer, be careful.

2007-11-24 06:36:47 · answer #5 · answered by Yankee Micmac 5 · 1 1

I live in a house where 6 people died in, Two childeren fell down the stairs playing. They are still here,
Two committed suicide. Both are still here.
Two women died here as well, one giving birth and the other one from the plaque.
All are still roaming around. Drives the dogs CRAZY. None of them are bad but one of the men that killed himself is a bit difficult.
The kids like me, the first time I was sleeping in this house they came and sat on the bed, I was TERRIFIED. but just stayed still and they left. This house was vacant for over 30 years and we got the history several years back about the history.
Hope this helps

2007-11-27 06:31:58 · answer #6 · answered by nepadocker 3 · 0 0

I'm not really sure. I believe in this kind of thing but haven't dealt with what you are speaking of.

I have had 2 paranormal things happen to me in my life. 1 was really profound and another person experienced it with me.

I guess it is a spirit of somesort. Possibly someone who lived in the house before or on a house on that lot maybe a long time ago?

Or it could be a family member trying to be close to you.

Maybe some others with better knowledge about this kind of thing can help you.

I'm paranormally impaired. lol.

When I was younger I was at my friends hunting camp. It was a reallyold hunting camp. A 3 story farmhouse. His neighbour was a young man.

There was a huge fire in the field out front of the farmhouse that day. And the neighbour came to help fight the fire. He had some young kids and a wife.

Anyways, after the fire was put out, we wandered into the forest with an axe to chop up trees ( we were young and liked to chop stuff down,boys will be boys right?)

Anyways, as we got into the forest, a man in a black cloak appeared in the trees. He was floating towards us but close to the ground. Kinda like hewas on wheels.

We ranback to the campand told the adults. They didn't believe us.

The next day, after we left to go home, the young man andneighbour next door committed suicide with a shotgun to the head.

I still believe it was death looming while he was considering killing himself that night.

My second experience wasnot as profound or scary.

We wereat my friends cottage when I was 12 years old. We were playing hide and seek. The cottage is on a secluded lake with 1940's housesand cottages.

I hit behind a big pile of rocks and trees and there was a man in a tuxedo with a monocle (one of those glasses but with only 1 lense) and hewas smoking a cigarette. He had a top hat on too.

He asked me a question. but I can't remember what it was. It was weird though. Soweird iran off and told everyone. All the adults looked at me likeI wasnuts.

I still don't know what it was.

2007-11-23 18:23:28 · answer #7 · answered by AskThomas 2 · 2 2

It appears as if you've already come to terms with this perceived event. However, you need to be open-minded to the possibility it's not really happening.

You think it's your spirit guide? What makes you think such things even exist? Further more, how can a spirit that occupies no space and has no physical body make your bed depress when sitting on it?

It seems to me that you have an unusual--and unsubstantiated--view of the world around you and you are just looking to find things to support this belief.

2007-11-26 01:28:43 · answer #8 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 2

I lived in a house that had a shadow spirit and had one particularly disturbing "old hag" like experience after dreaming about the spirit. I felt like my legs were being held down by the covers but unlike a usual episode I was able to move my legs and upper body and then the pressure released. I believe that spirit was begining to expand it's influence on my family and wasn't displaying good intentions.

It's possible you have some benign spirit visiting you just checking up on you or setting up camp at night to protect you.

2007-11-24 06:41:01 · answer #9 · answered by bronxgraffitiart 3 · 1 1

Sure they exist--obviously they don't harm people--they are just there--why not investigate the history of your house--maybe something happened there 20 or 30 or 40 years ago. The spirit is there because a sudden occurance didn't allow them to move on to the next plateau. Speak to them--say you feel them in the room, what do they want?? Guardian angels are responsible for plenty of people having a change in their lives--maybe a change is coming for you, too---so be open to what is going on around you. try relocating the bed--see if it happens in another spot in the room. Put a thermometer on the depressed site of the mattress--and another in a different spot in the room--see if there is a temperature difference. Get a direction compass--see if the needle moves around by the spirit. try a candle--see if the flame moves around by the spirit---you won't burn them--so don't worry. If it blows out--you got a spirit--guaranteed !!!

2007-11-23 18:21:59 · answer #10 · answered by fire_inur_eyes 7 · 0 2

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