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16 answers

Not just ever person, but also decisions and events associated with that person -- both small and large.

I really view life as a tapestry -- all of the people we meet, all of the choices we make, the events that happen TO us and the events that happen BECAUSE of us -- all weave together to make this rich, lush creation we call existence. These individuals, experiences and choices are weaved together inextricably, and if you were to change even a few of them, your current tapestry could completely unwind.

What's even more profound is that the threads of your tapestry are wound up inside other individual's tapestries, and depending on the circumstances, you may never know it.

Perhaps their tapestry was dramatically changed because of the $25 you donated to a food bank, or the fact that you slowed down to let them merge on the highway (altering their position in time enough to avoid an accident five minutes later) or maybe you gave a piece of advice on a public Answer's board and they took it to heart and made a change in their life -- small or large -- that eventually altered things (hopefully, for the better) for the rest of their life.

When you look at it this way, you begin to realize that the term "in your life" is actually much wider than people normally think. Indeed, with this view of interdependence, you start to see how connected we all are as social creatures sharing the same time and space, and how we never really can escape responsibility for our actions; since when we act, we are acting in a way that helps or harms people far beyond our immediate circle of acquaintances.

It's often easy to see the role and value of those who you interact with every day, because proximity to them allows you to easily discern how your tapestries are linked together. It's much more challenging to extend beyond that and grasp how even the smallest actions to complete strangers could radically influence their lives. When you start doing this, your sense of personal responsibility is expanded. Your sense of people's intrinsic value is also enhanced.

A good example is in a previous Answer, someone asked a question "Name one person without whom you wouldn’t have been what you are today?"

I thought very long about this, and I could have chosen one of those people who are in close proximity to me like my grandmother, a co-worker, teacher or parents (this would have been the immediate, natural thing to do.)

Instead, I chose a person that I never met ... in fact, I don't even know the person's name. What I do know is that this anonymous person took my very unconventional application and essay to the University of Michigan's Dean of Admissions and said "I think you ought to see this one."

Why was this extraordinary? Because I was a college dropout. I had no diploma, no GED, no SAT or ACT score. I should have been declined immediately. However, this person saw something in my essay that she believed warranted giving me a second chance. In the end, I was accepted.

In doing so, she was a critical part of enabling me to become what I have become. He or she is now part of my tapestry and will never know it. If that person had made a different decision ... had decided to just throw it in the "rejected" pile, my entire existence from that key point forward would have been very different. He or she would not have known this.

When we choose, we have to choose carefully. Our actions and decisions carry weight far beyond ourselves.

2007-11-24 02:51:19 · answer #1 · answered by Matt@AnswerFitness.com 6 · 2 0

Yes. I find that with family, the role should be a bigger one but unfortunately that isn't always the case. Sometimes I've found that friends play a bigger role than family. I've found that instead of being negative, since it easy to find the negative in others, I have to learn things about that person and then look for the positive. Each person in my life does play a specific role and sometimes it's changed. It's interesting to look back and see those changes. For instance as I grow older and have a family of my own, my moms role changes and grows to not only that of a mother, but of a friend.

2007-11-23 15:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by Jennylynn 5 · 1 0

No, I do not look at the role played by various persons in my life, but yes when thinking about the events which happened I do think that God had sent them in my life with some definite purpose.

2007-11-23 21:55:02 · answer #3 · answered by jillybilly 5 · 1 0

Yes, I do, although I haven't finished casting them, that is just which role they play in my life. In addition to this, I also believe every person you encounter in your life has something to teach you, even by demonstrating what not to be. Life is not only a stage, as Mr William Shakespeare put it, or, as they proclaim in the musical, a cabaret, it is the ultimate classroom.

2007-11-24 02:33:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I dont just look, I value each person in my life whether friend or otherwise. I like being me just as I expect everyone around me to be themselves. Each of us have different levels of moods, emotions, needs and even perhaps even in our outlook in life. I believe it is just a matter of respecting each others uniqueness and accepting who and what they are. Easier said than done, I know but it matters because they all have different roles to play in our existence.You and I are in the same situation, life is give and take with choices to reckon with.

2007-11-23 15:22:06 · answer #5 · answered by 102845 3 · 1 0

They play a big role in my life..I have alot of warm compassionate people in my life and without them I wouldnt have much of a life. I have alot of wonderful people here that I dont know personally but they have made me a better person.

2007-11-23 22:34:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Every person in my life played a very great role
begining with my mom till the door guard they alll helped in my growth mentally and emotionally i really owe them my life
And the best thing that they all do their roles without waiting for anything I LOVE THEM SOO MUCH
people here tooo affected my life:)

2007-11-23 22:17:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well ....i think and care for persons that are close to me but not everybody who is playing a role in my life..i think it is rather hard to keep all of them in view.....but i much rather think about what role myself have in others lives...and try to do it the best i could toward them both in duty and love

2007-11-23 15:28:28 · answer #8 · answered by Sonia 2 · 1 0

no, i cant say that i have, i more think in terms of the roles i play in others lives, mother, daughter, friend, worker etc, though i am aware of the importance others have in my life
i probably think more of my role since i am in the role of caretaker for many of my relationships

2007-11-23 15:23:13 · answer #9 · answered by dlin333 7 · 1 0

Once you have an actual baby you'll realize you've just been redirecting all your mothering instincts onto your husband. Then you'll come to learn that he actually would prefer to get a steak a BJ and some peace & quiet, more than he wants someone to make his bed & change his bib when it gets juicy juice on it.

2016-04-05 05:45:10 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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