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do you beleive the offical 911 story ? or do you think the government was involved

2007-11-23 17:47:07 · 28 answers · asked by VV 1 in Politics & Government Politics


2007-11-23 17:54:22 · update #1


2007-11-23 18:01:38 · update #2

plz click the wiki link and take 2 mins to read the article before you answer

2007-11-23 18:13:05 · update #3

28 answers

Why weren't Air Force planes sent up to intercept the hijacked planes? In the year before 9-11, jet fighters were sent up routinely (at least 67 times) whenever, according to the FAA's own standard operating procedure manuals, an airliner went off course by two miles or by 15 degrees. The mainstream media has never highlighted this. Routine FAA and military procedures should've intercepted the first plane before it struck the World Trade Center. Remember, this is interception, not shooting down. Interception happens all the time, like a cop pulling over a speeding motorist on the highway. On 9-11, the FAA was notified by a frantic stewardess that the plane was hijacked fully 25 minutes before it crashed. Usually it only takes 10-12 minutes for jet fighters to go from stationary to 29,000 feet and 1850 mph. Jets should have intercepted that first plane. But for the second plane, which crashed 15 minutes later and which was known to be hijacked 20 minutes before it crashed, the failure to intercept strains credulity. Fighter jets should already have been in the air above Manhattan. And then the plane that supposedly struck the Pentagon was known to be hijacked a full 45 minutes before it crashed — after two other planes had already been hijacked — yet it flew unchallenged over the most protected airspace in the world. That this last plane was not intercepted is simply incredible. The Pentagon has the most advanced radar and air defense in the world, and Andrews Air Force base, which is charged with defending the Pentagon and always has fighter jets on ready alert, lies a mere 11 miles away (1 minute flying time).

2007-11-28 14:19:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The government was attacked on 911... by a plane, that evaporated after it flew into the pentagon.

It actually SHRUNK before it it the Pentagon, causing a narrow hole through the building.

So yes... the government was involved in 911 because it was also a target.

2007-11-24 14:32:58 · answer #2 · answered by AckDuScheisse!! 4 · 0 2

Chances of one of the twin towers collapsing the way it did after it was hit 1000 to 1. Chances of both towers collapsing in an identical way 1000 000 to 1.
Solid steel burns and decays at temperatures needed in an industrial blast furnace but the buildings steel frame (we are told) melted and broke down at the same temperature as burning aircraft fuel.
Come on. We are being lied to. Wake up Dumbasses!!

2007-11-24 04:15:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The planning, preparation and trial runs began during the Clinton Administration. Mohammed Atta and his cohorts began taking flying lessons in July 2000.

2007-11-24 03:00:33 · answer #4 · answered by John W 5 · 0 0

The 9/11 attacks were definitely NOT part of an "inside job" by the US gov't as follows:

--Every single published expert (in demolition or civil engineering) in the world has rejected the so-called "science" of the conspiracy theorists. It's really amazing.

--Money Motive - Why would Bush (or whoever) take such a risk as doing 9/11 when he could make all the money he wants by: receipt of lobbying, giving himself options, awarding pork barrel contracts, getting kickbacks, etc., etc.

--Insider Trading - All financial transactions are a matter of public record. Anyone making money off of 9/11 would be instantly exposed. Buying “put options” is like screaming “Here I am. Come and arrest me!” You can’t do these transactions anonymously.
Of course, the FBI checked all 9-11 associated profit making and found nothing significant . See Point 6, at:

--Oil motive - Conspiracy folks claim that we invaded Iraq “to get its oil.” We haven’t got any, nor will we. We are not allowed to take oil out of Iraq. We buy it like everyone else.
Also, there’s nothing magical about oil: Getting money is also good because it can buy oil. However, we’ve SPENT a trillion dollars in Iraq. That’s a lot of oil we could have bought.

--Military spending - Military spending goes on all the time, in war & in peace. These guys make tons of money. Why risk killing 3000 Americans for what you already have?

--Other Vague motives - Conspiracy folks say we did 9/11 so we could “further our agenda in the middle east.” A vague, meaningless motive. Vague claims are usually false.

--As they say, 3 people can keep a secret IF 2 of them are dead. So many people would have to be involved that SOMEONE should have come forward by now. At least one single, solitary person MUST leak, even if accidently, SOMETHING.

--Al-Qaeda is the self-admitted agent with documented motives. In 1993, they attacked the WTC using a truck bomb and they were behind the attack on the US in Mogadishu. In 1996, Bin Laden issued a fatwa (basically a declaration of war) against the United States. In 2000 al-Qaeda bombed the missile destroyer U.S.S. Cole near Yemen, killing 17 servicemen. They bombed trains in London and Spain, and have been active in Algeria, Somalia and Kenya, Pakistan, etc, etc. The 20th terrorist, Zacarias Moussaoui, admitted guilt in court.

--The conspiracy theorists never say exactly who is behind the 9/11 inside job. This is a sign that the claim is false.

The conspiracists are afraid to name a specific person because then we could examine that person & instantly prove the conspiracy people wrong. So, they hide behind vagueness.

--Believe it not, most people are not murderers. Very few people have the psychological makeup to be mass-murderers, & they usually show signs of it beforehand.
A few specific points need to be emphasized:

1. The towers did not fall into their “foundations.” Debris from the collapsing towers caused the destruction of numerous surrounding buildings including:

7 World Trade Center, the Marriott World Trade Center, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 6 World Trade Center, 5 World Trade Center, 4 World Trade Center , & the Deutsche Bank Building

Note that St Nicholas church & Deutsche Bank were not in the WTC plaza, but were destroyed by debris from the twin towers anyway.


The leading demolition journal “Implosion World”, along with all other published demolition experts, state that the collapse did not look like a “controlled demoltion”


2. Operation Northwoods was a proposed plan, in 1962, during the cold war, to fake an invasion by Cuba so we could attack Cuba.

Even though Cuba had thermonuclear missiles aimed at the US, & even though we all built fall-out shelters in case of WWIII, Operation Northwoods was STILL rejected by our government

If anything then, “Operation Northwoods” shows that the USA rejects the idea of faking an attack.

3. Steel did not “burn,” “decay” or melt. It just was weakened. Typical building fires are 1100 deg C. At this temperature, steel loses 90% (yes 90%) of its strength. That’s why it is always surrounded by fire proofing.

Furthermore, the towers mainly collapsed due to the large number of supports being knocked out by the jets.

As NIST (National Institute of Science & Technology) says:
"About 60% of the 60 columns of the impacted face of framed-tube were severed, and many more were significantly deflected. “

2007-11-24 09:11:09 · answer #5 · answered by J 5 · 0 2

no i do not believe the government was INVOLVED however the clinton admin had been trying to brief the bush admin on the possibility of something coming down. but the arragance of the bush admin didn't wish to hear what was being said. the main reseason for 9-11 is because of the first iraq war and the fact that the US setup bases in arabia. bin ladin no matter how crazy we believe him to be is a patriot to his followers. we are the infadel. to him and many in that part of the world, any nonmuslims are not wanted. what we have to realize is that if some country tried to set up bases or take over one of our states, how would we FEEL (ie...)venezuala. i do not belive they are a terrorist country they are just not in the same believe as this administration and anyone not in the same belief as this admin. is a terrorist. we are wrong in what is going on in the world right now and we have to get refocused. we are not the world police and we have no right trying to make every place in the world to be like us. WE are the USA and that is it. WE need to get back to focusing on being the best USA WE CAN BE>

2007-11-24 02:16:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

yes, just google "loose change"......the US brilliantly covered up the whole thing and duped the public. they were playing military war games that day , pretending planes had been hijacked, so that the air traffic controllers didnt know if the 4 actual planes were real ones or just part of the war game!

2007-11-24 05:29:05 · answer #7 · answered by openyoureyespeople! 5 · 0 0

I don't think the government was directly involved, although I am open to provable theories. I DO believe they had ample warning it was going to happen and did nothing, you know; Kind of like when hurricane Katrina hit N.O.

2007-11-24 02:32:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe in the official story for this reason.

All those conspiracy theories involve the willingness of thousands of people to go along with it, before, during, and after. Planners, special ops people, demolitions people, security guards looking the other way, fake eyewitnesses, etc.

I find it unbelievable that one person wouldn't squeal ahead of time, or regret it later and confess, or even just get drunk and blab.

Some of the theories involve the willingness of ordinary citizens to go along with the "official story."

Sorry, I just don't buy it!

2007-11-24 02:17:28 · answer #9 · answered by Uncle Pennybags 7 · 2 3

To answer your three questions, The government were not directly involved in 911, I believe most of the official story, though I have concerns over government incompetence.

The only part of the story I do not believe are the cover ups where government incompetence at allowing them to act in the US was glossed over. Remember there were warnings of an attack before it happened.

The government was involved indirectly due to not acting on reports to stop these terrorists sooner. There is a difference between incompetence and conspiracy, but it is because of incompetence that we will never know the true facts.

2007-11-24 01:53:34 · answer #10 · answered by The Patriot 7 · 11 6

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