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Why do some people want to stop global warming and were like 5 years away from the world coming to the end???

2007-11-23 15:00:41 · 22 answers · asked by GNRfan 2 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

22 answers

because people that understand the physics and ideas behind global warming are not superstitious or retarded enough to believe the world will end in 2012 just because a dying culture predicted it.


They predict the planets will line up in decmeber 2012 beign one of the major reasons the earth will end..... well guess what?

THEY DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2007-11-23 15:05:20 · answer #1 · answered by Mercury 2010 7 · 1 3

First off there isn't a way to stop global warming. It's a cycle that has already started. . . all they could hope to do is to slow it down. Maybe they're doing it because they don't believe that the end of the world will occur in 2012.

Second. . . . No one knows if the world will come to an end. I mean wasn't it the Mayans who predicted that the end of the world was going to happen in 2012? Then wouldn't they have predicted that their culture was going to end . .. Wouldn't they have stopped that from happening? I'm not saying I don't think it'll happen because I don't know if it will or won't. But I am saying that you should give that some thought. And think about this. . . Didn't everyone think that the world was going to end in 2000? Since it's 2007 it's obvious that didn't happen.

All we can do is hope that it doesn't happen and to enjoy every day our lives because no one knows when their last day is coming.

Good Luck.

2007-11-24 00:29:17 · answer #2 · answered by Bast 5 · 0 1

People have hope that the world will NOT end in 2012; they want to continue efforts to stop global warming. If people believe the world will not end at the time, then they would probably want a world to go back to.

2007-11-23 23:05:49 · answer #3 · answered by Kamina Squirtle 4 · 0 0

It is well known that the mayan calendar says that the world is going to end on Dec. 21st, 22nd, or 23rd (there is some debate about which day), but does it really say that? Or does it say something else entirely?
For the purposes of this article, I will refer to december 21, 22, and 23 as the "end of days".
The Maya date civilization back to August 13, 3114 b.c. This is the beginning of the Mayan calendar. The date is also the beginning of the 5th Great Cycle. The Mayans believed that there are 5 Great Cycles of the Earth and that the beginning of civilization was the beginning of the 5th one. 2012 is the year thet the 5th Great Cycle is supposed to end. This is where the belief that the End of Days is 2012 comes from. All 5 Great Cycles are supposed to end in destruction.
There are several important events happening in 2012- particlularly on the end of days. The Earth, the Sun, and the black hole at the center of the Milky way Galaxy will align, this happens once every 26,000 years, also the Eath will complete one wobble around it's axis, another event that happens about once every 26 thousand years ( more on happenings in 2012 later).
The Mayan calendar has made many prophesies that have come true. The third part of the calendar, the Katune is broken down into 13 parts each being 20 years and having it's own prophesy. For ex. Katune 10's prophesy is " Bleak times, Drought, famine, foreing occupation, change." Katne 10 last happened during WW2.
Katune 1's prophesy is "great changes, rebuild". This Katune next begins on the End of Days. Does this mean that there are going to be people left to rebuild? I believe that it does.
Nobody knows for sure, but in astrology, the Age of Aquaruis is supposed to begin sometime between the late 1900's to the early 2000's. Consensus is that it could begin close to the beginning of this century. Could it actually start on the End of Days? The Age of Aquarius is supposed to herald in a time of great changes and enlightenment, when we see what we have done wrong and really fix the problem.
Katune 2 (2032) is prophesised as" for half there will be good, the other half, misfortune, end of the world of God, uniting for a cause." I (and many others in the scholar community) believe that this means that these 2 halves must unite if we are going to survive.
Many believe that to figure out what is going to happen to us, we must look at what happened to the writers of the prophesies, the Mayans, and what happened to their civilization. The Mayan world was over populated, misudes their natural resourses, and were in a constant state of warfare. When the Spaniards came, the Mayans were able to hold them back for years, then suddenly, the Spaniards overtook the Mayans. They seemed to have given into their fate.
Does any of the Mayan's story seem familiar to you? it should, the whole world is overpopulated, we are overusing our natural resourses, and the whole world is beginning to be in warfare. All we are missing is the invading force.
I don't believe that the world is going to come to and end completly, but because of what we are doing to our environment and to each other, we ourselves are going to bring about the end of the world as we know it.

2007-11-23 23:58:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Global Warming is a scam people, good god, wake up already, it is nothing more than a way for big *** corporations to make money off of stupid dumb-founded citizens. The globe is not going into an ice age, CO2 is not having the huge effect on our ozone as people like Al Gore paint it out to be, the polar bears are NOT dying off, their population has INCREASED. The Illuminati has programmed you citizens oh so well, haha, reading your posts its so obvious that you sheep will never bite the hand that feeds, but remember, the hand that feeds will be the same hand that kills. Focus your energy on stopping the New World Order, not bickering about the Mayan Calendar....The Illuminati is behind Global Warming, just like they were behind 9/11, the 1929 stock crash, the depression in the 1930s, and they will be the ones behind the next big terror attack which is coming very soon to the US (thanks Bush, again for this one!!) and they will be behind the the world going into another depression when the economy falls apart again before the next election. Count on it. Watch Alex Jones' Endgame on Youtube, check out infowars.com prisonplanet.com educate your simple minds, wake up, deprogram your senses before it is too late
join the group Crush the New World Order on facebook, tons of useful info

The answer to 1984 is 1776

2007-11-26 15:39:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well because not all people are so gullible as to believe the world will end in 2012.


"DOS used 5 bits to represent the year, starting from 1980.
So the DOS world will end in 2012.
DOS {Disk Operating System} is the beginning of all these little personal computer and is the primary cause for global warming. :D"

Hahaha, nice one :D

2007-11-23 23:04:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Who knows what will happen in or around that year? Sometimes propheices can come true because people make them come true.

Here's a quote from a wikpedia article on 2012:

"2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:

The 1995 book The Mayan Prophecies linked the Maya calendar with long-period sunspot cycles.
The book 2012: Mayan Year of Destiny claims the Maya may have been instructed in their wisdom by disembodied entities from Orion and the Pleiades. Contact was maintained through shamanic rituals conducted in accordance with the movements of planets and stars. However, some Mayan priests living and working in Guatemala assert that there is no legitimacy to this theory.
The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.
The book The Nostradamus Code speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by a comet (possibly as above) that will allow the third Antichrist to disperse his troops around the globe under the guise of aid in preparation for a possible nuclear war, although in the strictest sense it is unspecific as to nuclear war or some other natural or man caused destruction.
The book The Orion Prophecy claims that the Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
The 2005 book Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.
The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.
The 2007 book Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization's End by Lawrence Joseph does not make any specific new predictions, but it reviews a number of 2012 predictions made by various sources, and presents arguments for the possible existence of dangerous positive feedback loops involving solar storms, Earth's magnetic field, cosmic rays, hurricanes, global warming, earthquakes, and supervolcanoes that may be on the verge of erupting.
Other prophecies and apocalyptic writings and hypotheses for this year include:

Terence McKenna's mathematical novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.
Some proponents of a peak oil catastrophe place major events in 2012. Richard C. Duncan's book The Peak of World Oil Production and the Road To The Olduvai Gorge claims that the Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide. Several studies predict a peak in oil production in or around 2012. [13][14][15]
Some alien-enthusiasts (e.g. Riley Martin), along with some new-agers, believe 2012 to correspond approximately with the return of alien "watchers" or "caretakers" who might have helped the first human civilizations with developing their technology and may have been waiting for us to reach a higher level of technological and/or social advancement. Beliefs range from the extra-terrestrials having benevolent purposes — such as to help human society evolve — to malevolent purposes — such as enslavement of mankind and/or manipulation.
There is a Hindu following indicating the appearance of an Avatar (God in human form) with God-like powers who will herald a new age. A website to this effect appears at: End of the World 2012. "

2007-11-24 15:28:08 · answer #7 · answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 · 0 1

DOS used 5 bits to represent the year, starting from 1980.
So the DOS world will end in 2012.
DOS {Disk Operating System} is the beginning of all these little personal computer and is the primary cause for global warming. :D

2007-11-23 23:05:31 · answer #8 · answered by xiaodao 4 · 3 2

Good point.

I guess it shows that fanatics don't think rationally. What you state is simply more evidence of the level of intelligence persons have who still believe any of the 2012 hype given the fact that no scientist in the world supports any of it.

I am particularly offended by the answer given by valley of the winding waters. The answer is a website photocopy yet no credit is given to it. It was written by a freelance writer Stephanie A Smith. Not a scientist or authority on the topic.


Clearly winding waters knows nothing at all about the topic but displays a shallow intellect by using the word katune which does not exist. The word is katun. The Mayans nor their calendar ever spoke of an end of the world as winding waters would have us believe. Further proof of winding waters' ignorance lies in the quote that an alignment is going on with a black hole. Such is simply not true. This is an amateur's misconception. The event is a visual one as seen from Earth- not a physical allignment. You may wish to change your avatar so you don't shame the American Indian.

A truly amazing person-- I think everyone already knows the amount of unscientific and unsubstantiated bunk written about this topic. You may want to research the persons which you call 'eclectic authors'. An eclectic author is not just anyone who comes up with some kook idea of what they think will happen when it is based upon guesswork and not evidence. There are plenty of psychics and new agers on the internet spitting out that kind of crap. Didn't Nostradamus also predict the end of the world for 1999? Didn't the bible codes also say that the US would invade Iran in 2006? Didn't the bible codes mention a killer asteroid would hit Canada in 2005? It is not difficult when one researches the truth of Terrence McKenna. A writer with no scientific background who wrote his books and spewed out his philosophies under the influence of halucinogens and psychadelic drugs. His novelty theory was never meant to be taken seriously. He did not come up with his theory and then it was found that history matched it. Contrarily, he took events in history and then tried to construct a theory around it. Here is what wiki says about McKenna and research on his theory will prove it-

"There are several criticisms of novelty theory. Many contend that it is a sophistry based on a form of irrational scientism with pseudo-scientific premises and reasoning.

One criticism in this vein is that novelty is not defined in natural units. Another is that the supporting, corroborative arguments are based on subjective historical analysis. McKenna was adept at this, and Rupert Sheldrake complained that the theory required his personality for its demonstration. Another criticism is that the historical end point was chosen arbitrarily.

When the user quits Fractal Time 7.1 (the last software package written to demonstrate the theory, see below), the program prints the following message before exiting:

Perhaps the real value of novelty theory, at the end of the technological war-driven 20th century, is that it is a parody. It is not a scientific theory, nor is it a pseudo-scientific theory -- it is a parody of a scientific theory. It basically mocks the pretensions of 20th century physical science. It purports to explain the nature of time and to elucidate the inner workings of the temporal world, yet it is obviously absurd, at least to a more than superficial examination. Novelty theory says to us: This is what any Cartesian-Newtonian scientific theory really is -- basically absurd. And since it is absurd, we should not, and do not have to, believe. This basically knocks the foundations out from under the assumptions of modern Western society, built as it is on a faith in modern physical science as being the authority as to the nature of the real world. In this sense Terence McKenna's thought is both liberating and subversive." -

You need to spend more time researching things before you accept them and profess them to be scientific truths. It's true that a person who WANTS to believe that the end is here, will find someone somewhere proclaiming it. That person which you speak of appears to be yourself. Whether it be 2012 or 2007. If you think that the world is going to end or flip poles or whatever just because someone is making money by writing it in a book, then you are beyond hope. There will be more people retiring wealthy in 2013 than any previous year in history.


2007-11-24 00:05:08 · answer #9 · answered by Troasa 7 · 2 0

The date in 16 bits is YYYYYYYMMMMDDDDD + hhhhhmmmmmmbbbbb.

The year is represented as YYYYYYY the 7 bits giving 2^7=128.



The Y2K scare was due to some engineers (god bless them for for scaring the heck out of us) deciding to hard wire some of the 7 bits so the number of possible years was reduced.

Reference reason for Y2K (blame the programmers; YAY!)
Some programming languages, notably COBOL, allow decimal numbers as a data type. These machines support decimal numbers in hardware by encoding a decimal digit in 4 bits and then packing two decimal digits per byte (binary coded decimal format). But arithmetic does not work correctly on packed decimal numbers, so special decimal-arithmetic-correction instructions are needed, which must know the carry out of bit 3. The Y2K (Year 2000) problem was caused by COBOL programmers who decided that it would be cheaper to represent the year as two decimal digits rather than as a 16-bit binary number.

2007-11-24 00:03:14 · answer #10 · answered by oz_engineer 3 · 1 0

That's just plain RUBBISH! They are ignorant of reality. Regardless of what our environment does or does not do, our sun (Sol) is good for a few billion years at least and our planet for a couple of billion. Whether we, as a species, will survive that long is infinitely less predictable. We survive within a very, very slender zone of life and a whole bunch of things could drastically change our zone very quickly, with quickly being defined as more time than we have yet existed. (170,000 years +or-)

2007-11-23 23:18:15 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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