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20 answers


2007-11-23 19:11:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am sure that "Global Warming" is real as it pertains to the natural cycle of the earth.

"Man Made Global Warming" is in fact one of the biggest lies to hit since the well... lets say the Nazi's claiming the Holocaust never happened.

Libs do not look at fact with any sense of rational. They eat up what their heros tell them, get their talking points and then spew them mindlessly as if they were facts. If they took the time to actually research it or look at it objectively, anyone with an ounce of common sense caould see they are being led by the nose on this one. What you have is theories. Some that could even look plausible to a small degree on paper. You also have massive amounts of science the other way. It is NOT FACT until the theory can not be disproved. The earths temp. has only risen .06% in the last 100 years. That is less than one percent for you libs. 1937 was the hottest recorded year in the last one hundred years. Al Gore is NOT a scientist in any way. Nine major points in his Fakumentory were disproved. The earth NATURALLY produces these greenhouse gasses. Is mother earth commiting suicide?

Just think about it before "feeling" about it. It will cost this nation greatly to get caught up in this hype. The regulations to "prevent this phoney scare" will cost billions and more jobs will leave the states. We will not be able to compete globally as the rest of the world will NOT be duped into this sham.

2007-11-24 01:55:28 · answer #2 · answered by That Guy 5 · 6 1

No I like this one<"We don't want the smokingg gun to turn into a mushroom cloud" Condoleeza Rice
George Bush won the 2000 election Conservative Press
Saddam hussein has tried to purchase yellow cake Uranium from Niger W again
Jenna Bush wrote her own book Barbara Bush aka George Washington

Those are big lies. Global warming may be true, I'm no scientist but I lnow when someone is blowing smoke, so does 75% of America the other 25 % is plain STUPID.

2007-11-24 01:41:32 · answer #3 · answered by frank 5 · 1 4

Of course global warming is real; haven't you heard, the scientists have achieved a "consensus" on global warming. Which means despite the lack of real evidence they are giving their opinion. Their opinion without evidence is just another group of idiots with an opinion.

2007-11-24 02:53:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2


Glaciers are melting, ocean reefs are dying, temperatures are rising, natural disasters are getting worse. As humans continue to pollute the environment with harmful carbon dioxide emissions, the temperature rises. It is a scientific fact that the type of carbon dioxide that we pollute causes higher temperatures. Its pretty simple, stand behind a running car, its warmer, right??? Now consider all of the cars, jets, trains, trucks, boats, airplanes, factories, houses, buildings, etc in the entire world that let out emissions all at the same time. It can't leave out atmosphere because of the ozone layer; it stays here. Next, with warmer temperatures, winds pick up and capture more moisture; Hurricane Katrina would not have been nearly as bad if the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding water and atmosphere wasn't so warm. We are slowly killing ourselves and our planet with what we are putting into our environement. It is estimated that somewhere from 15 to 37 percent of all animal and plant species on earth will die out by the year 2050; and those are just the species that we have discovered already. There are millions, probably billions, that have not been discovered yet living in places like South American rain forests but we are killing the rain forests along with the rest of the earth.

All you have to do is search google to figure out that this issue is not a debate, but rather a recognised problem that must be solved, fast. Anyone who dis-credits the obvious existance and occurrance of this global climate epidemic is a fool. These kind of people are too hesitant and greedy to change the way they live. They see that global warming is a problem, but ignore it and convince themselves that it doesn't exist, because they are too comfortable with their current lifestyle, that they are afraid of change; even if it is for the better.

Oh and as for the individule who answered before me: all of your facts are, in fact, wrong. Global temperatures have risen 1.36 degrees F in less than 50 years (areas such as the polar ice caps, twice as fast). 2006 is ranked as the second-hottest year in history, loosing only to the year 2005 which beat out 1998 by a tenth of a degree, and it looks as if 2007 will beat 2005. Hurricane intensities have increased 100% in the year 2005 alone. People, don't deny something that is so harmful yet so easily preventable!

2007-11-24 02:05:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

Nope. It's truth. Average global temperature has been on the rise, a verifiable fact. Therefore global warming is happening.

The jury is still out whether its manmade or not. We will probably never know that for certain; weather is just too complex of a system.

2007-11-24 01:32:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 6

WMD in Iraq is the biggest lie in US history, that's for sure

2007-11-24 02:58:21 · answer #7 · answered by espms290 4 · 1 3

All we can do is sit back and let the scientist figure it out.. Even they are divided.

2007-11-24 01:32:32 · answer #8 · answered by Glenn T 3 · 5 0

Bollix... there is no "great debate" among scientists, no matter what the fossil fuel merchants and their hired help might tell you. It is a fact. The only doubts that exist are:
1. How much effect we're having.
2. How much damage will be done.
3. How much we can limit the damage.

2007-11-24 01:43:54 · answer #9 · answered by daemon1251978 2 · 2 5

Hardly. Global warming is with us now, as predicted. What rock have you been living under?

2007-11-24 01:47:05 · answer #10 · answered by CarlisleGirl 6 · 1 5

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