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What does your Christmas list consist of this year?

Was ther ever a gift you wanted so badly and you thought you wouldn't get then surprizingly did? What was your reaction? OR Was ther anything you thought for sure you would get but then you didn't? How was your reaction like?

What was the best Christmas gift you ever got?

How old were you your first Christmas (months wise)?

When did you top believing in Santa Claus?

Did you pretend there was a Santa for younger sibling(s) when you grew older and knew he didn't exist? OR did older siblings pretend that they still believd in Santa for you?

How did you parents tell you about there not being a Santa?

Do you pretend for kids/grandkids/ now?

What is you favorite part / memory / tradition of Christmas ever?

2007-11-23 12:00:07 · 11 answers · asked by ~*~<3~*~ 3 in Society & Culture Holidays Christmas

11 answers

1) My brother, sisters, nieces, nephews, and two aunts, plus participating in some charitable giving.

2) I don't remember.

3) Once my whole family got me a stereo system that included a radio, CD player, and two tape players. Loved it! I got into making my own compilation tapes.

4) Four days old. I was born December 21, 1956, and I spent my first Christmas in the hospital with my mother.

5) It was gradual, but seeing the pile of presents on my Mom's bed probably confirmed it. I was probably nine.

6) I'm the youngest. Yes, my older siblings still pretended to believe in Santa for my sake. In fact, one time my sister said if I didn't behave, Santa wouldn't bring presents for me. I said my aunts and uncles still would. She said Santa would tell them not to give me anything. I don't think I replied to that, but I didn't believe her.

7) I don't remember clearly. My last "official" visit was at age 10, and by then I didn't believe in Santa literally, but I still held onto Santa poetically, and I still do, even now. That same sister took me to Macy's for that last official visit. Now, I have visited Santa a few time as an adult, but I don't sit on his lap. I was even a Macy's Santaland elf one year!

8) Yes and no. That same sister told my niece the "truth" about Santa Claus when she was two. In fact, a few years ago, when my aunt told me that "Santa Claus" had given her her karaoke machine for Christmas, I relayed that story to my nieces, and that same niece admonished me for filling my younger niece (her younger cousin) with stories. Now all my sisters' children are in their teens or twenties.

9) I love walking down the street singing Christmas carols, and I go caroling with others when I get the chance. I also love giving and getting presents, but I can only afford to give them to my immediate family and their children, and maybe a handful of others. I also like participating in charities like Operation Christmas Child or the Post Office's Operation Santa.

2007-11-23 12:21:03 · answer #1 · answered by MNL_1221 6 · 0 0

What does your Christmas list consist of this year?
I really want a ipod nano,a digital camera,shoes,and lots good and nice cloth.

Was ther ever a gift you wanted so badly and you thought you wouldn't get then surprizingly did? What was your reaction? OR Was ther anything you thought for sure you would get but then you didn't? How was your reaction like?
1.No,i always shop for my gift so its not really that excited after all.
2. i wanted a digital camera and i thought i was goin to get it but no i didnt.
3.i was disapointed but i wasnt goin to start crying, was i? no.

What was the best Christmas gift you ever got?
i think that it was wen i got my own boombox it was very nice and surpricing cuz it was the first time i didnt know wat it was.
How old were you your first Christmas (months wise)?
6 months

When did you top believing in Santa Claus?
i really dont know cuz i always knew who bought my gifts
and i think i never believed in santa.

Did you pretend there was a Santa for younger sibling(s) when you grew older and knew he didn't exist? OR did older siblings pretend that they still believd in Santa for you?
no i didnt ,no they never did it was very sad though but i atleast i got a present.
How did you parents tell you about there not being a Santa?
they never did i really didnt believe on him.
Do you pretend for kids/grandkids/ now?
What is you favorite part / memory / tradition of Christmas ever?
none, not that i remember.

2007-11-23 12:17:23 · answer #2 · answered by hazel 1 · 0 0

What does your Christmas list consist of this year?
I don't know yet !

What was the best Christmas gift you ever got?
Digi camera , because i love taking Pictures

How old were you your first Christmas (months wise)?
Sorry, I don't remember !

When did you top believing in Santa Claus?
I know i was young , my cousin told me Santa wasn't real, Yes i was upset!

How did you parents tell you about there not being a Santa?
We never really discust it , we just kinda went a long with it until i got older , they just started saying Santa didn't come this year , but we got your presents and i just told them i know santa isn't real.

Do you pretend for kids/grandkids/ now?
Yes i pretend for my little cousins, because its fun for them!

What is you favorite part / memory / tradition of Christmas ever?
Well every Xmas eve my whole family gets together and has a great big party and hands out gifts and it is absolutely awesome and then we do a little party for Xmas day !

Thanks for asking
and ..

Merry Christmas !

2007-11-23 12:09:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just so everyone knows, I am 32, and grew up in “Action Figure Utopia.”

My Christmas list consists of things that are hard to find. I am a collector, and always buy anything I need, so I have a nifty list.

Yes, I wanted a bowling ball. I was in a bowling league, but was always one of the smallest kids, so only about 3 balls in the entire place fit me. I had to get there early and fight to get the one I needed. I finally got one in my 2nd year of bowling. ANY box that was wrapped… “Maybe it’s a bowling ball” my mom would say. 20 years later, that saying still is used!

One Christmas, My brother and I got about 30 “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” figures, a castle, vehicles… it was impressive

I was 10 months old.

No, I found out on my own. I was a snooper! Found a hoard of stuff, then cried because my mom said everything was going back. I am happy to say that I got the stuff anyway! And yes, I have two younger siblings, and I did not “spill the beans.”

Yes, I still pretend for the youngsters. As a matter of fact, I teach basic computer skills to grades 2-8.

Lots of traditions. Church, Christmas caroling, the lights and smells. But I think the BEST was going to Carnegie Hall in NYC. (I live less than an hour north) We went for the “Messiah Singin”. They had proffessional soloist singing the solos, but we were to bring our own books for the choir songs.


2007-11-23 12:23:24 · answer #4 · answered by SARswimmer95 6 · 0 0

I haven't decided on my list yet.
When a child I wanted a pony, never got one, was always disappointed.
Best Christmas gift was a leather coat.
1st Christmas was 4 months old.
found out about Santa when 10 yrs. old
I do not spoil Christmas for any kids that still believe in Santa
Favorite Christmas tradition was when my Dad read us The Night Before Christmas Story every Christmas eve.

2007-11-23 12:34:24 · answer #5 · answered by chelan07 3 · 0 0

My Christmas list is very short ... I want a 'button up' chenille robe in 'periwinkle' and a nice pair of warm slippers. I will also probably get some more fish (we now own 42 fish, in two tanks).
The BEST Christmas gift I ever got was waking up on Christmas morning and being married to the man of my dreams, and knowing that I will ALWAYS be waking up next to him for the rest of our lives.
I was 3.5 months old my first Christmas.
I still believe in Santa Claus ... I'm married to a man who is 'mistaken for Santa' every year at this time.
I don't PRETEND about Santa ... I do still believe in him.
NO ONE 'told me' anything about Santa 'existing' or 'not existing' and I wouldn't believe them if they tried.
No, I don't PRETENT ... I do still believe, and so do my children and grandchildren.
My FAVORITE thing about Christmas is going to Midnight Mass and sleeping in on Christmas morning.

2007-11-23 12:09:22 · answer #6 · answered by Kris L 7 · 0 0

1. anything golf related
2. I really wanted a cd player in college. My sister told my dad that I thought I was getting one and would be upset if I didn't get one, and my dad said he hadn't bought me one. On xmas, I opened a present wrapped in a towel. My dad had unplugged his cd player and given it to me. He made up a story about the stores being out of them. My sister told me later what he had done. It still makes me tear up thinking about it.
3. Eurorail tickets in my 20s
4. My first xmas I was 11 mos. 28 days.
5. 10
6. I was the eldest, and I pretended.
7. They didn't. I saw them setting things up and got the picture. I already had my doubts.
8. Absolutely! Presents in my home are still marked from Santa.
9. There are SO many favorite parts...the first sight of the tree with all the presents, all the wrapping paper being ripped and thrown everywhere, ditching church on xmas eve night and driving around looking at lights with my 4 siblings (I was supposed to bring them while my parents did who knows what at home), and playing board games with my family after dinner.

2007-11-23 12:19:16 · answer #7 · answered by deirdrezz 6 · 0 0

1 a million dollars.
2 no, none, no, none.
3 a sweet camera
4 less than a month [christmas was 21 days after i was born]
5 i never believed in santa. honestly.
6 yeah, even though i ended up breaking it to him when he was 6 years old.
7 they didn't, i just never bought that whole idea, even as a toddler.
8 no.
9 snow.

2007-11-23 12:06:54 · answer #8 · answered by andrea 1 · 0 0

I'm 13. Do I count?


OMG! Jesus heard me!
Barbie Cash Register
9 mo.
When my dad told me he was Santa. (he's buff, Santa's fat) & when I noticed gifts from mom and gifts from Santa were very similar in handwriting.
My 10yr. brother acts like Santa's real.
Dad said he was Santa?
WHAT KIDS/GRANDKIDS? ooh you mean my dog. She loves Santa.

2007-11-23 12:07:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i stopped believing Santa clause when i was 8

2007-11-23 12:04:34 · answer #10 · answered by Roxy E 2 · 0 0

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