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i was very much against this idea at first.. but after doing some research and talking around with ppl i feel pretty strongly that the american government was the reason that 9/11 happened...
im very open to listening to opposing view points.. just dont be an ignorant ***

2007-11-23 13:10:32 · 8 answers · asked by gary z 1 in News & Events Current Events

8 answers

I do not believe the government was involved in any way other than not heeding the apparent warnings they are alleged to have had.

2007-11-23 13:15:56 · answer #1 · answered by bgee2001ca 7 · 1 0

There is overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was NOT an inside job by the US gov't.

Here's why:

--Every single published expert (in demolition or civil engineering) in the world has rejected the so-called "science" of the conspiracy theorists. It's really amazing.

--Money Motive - Why would Bush (or whoever) take such a risk as doing 9/11 when he could make all the money he wants by: receipt of lobbying, giving himself options, awarding pork barrel contracts, getting kickbacks, etc., etc.

--Insider Trading - All financial transactions are a matter of public record. Anyone making money off of 9/11 would be instantly exposed. Buying “put options” is like screaming “Here I am. Come and arrest me!” You can’t do these transactions anonymously.
Of course, the FBI checked all 9-11 associated profit making and found nothing significant . See Point 6, at:

--Oil motive - Conspiracy folks claim that we invaded Iraq “to get its oil.” We haven’t got any, nor will we. We are not allowed to take oil out of Iraq. We buy it like everyone else.
Also, there’s nothing magical about oil: Getting money is also good because it can buy oil. However, we’ve SPENT a trillion dollars in Iraq. That’s a lot of oil we could have bought.

--Military spending - Military spending goes on all the time, in war & in peace. These guys make tons of money. Why risk killing 3000 Americans for what you already have?

--Other Vague motives - Conspiracy folks say we did 9/11 so we could “further our agenda in the middle east.” A vague, meaningless motive. Vague claims are usually false.

--As they say, 3 people can keep a secret IF 2 of them are dead. So many people would have to be involved that SOMEONE should have come forward by now. At least one single, solitary person MUST leak, even if accidently, SOMETHING.

--Al-Qaeda is the self-admitted agent with documented motives. In 1993, they attacked the WTC using a truck bomb and they were behind the attack on the US in Mogadishu. In 1996, Bin Laden issued a fatwa (basically a declaration of war) against the United States. In 2000 al-Qaeda bombed the missile destroyer U.S.S. Cole near Yemen, killing 17 servicemen. They bombed trains in London and Spain, and have been active in Algeria, Somalia and Kenya, Pakistan, etc, etc. The 20th terrorist, Zacarias Moussaoui, admitted guilt in court.

--The conspiracy theorists never say exactly who is behind the 9/11 inside job. This is a sign that the claim is false.

The conspiracists are afraid to name a specific person because then we could examine that person & instantly prove the conspiracy people wrong. So, they hide behind vagueness.

--Believe it not, most people are not murderers. Very few people have the psychological makeup to be mass-murderers, & they usually show signs of it beforehand.

2007-11-24 09:04:10 · answer #2 · answered by J 5 · 0 0

If there was a conspiracy it was algore and the liberals with financial backing by Soros and Moveon.org.
They tried to steal the Presidential election in 2000,with the aid and abetting of the Democratic controlled Florida Supreme Court. They lost,no matter how many times they counted the ballots.
Algore and the Clinton's became so incensed that they devised the 9/11 plan to discredit the new President Bush. There have been other schemes that have tried. The valery plame debacle.
Your last statement? No one could be,you already won the golden a@s award for that.

2007-11-23 21:34:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Actually, yes - it is an inside joke. The government formulated the conspiracy theories because they were bored.

2007-11-24 00:05:14 · answer #4 · answered by Caninelegion 7 · 0 0

there is 0% chance the government was involved in 9/11 if you look at the big picture and not just the stupid youtube videos. the government had no motive to fake an attack, there were plenty of terrorist attacks in the united states that were bases enough to go to war. the UN never approved of our invasion of afghanistan anyways, we could have gone for any of the other IET attacks in our country. another trendy arguement is that we went for the oil. that is ridiculous as we pay almost 100$ a barrel from the iraqis and afgans. if we wanted oil we have had many oppertunities to annex oil rich countries since the gulf war. if we wanted to we could simply annex pakistan right now with minimal resistence and pay about 25 cents for a barrel of oil.

then assuming the you tube videos were right and there is all kinds of questionable statistics i will ask you, if you were one of theese IETs with like a million IQ (and trust me they really are geniuses) you wouldnt think to frame your victims government so no one would support a counter strikew against you? so the hole in the tower wasnt big enough for a plane to fit, do you think it is impossible to launch a missle from afgahnistan and hit the towers? trust me, its not.

there is no reason the government would have staged the attacks, the theory has been disproven anyway if u take the time to really look into the idea and see counter-arguements.

2007-11-23 22:04:52 · answer #5 · answered by pinkfloyd6488 2 · 3 3

The government was involved with 9/11. I am completely convinced. I mean, look at the evidence. It's all there. If our government can full its entire population, what can they make us believe next? I know they planned 9/11, but it's wiser to keep my mouth shut.

2007-11-24 02:15:37 · answer #6 · answered by Destiny 2 · 1 2

I do not believe the US government was then, or now, smart enough to foster such a conspiracy.

2007-11-23 21:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by Yulik MahBaht 4 · 4 0

I researched it on the internet and I totally think its a conspiracy. Those videos are evidence enough!

2007-11-23 21:14:22 · answer #8 · answered by Jojo 2 · 2 2

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