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Why don't people believe in other intelligent lifeforms? With an estimated 10^11 planets in our galaxy and 10^11 galaxies in the universe, is the probability not favoring the inhabitance of other species? Is it that people don't understand these numbers, or is it their natural ignorance? Perhaps their religious beliefs? Who says God wouldn't create life on other planets anyway? No one can. Now I'm not saying there is proof of aliens, but one cannot say there is proof that they don't exist. The fact remains that the odds are favorable. Honestly, it's the 21st century now, and I think people need to wake up, but unfortunately I think some are just too ignorant. What do you guys think on this matter?

2007-11-23 17:24:42 · 16 answers · asked by de4th 4 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

Bestonnet ... when you say:

"Because those of us who aren't ignorant realise that there is no evidence of them."

You are pretty much bashing religion as a whole, as you're suggesting that one needs evidence for something to exist. You evidently don't understand probability, or you're too ignorant to admit it. Like I said, I'm not saying that I know for certain of ET life. The only thing I am certain about is the probability, and that is not ignorant, it is a fact.

2007-11-24 03:51:22 · update #1

16 answers

because they are closed minded, don't like to think for their own and really just have NO understanding of numbers physics space and/or chemistry......

but, ask them about God and I bet they could write a freakin book.

I think most people even confuse the milky way with our solar system...... that tells you alot.


2007-11-23 17:30:43 · answer #1 · answered by Mercury 2010 7 · 0 2

"Why don't people believe in other intelligent lifeforms?"
Because those of us who aren't ignorant realise that there is no evidence of them.

"With an estimated 10^11 planets in our galaxy and 10^11 galaxies in the universe, is the probability not favoring the inhabitance of other species?"
You'd need to be pretty damn ignorant not to realise that with only one known intelligent lifeform we don't have a clue what the actual probability is. It could well be 1 in 10^100 for all we know.

"Who says God wouldn't create life on other planets anyway?"
There's no god.

"No one can. Now I'm not saying there is proof of aliens, but one cannot say there is proof that they don't exist."
So what? There's no proof that god doesn't exist yet that doesn't justify believing that such a being exists.

"The fact remains that the odds are favorable."
That is unknown at present.

"Honestly, it's the 21st century now, and I think people need to wake up, but unfortunately I think some are just too ignorant. What do you guys think on this matter?"
Until we've actually found intelligent life out there in the universe only the ignorant will say that it has to exist.

I suspect that it does but to say that you know for certain when you don't (which you don't) is an act of extreme arrogance and extreme ignorance.

2007-11-24 02:16:29 · answer #2 · answered by bestonnet_00 7 · 1 1

Well, God or not, you make a correct point in saying that the number of stars should logically suggest a high possibility of life elsewhere. You aren't the first person to come here with a post like this, and to tell the truth, I don't know what the problem is. Every scientific person I know believes there is a possibility of life elsewhere.

Now if you are talking about alien life here, buzzing around squashing crops, reaming cattle, stealing beer, and sticking probes in humans' orifices, then the problem is simpler. They have never been verified. The UFO thing is a sub-cult with all its mythology, its heroes, and its icons. All of them worthless. Of all the things I can think of that I would love to see before I die, ET life is probably number one. But there is no evidence of alien presence here. Just a lot of humans, some hysterically excited, some having distorted memories, some frauds, some who make honest mistakes of identification, and some who are just plain crazy or mentally undisciplined.

There are obvious ways we would know about approaching ET spacecraft, and the ones you read about in tabloids are not those. So far, nothing but silence.

True, the odds of ET life existing are favorable. The odds of them being here, buzzing around, far FAR smaller. And the odds of them being "known" by millions of pedestrians without a single scientifically verified sighting or contact, are essentially zero.

Bestonnet, I have said much the same thing on many occasions here: that it is not obvious that other life exists and that it is worng to say that it "must" exist or that someone is stupid for considering that it might not. I think the numbers favor it, but it is still not known. Bottom line we agree on completely: there has been no evidence, so up to this point, we are the only planet we know of which bears life.

2007-11-24 01:49:41 · answer #3 · answered by Brant 7 · 1 1

"Do you think that they actually landed on the moon?
A lot of people think that they never did, and that it was all staged in Hollywood. (Neil Armstrog 1969)
Is that true?
And why did the USA flag flutter, shoudn't it be still on the moon because of the lack of gravity? (or something like that!)"

This question was asked some hours after yours. "still on the Moon because of the lack of gravity". Ye gods and little fishes, where do you start? First grade? Kindergarten?

My opinion? Too many elementary/primary school teachers who haven't got a clue about the basic facts of the universe. (I knew one once). And far too much television where story lines always ignore the ordinary realities of life including physics, chemistry and the rest "for dramatic effect".

There is another side to this story. A few years ago I heard an anecdote about President Eisenhower. It said that he was startled to hear that fully half the American population was below average intelligence. Now he would have been well enough informed to realise that this must be approximately true so his surprise probably only lasted a second or so.

It remains true of course and not only of Americans. Half the population anywhere is below average and this fact explains a lot. There is no point in getting worried what these people know or don't know, think or don't think because in the larger scheme of things they usually don't count.

2007-11-24 06:38:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I agree with your statements. So when every person on the planet says 'yes we believe', then what?

Absolutely nothing changes. We still get up in the morning and shave and shower and go to work. We still eat the same foods. We still brush our teeth. There will still be wars. There will still be crime.

I'm not disagreeing with your statements. But let's keep in mind that the size of the Universe is not proof of extraterrestrial life either. The actual conditions for life to prosper are not easily found. For instance, it is the size of Jupiter which determined how much water planet Earth held. As well as many many other factors such as Earth's iron core and possibly even the Moon's effect on tides. One needs to keep in mind the other planets in our system that cannot support life forms to realize how fortunate we are.

Belief will not make us wiser although it may alter one's perception towards life in a philosophical way. We must still pursue the search for extraterrestrial life. Only when it is actually found can we be absolutely sure that it does indeed exist. Science relies upon proof. Mathematical probabilities do not offer that proof.

2007-11-24 02:45:37 · answer #5 · answered by Troasa 7 · 0 0

People think that we are the center of the universe still. That we are the only thing out there and that life was created for us and only us blah blah. It's just ignorant, closed-minded people. We've only existed about 200,000 yrs in the 4.5 billion years that the universe has existed. Now tell me, why would all that time be wasted if we were the only creatures out there, if the universe was ONLY created for us. People who think that we are the only life in the universe just don't understand science and probably know nothing about the universe that they live in. They probably just sit away at home reading the bible and going to church thinking what they were taught from a book that was written approx. 2000 yrs ago, in a time when people believed that the Earth was flat and the stars and sun and moon all surrounded them.
Have a nice day ^_^

2007-11-24 05:04:28 · answer #6 · answered by mybloodrunscold625 1 · 1 2

some believe, some don't.

many believe they were abducted by aliens. I read that 20 percent of americans believe this. I would say these guys are TOO MUCH open minded!

We are ALL ignorant about the universe because it's the biggest thing to be ignorant about.

Most people that read about this subject share your opinion.
That we cannot be alone.
"Would be an awful waste of space!"

2007-11-24 01:38:07 · answer #7 · answered by miguel_c 2 · 0 0

Because people are ignorant & selfish. If they acknowlaged that there were other life forms in the universe, then Humans wouldn't be at the center of it all. It would also call into question the idea we were created in God's image. Sounds like a rather selfish claim to me. Plus learning your not the only ones aroud & we're not as advanced as we thoght we were, leads to feeling small & insignificant. No one like's that. Besides everyone is too wrapped-up in their own little problems to consider or even care if there is other life out ther.

2007-11-24 01:51:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well i think for the most part the people who ask these questions are very young and are trying to discover and learn, As for me I do believe there are other inteligent life forms out there,, At this point in our world here on earth all we can do is ponder this very question, Recently the Mexican government along with france, Canada and several others have opened up their ufo files for the public,, And the eveidence is just to overwhelming to think that we are alone,,
Ignorance?? No,, Curiosity and the will to understand and learn?? yes,

The Mexican ufo disclosure conference,, see for yourself here;


2007-11-25 08:45:29 · answer #9 · answered by SPACEGUY 7 · 1 1

I daily ponder the truth that is the universe and it demonstrates to me the absurdity that is theistic religion. And it reinforces the awful truth that religion only exists to keep the status quo: the rich and powerful versus the poor and weak; defining rich as having no trouble or concern about the basic needs of life: food, shelter, medical care.

2007-11-24 10:44:29 · answer #10 · answered by Ultraviolet Oasis 7 · 0 1

I totally agree with you! I believe that there is life somewhere around the universe, other than us...
God created this huge universe and i don't think that he only put use here. Also, mathematics are great, so as statistics, and with so many galaxies, there must be, at least one, kind on life.
I think that most people arond the planet are still close-mind and doesn't agree that there could be life other than us. When I get to God, one of my questions to him will be: God were we alone in the universe?

2007-11-24 02:33:16 · answer #11 · answered by kernel_1 2 · 1 3

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