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13 answers

When I was young, I was always wanting to do something,
rather than staying at home. So I had to think of things to do.
Either with a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. I didn't like being alone,
and now it's the opposite as I don't have quiet time alone
all that much.
Growing up I loved going horseback riding and did when I
could. And even went to a girls ranch for a week one summer
and spent alot of time with the horse I was assigned. I learned
some tricks that week which I would never do again. We
hopped on the back of the horse, like stuntmen did in the
movies. I swore I could never leap that high, but we were
shown how, and we did it. Not once, but many times, til we
had it perfected. That was the same week where the horse I
was on, bolted during a rodeo, with me on his back and he
tried to make a leap over the corral gate. But miracle of
miracles, I pulled the mane on his neck and brought him
down with a loud command. I was too upset with him to be scared. And those watching thought I was trying to make him break his neck, not his breaking mine.
I wasn't the outdoorsy type, but I did like a river and
a rock to sit on and enjoy the scenery. I learned to fish from
my dad, but I didn't do that anymore, since I felt sorry for
them and didn't want to bait a hook anymore to catch them.
As a teenager I walked everywhere, and took a bus if it
was too far. And I loved to see things for the first time, as a
mild adventure. I mastered roller skating, and skated my
last time before starting to date, and I had mastered the
finese of skating backwards without falling down once. I
was so proud of myself. I felt I'd conquered my initial fears
and didn't need to do it again. Nor did anyone ever suggest
my going with them. So I forgot about it.
After working, I felt there was something missing and I
wanted to travel. So I checked out my options, of being a
stewardess, or going into the service to travel. The service
won out, for I wore glasses. And stews didn't wear glasses
back then. Maybe they still don't.
I went into the army because they didn't require that I
could swim the length of a pool, like the Navy. And the Air
Force had the no eyeglasses rule. Well I met and married
my husband in the service and he showed me he could
really dance well. And I loved to dance.
A few years later, we were out of the service or actively.
And he served in a reserve unit for his duration. And we
never went dancing, until we moved where I was raised and
then we started going out to do that. By then we had two
children so we relied on my mother to babysit. And that
became short lived when drinks began going up in price
at places where we'd go to dance.
The only vacations we took were over the weekend or
a little longer, to the beach. And in the course of moving
over the years to Calif. and Arizona, Oregon and Wash.
we did cover some territory and see a few places. But it
wasn't a vacation. Especially when we'd drive almost
straight through with only pit stops. It was hard enough to
get him to stop for the pit stops, much less see anything LOL.
Relaxation, you ask? Well I guess I had that after putting the
kids to bed and turned off their lights. Then I could exhale and
have the remaining evening with my husband if he wasn't
out of town working.
I got involved with ceramics which I found relaxing and a
good way to make some Xmas presents. I did that a few
times over the years, until I couldn't see well enough to do
detailed work with tiny bristled brushes.
When my husband and I took an active interest into western
towns and artifacts, we would find one and scour its' streets.
In Arizona we were able to explore a few that were already
tourist ridden. But we used our imaginations. We almost
went gold panning there, but when the monsoons hit in late
summer, the flash flooding posed a problem. So even tho
we had our gear, the weather wasn't cooperating. So when
we left the southwest and headed back north, we regretted
that we hadn't tried our luck. But we had managed to see all
of the important historical places in that state and came
away with alot of good memories. There's one thing that
we've never seen anywhere else, besides Sedona and
the Grand Canyon, and that's an Arizona sky. That turquoise
color turning almost into a purple haze in some locations
is something to see. We can watch a western in color and
if we see that sky, we look for other landmarks to tell us
where in Arizona it was filmed. And because we've been
there, we know, and we smile at each other in satisfaction.
Now I'm more sedate, than I expected to be. Poor health
and a car wreck last year, has really slowed me down. I
can't walk far, or stand for long. So I spend more time on
the computer to keep my mental facilties sharper. Which
doesn't say much, I know LOL. But I do try :). I am more
content or accepting of what lifes' dealt me, but I am not
happy about it. I am still anxious to get out there and do
more exploring. So til then, I will visit places over the inter-
net and learn about more people from Googling, and I
hope to live long enough to look at the face of a grandchild
I haven't seen since he was two. And a young grandchild
I've never even seen. I will leave this earth a very happy
woman when that day comes, and won't regret the places
I wasn't able to see. Maybe in my next life, that'll happen?

2007-11-23 19:48:11 · answer #1 · answered by Lynn 7 · 0 0

I have changed a great deal. I struggled so hard financially as a young mother raising three children on my own there was no relaxing. Vacations were unheard of for many years. My only interests were in keeping my head about water. After night school I was able to get a better job. Little by little I joined the middle class. My kids and I started enjoying ourselves. Dinners out, movies, vacations, and nice clothes. I was always in a hurry and had the speeding tickets to prove it. Now I am never in a hurry. I can leisurely read a book, sew for enjoyment, not necessity. I now have the time to learn about things I had an interest in when I was young, but could not pursue. I am calmer, don't cry at the drop of a hat. I am more patient, tolerable, and less inclined to judge. I realize now that God did not abandon me. He gave me the gumption to handle everything that life threw at me and make it better.

2007-11-24 02:47:03 · answer #2 · answered by curious connie 7 · 0 0

The one thing that has changed is my anal ways about housekeeping...although I still WANT the same spotless, in order household, I often just don't have the energy anymore to do it as I used to.

I still relax in the same way, I vacation more than when I was younger and had the responsibility of three children...my interests are more varied now.

2007-11-24 03:41:34 · answer #3 · answered by sage seeker 7 · 0 0

In terms of relaxation, vacation, and interests, since I was young I am more comfortable without clothing, and vacation in the nude. It's relaxing!

2007-11-23 16:02:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When younger I loved to travel.

I am now an arm chair traveler and watch the History channel.

The only trip I take now is to the bathroom and the doctor. Occasionally, a trip to the hospital.

My interests are working on old family pictures and writing family history.

When I was younger I was the one taking the pictures and making history.

Relaxation, is listening to music, wishing I could be out dancing to music again.

I have became addicted to reading and watching NBA basketball.

When I wake up each morning and I can honestly say I love life in spite of it all.

Thanks for the question. It brought back memories of my younger days, when my husband and I went out dancing. He always made me feel like the bell of the ball.

2007-11-23 18:35:39 · answer #5 · answered by DeeJay 7 · 1 0

I still like to read and enjoy learning, I love taking classes. Though I don't go out dancing now, I still love to dance and listen to music at home.
I now prefer short 2-3 day trips to longer vacations.
I used to get bored very easily and always had to be doing something, now I know how to relax and enjoy that.
As I grow older, I realize more all the time how precious my family and friends are to me.

2007-11-23 16:10:59 · answer #6 · answered by luvspbr2 6 · 1 0

Have always loved to read so that is the same. Now vacation time is spent visiting grandkids instead of going anywhere just for the heck of it.

2007-11-23 23:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 1 0

I have learned how to relax and enjoy life. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I quit drinking day and night like I used to.

2007-11-24 01:00:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Luvsprb2 - DITTO except I have never ever been bored except when I was 11 years old...it seemed like that year lasted forever...I think because I wasn't a kid but I wasn't a teen either.
I still love the things I did then I just have to do it a lot slower! lol!

2007-11-23 18:04:07 · answer #9 · answered by Meeshmai 4 · 0 0

This is hard. I still enjoy the same vacations, relaxation ways, my interests, have widened, or is it that I have learnt more about more subjects.

No. I still enjoy the same things.

2007-11-23 16:54:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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