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I mean, I had an uncle that was deformed from birth and my dad did construction for years and had 3 back surgeries. That kind of stuff i understand. Even temp disability, because that shows that you WANT to get back into the workforce. But I know one person who gets disability for headaches. Another two for learning disabilities, even though they have shown they could do labor-intensive work. These people are the dregs on society, because they are happy to waste away their life and let the taxpayers give them much more than they ever put INTO the system.

2007-11-23 16:01:34 · 25 answers · asked by primalclaws1974 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups People with Disabilities

I never said a word about autism. I know a couple of people with autism.
Secondly, the people I am referring to, I know VERY well, and I know what I'm talking about.
And it's not as hard to get on disability as some people think. And how do you PROVE you have headachs? Come on!

2007-11-24 00:58:11 · update #1

These people are getting it for exactly the reason I claim, sorry to disappoint the commenters.

2007-11-24 00:59:11 · update #2

some very good answers. Some of the best, thorough answers i have seen to any of my questions.
To you getting angry with me, and thinking that i am writing ignorantly...the person with headaches is my ex-wife...the learning disorders are two old friends of mine. I know what's going on with them. My friends have worked periodically...I know they could do SOMETHING...but it's easier to sit and draw a check.
And some doctors, especially doctors that disability lawyers (yes, there's lawyers that only handle winning disability cases) use, are quick to say "put them on disability". Of course, that's why they are in court...and of course, they are paid for their time well.

2007-11-24 01:10:55 · update #3

Did you guys note that I have a father on disability? He worked his a ss off for years. He put lots of money into the system. I am not saying their aren't SOME people who don't need and deserve to be on disability.

2007-11-24 01:12:48 · update #4

25 answers

I hate how people rob the government like that. Sure temporary disability is okay, but if you can comprehend well enough to do a logical job and make a little bit of money to get yourself a long, why the **** should us hardworking folk have to support you!

Those ******* people are just living off our taxes because they can. the ******* society doesn't take enough care into a weekly checking basis to actually see if your capable of other things besides sitting on your ***... My ******* cousin is in a wheelchair and can't ******* walk very well.. he will need someone to help him for the rest of his life... BUT! he still got a ******* job... it may not be anything special... but he still did it and hes only 16. The ******* kid is amazing i look up to people like that..

They are strong willed beings!

Then you get those lazy half assed people who would rather sit in front of that box they call a tv set that they didn't even pay for with their own money and watch the cable they don't even pay for either... considering disability is paid in full by the tax payers.

Im so sick of hearing oh " i have to go and take my anti depressants and my morphine cause my body is sore and they over exaggerate the whole topic.. Makes me Sick...

I totally agree with you! im on your side 110%+

2007-11-23 16:14:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 9

I am a retired Air Force Pilot. The Veteran's Administration has found me to be 100% disabled. The Social Security Administration lets me collect my SSI. I have Handicapped Veterans Tags on my car. I do not have a drivers liceince because my medicines will not allow me to drive. The only visible thing wrong with me is I limp and walk with a cane. Often I am told to get out of the handicapped parking, including by police. I cannot walk the length of my house without falling down.

Now let me tell you why I am disabled. I shattered my ankle in a parachute accident while on active duty. 3 surgeries later my ankle was fused because of arthritis. The arthritis has spread to both my knees and my lower back. This also caused me to slip two disks. I also suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Panic Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Insomnia, Agoraphobia, fear of being alone, fear of the dark, fear of the light, Migrane Headaches, Hypotension, trouble focusing my eyes, nightmares, day mares and racing thoughts.

I owned my own computer consulting business. I made $100,000 one year. The next year I made $800 because I could not figure out how to turn a computer on.

Don't you tell me about disability until you have lived with what I have to put up with every day. I have over 200 hospital appointments a year. Yes there are crooks in the disability ranks, but there are crooks in all forms of life. I worked hard and paid my taxes and FICA. Now I am getting it back. You should know that my income now barely lets me make house payments and car payments, plus the other things in life. I am the dreg on society and I am the taxpayer who paid into the system to get the dregs I receive.

2007-11-25 19:22:43 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

I do know of a few people that collect SSI for their kids who have been diagnosed with ADHD. In my opinion it is a crock, Yes I realize that there may be some cases that are real, but the ones I know, the parents are way too lazy to use dicipline and diet. A friend of mine has a son that was diagnosed and he in turn chose to use constructive life changes, like cutting sugars, processed foods, and dicipline without hitting. It worked, He never gave the child none of those mind boggling drugs, nor collected a red cent from the government. He is now a very producive teen who holds a job and goes to school full time.
There are many that do require the aide of SSI, and they do deserve it. I worked with the elderly and disabled, and there are no great hooplas in their life. They cannot work, but the income they receive is a joke, a bird couldn't survive of the little bit they get.
So, I guess in my long story telling way, I say yes, it does disgust me that some use the system to get a free check, while others who really need it can't get enough to survive, no fair to those who really need it.

2007-11-24 00:11:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

While I understand where your coming from, to a certain point, as I know of a few people who are very capable of working, but do not work because don't want to (they believe they are better off on disability payments) go figure, yet they work for cash in hand.

However I must point out there is a strict protocol in gaining a disability payment, some how some people have been granted a disability payment for what appears to be a minor impairment, but we are not truly privy to what is really going on, in a person life. And if someone has been deemed as significantly impaired to gain a disability, then they are entitled to regardless what other may think.

Learning & cognitive disabilities certainly causes distress for the sufferer, especially if they are required to read, and write etc as part of their job, as it is very embarrassing to have to admit, your have a learning disability. Especially when people laugh or ridicule them for not being able to read a simple sign. Despite this I personally know of many people with learning disabilities who do work, they have ensured the employer knows of their problems.

Migraines are the pitts, and are both physically and emotional draining, and a person can not think much less see due to visual disturbance, yes there is medication one can take, but what if like me they can not take it due to major allergies, diet is also an option (this helps me), but still may not be enough. Some migraines are caused due to neck and spinal problems, which may aid someone to gain a disability payment.

Other disabilities that are not visible is Cancer, Depression, MS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Epilepsy etc, all of which are debilitating, and make life very difficult for the sufferer.

Most people want to work but are unable to due to the nature and impact of their condition, but if they want to work they should be supported, by family, friends, employers and colleagues, to work when and where they can.

What annoys me that there is certainly people who will use the system to their own means, making it very difficult for those who genuinely needs the help.

2007-11-25 07:05:03 · answer #4 · answered by Georgie 7 · 3 0

Hi, Do you relise that the people with learning disorders could have a tough life from their disablitly's? Do you also relize that the people's head aches could be so painful that they feel there brain could nearly explode? Do you realize that children who have Autism often have learning problems, and will be teased and not have a full life?
Do you realize that your question could offend people? I do not have a disablity but If I did I would be extrememly angry at your one-sided question. Do you think it is fair that these people have to cope with painful and hard disorders for their whole life? Some of these people do not have a choice but to 'waste their life away' as you state it. They can't go out in society because they feel different. Some people who are disabled can do jobs just as good as you and I. So, next time consider the point you are making BEFORE you insult people.

2007-11-23 16:38:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I saw Judge Judy rail on a woman once who said she was on disability for arthritis and headaches. That's one of those cases where she sure looked fine and like a milker.

Me, on the other hand, I have m.s. and have never been able to go back to work since my first problem: a paralyzed dominant hand. The fatigue is awful. Medicines for it gave me migraines. I got disability on my first try and they have never questioned me again. I really wish I could work, but I know I can't get through a day. Going out for like 2 hours puts me down for about 2 days. Don't think my disability payments are making me rich; I NEED more money and NEED to work, but I know I can't, so I make due. I wish I could work; I feel guilty on days I feel ok. But the next day is bound to be crappy, so it's better if I just take it easy. I have quite enough to do around the house, as I can't afford my cleaning lady or gardeners anymore. Just consider myself lucky that I can still get around for now.

2007-11-30 12:05:00 · answer #6 · answered by Flatpaw 7 · 0 0

Awww hun! Poor you! Hell yeah I'd be annoyed at this! These people are (supposed to be) your family! They should love you and care for you no matter what. Tbh, reading everything you wrote you sound like a normal girl who can think for herself. You seem like you can write better than most people these days, lets be honest! What I see is a bright girl who just needs some to love her! Maybe you could try talking to your mum. Let her know how you feel. That you feel ostracized because of your disability. Nobody should be treated like this. Maybe if you can't talk to your mum, talk to a close friend?? Sorry if I'm not much help. But people like this make me feel so angry....I wish you all the best hun!

2016-04-05 05:50:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Just because you can't see someone's disability doesn't mean it doesn't cause them great suffering and difficulties in many areas of life nor that they are unintelligent and can't contribute to society in some way (some of these difficulties are caused solely because of the stigma placed on them by employers and co-workers who don't understand that just because you can't see a disability doesn't mean it doesn't exist). Many of the previous responders accurately noted that it is extremely difficult to get disability. It usually takes about a year, you have to file many doctors reports and it's usually denied. It then has to be appealed. Someone who really didn't need it wouldn't go through this procedure. I suffer from depression and have worked in high-paying jobs (between 75K and 150k) for over 10 years. I have already paid more taxes than many people do in a lifetime. However, since my condition has worsened I may have to go on disability. And nothing says you have to stay on it forever. This is not something I want to do. If I end up having to go on disability, that doesn't mean I'm not going to contribute to society. I intend to volunteer and write about my experiences so that others like me might not have to experience the discrimination that I did. And I do know people who have such severe migraine headaches that they are constantly vomiting. Would you really want someone like that as a co-worker?

2007-11-23 19:15:49 · answer #8 · answered by Sightseeing 3 · 7 0

As a person who suffered from migraine headachs My heart goes out to your EX wife.She is not a dreg of society.headachs are horrible.You certainly cannot work a labor intensive job with them.Sometimes I wanted to shoot myself as no painkillers would help.Light hurt,sound hurt,sometimes id even want to vomit.I think you are very heartless ..Women were not built to work these horrible hard jobs many of us are working.I probly pay as much for doctors as I earn in wages. Im constantly exhausted too cold or too hot. I too have learning disabilities and schizophrenia.I have to work. Who would pay the bills while I waited for disability?But I miss a ton of work and am always on the edge of getting fired.I dont think anyone can judge what another person goes through.I feel sorry for your EX.

2007-11-24 15:31:32 · answer #9 · answered by butterflyspy 5 · 2 0

Ten years ago I became disabled after spending a lifetime of suffering and fighting my disability as long as I could. I was a workaholic. When I was in a car accident that made it worse than I could possibly bear, I kept my full time job, and three part-time jobs, one of which was over 30 hours per week. I went to physical therapy three times per week, on my lunch hour. One morning I just couldn't make it. I was trying to take what pills I had at home for pain, but just couldn't make it to the point of going to work. My husband took me to the hospital. There I found out I'd BURNED the back of my leg, THIRD DEGREE BURN, without knowing it, because the actual nerve pain was WORSE than the burn from the rice pack!
Even people who know me don't understand why I'm disabled. After all, I can walk. What they don't know are the days that I'm confined to my wheelchair or bed. I don't complain and don't ask for help.
I'm thankful that I'm on disability -- I was turned down the first time, until we got them to actually look at my records and send me to their doctor, who immediately told them to put me on disability, and that they should SEE my back! (I heard him dictating a letter to the disability office!)
It was so hard for me to admit I was disabled, but by this time I was really bad off. I went through a horrible time adjusting. I still don't know what life has in store for me, but I take it one day at a time.
Still, if you met me today, you might not know a single thing is wrong with me, and I wouldn't tell you. But the only reason I get my social security disability income now is because I WORKED for it. I am drawing my social security early, because no employer would hire me, knowing that I couldn't be trusted to be able to make it through a whole day.

2007-11-23 20:08:08 · answer #10 · answered by Jen 4 · 6 0

I am disabled and on disability. But I understand where your coming from. The thing is many people who do not know me don't realise all of my medical problems. You can't always tell just from looking at someone whether or not they are truely disabled. I have seen some that are on it as well, and wonder how they got it. What really irks me is knowing that many of them use the money for drugs and do work getting paid under the table. If I knew their names, I'd report them for sure. Maybe the government needs to do some serious drug testing on people. I am sure they can tell an illegal drug from ones that person needs. I'd also like to know how they get pain medication. I have spina bifida, and arthritis so bad my joints are all shot, yet I have never gotten any from my Drs for it. I am in constant pain 24/7. I'd also like to inform you that I worked for years, jobs where I had to stand on my feet most of the 8 hours.

2007-11-23 17:55:06 · answer #11 · answered by Fruit Cake Lady 5 · 6 0

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