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It is really irritating to me...I always feel like I'm lagging behind! lol!
Then I remember...oh...it's not me...it's the over zealous! lol!

2007-11-23 17:18:52 · 34 answers · asked by Meeshmai 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Senior Citizens

Gracie: I'm with you mine don't go up till it is time!
Funny how years ago it never seemed to be a problem getting decorations done for each holiday.
Well you young ones INSPIRE ME!! YAHOO!

2007-11-23 17:46:52 · update #1

Oh Fruit Cake Lady...you must remember the old days when they did things the right way in the stores??!!

2007-11-23 17:48:29 · update #2

DeeJay Great Answer
Luvsprb2: I am with ya!

2007-11-23 18:24:32 · update #3

Slk & Wally you crack me up!!!xoxo

2007-11-24 06:29:17 · update #4

American Top Contributor: Am I really that stupid? You tell me, you're the Top Contributer
Questions for you: Do you REALLY have a sense of humor?

2007-11-24 06:32:08 · update #5

Moe: That is sooo funny!!! I am getting so many laughs this morning from most of you!!!! Thanks!!xoxo

2007-11-24 07:08:57 · update #6

You do have a good point there MyDearsi
Ditto Donya!

2007-11-24 11:58:42 · update #7

34 answers

Nah! Just foolishness, that's all. Greed.

I shop all year anyway so I'm not swayed by the decorations and music. Finished my shopping in October. Cookies done and in the freezer.

I love the holidays and by finishing early, I can wander around the city or the malls just looking at all the decorations or stroll along the streets enjoying the windows. I don't ever have to wait in a line, which is a good thing because I hate to shop for shoppings sake.

Usually start shopping right after Christmas when the prices are really good and pick up things along the way all year - when the REAL sales are on.

2007-11-24 10:26:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am close to being a senior but I think your question is for anyone or at least it should be. I don't like the rushing of the season personally. I think people should at least wait until December. I have seen so many people compete with decorations with their neighbors, just to keep up with the Jones'. That's not what Christmas is about. It's about the birth of Jesus. People who don't believe in Jesus still put up decorations and I wonder why? There's is way too much commercialism these days and it's all about the almighty buck. I don't compete with anyone, as I am a leader, not a follower or being pretentious. I wouldn't want to pay their electric bill would you? Don't get me wrong........I do decorate but not to a great extent. One thing I must have out.......besides the tree........is a manger. That's shows the true meaning of Christmas!

2007-11-23 17:35:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

oI too have seen decorations up in Sept. and Christmas mdse being sold in stores at that time. But that is the commercial side of Christmas when the true purpose and meaning is the birth of Christ and worship of Him, not the gifts and the trappings.

Actually Jesus was not born in Dec. at all anyway. Tne positive thing I have found in our community and church is that we do not sing Christmas hymns until Dec. and not before and that is a blessing.

I wonder if people, such as those answering here, voiced their displeasure and possible boycotting stores that pull these early on stunts and letting them know they will boycott by not buying there -maybe it could turn some stores around. The greed has gotten so obscene on the part of the stores I could weep.

2007-11-23 18:22:35 · answer #3 · answered by marlynembrindle 5 · 2 0

Heck, here in my town, they started before Halloween.

I haven't been in the stores for about five years, but my husband was irritated by it when he bought Halloween treats an isle down from the Christmas isle.

I am over zealous about being the first one in the family to have our Christmas tree and decorations up.

If the stores had to depend on my husband and I they would go broke.

It's been years since we have given a material gift.

We give our kids and grand kids money for Christmas.

We send friends and out of town relatives a Christmas floral arrangement.

I love Christmas but I thought it was important to teach my children, that the spirit of Christmas was the most important part of Christmas.

Next was the festivities and the feast with all the baked goodies.

I also taught them that it was more important to give rather than receive.

Santa's part of Christmas was the jolly time.

Santa was a little bit of a problem when my children grew old enough to find out that it was their father that was the Santa Clause for our community for about 20 years, until my cousin took over his job.

I do love Christmas, next to Thanksgiving.

Thanks for the question. It brought back some of the sweet memories that I seem to live on in my senior years.

2007-11-23 18:02:44 · answer #4 · answered by DeeJay 7 · 3 0

My friend in Florida was telling me it was weird, one aisle back to school stuff, another aisle hallowe'en and then at the back Christmas and this was LATE august.

We never used to see Christmas decorations out before Hallowe'en until oh maybe a 7 or 8 years ago now.

It doesn't really bother me , but I really think November is quite early enough, it gets me into the Christmas spirit . The radio stations have now started with xmas music 24/7 til Boxing Day now.

2007-11-24 02:42:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It's just the same here in the UK too. But hey, remember it'll be Easter soon (in the shops at any rate) Wonder if the chocolate eggs will be on sale before New Year or after! And yes it irritates the hell out of us both from the aspect of shops selling Christmas stuff and people decorating their houses. It used to be 12 days before Christmas and 12 days after and that was that but not anymore......and don't get us started on people who light the outside of their houses with enough electricity to heat the universe!

2007-11-24 02:29:55 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

It used to bug the heck out of me but these days I just put it down to greed and ignore it. The only way I can control it with is me... My outside lights went up today. The tree will go into the window on Dec 8th after our church ladies Christmas party (my wife insists on using our tree for their party) then we bring it home to display it. The other decorations will probably go up beginning on the first of December when we put the candle in the front window (a tradition that goes back to our second Christmas together when the only decoration we could afford was a electric candle with a flickering neon "flame" bulb and we still use that same candle). That was the year that our thanksgiving dinner was a pheasant that I had shot myself and Christmas dinner was free to all the military troops AND their dependants.

2007-11-23 22:39:37 · answer #7 · answered by Chaplain John 4 · 5 0

While this is irritating how about when the stores immediately take down the Christmas decorations and start putting up the Valentine Day stuff? Some stores even start with the Easter decorations while the Valentines are still there. It just makes me feel even older when I see this.

2007-11-24 01:18:40 · answer #8 · answered by mydearsie 7 · 4 0

I try not to get irritated, but it just amazes me how commercialized Christmas has become. Maybe what irrates me is the greed that's behind putting the Christmas decorations up so early. It seems that it's no longer the true meaning of Christmas, but time to make a buck so the profits look good for the year!

2007-11-23 19:13:48 · answer #9 · answered by Gladys 6 · 7 0

I'm with you. THEY do this with everything. After Christmas they will be bringing out the swimsuits.
I know it's all about the dollar to them but I would love to enjoy the season we are currently in instead of thinking that I have to hurry and get ready for the next one.
I think this adds to the feeling that the world is spinning at a faster rate. It wasn't this way when I was raising my family.

It's just a ploy by the industry to make more money and it's working. More people are in credit card debt than ever before.
Thankfully I'm not one of them.

2007-11-24 00:48:53 · answer #10 · answered by gabeymac♥ 5 · 5 0

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