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Wasn't it Reagan and Bush Sr. who armed, trained, financed Bin Laden and his boy's in the early 80's?

Didn't 9/11 happen under the Republicans watch?

Wasn't it Reagan and Rumsfeld who gave Saddam chemical weapons?

Wasn't it contractors linked to Rumsfeld who sold nuclear reactor's to N. Korea?

Wasn't it Bush who wanted to hand our port security to Dubai, a country with links to Hezbollah?

Wasn't it reagan who called Bin Laden a "great man and a hero" (after Reagan cut and ran from Lebanon after Hezbollah bombed a marine's barrack killing almost 300 marines".

Aren't the Bush's closes friends and business partners the Saudi Royal Family? The same family who have bank rolled terrorism for decades?

Wasn't it Bush who said " I don't think about Bin Laden, he is not important too me."

With the track record of the Republicans can America take the risk and vote Republican?

2007-11-23 10:30:15 · 13 answers · asked by REMY D RETURNS 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

13 answers

i think we lose either way ... both republicans and democrats have been in the whitehouse since the overall plan in the middle east was launched in the balkans ...

2007-11-23 10:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You left a lot of stuff out, but commies like you usually do. Bin Laden was fighting the Soviets at the time you were talking about in Afghanistan which I'm not sure if you remember, but we were in a cold war with the Soviets and we were funding the opposition, one of which was Bin Laden. Saddam was in a war with our other enemy Iran which you may or may not remember took 66 American Hostages and we were funding the Iraqi Army in that conflict. Don't try to rewrite history, we can play this stupid game all day long, but how about joining your team and quit conspiring against it.

Outstanding Jay, you da man.

2007-11-23 10:37:48 · answer #2 · answered by El Guapo 4 · 4 1

Before you begin making yourself look silly, you need to understand the dynamics of the world before the fall of the Soviet Union. THEY were the big worry then, particularly because they possessed an arsenal big enough to destroy the world 100 times over.

Some of your quotes are confused, but yes, the US Government (with the support of a Democrat controlled Congress - make sure you realize any presidential action is by nature necessarily bipartisan) secured weapons and money to support the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was one of many that we supported against the BIGGER threat at the time - expanding communism.

Chemical weapons to Saddam? NO - we are signers of the non proliferation of WMD's treaty. There is no reason to sell this stuff, since it is so easy to trace. Saddam had facilities to make enough of his own.

As far as big oil connections are concerned, every president has been good buddies with the Saudis. We need them until we can get off the oil standard. You are conveniently ignoring that Hillary Clinton and Bill both sold their oil stocks before she announced her candidacy. That way she can "innocently" point her fingers at the Oil Men Republicans.

I advise you to do some more research before you make yourself look silly. It is so easy to take things out of the context of the times and make them look evil when you have the luxury of the knowledge of the present. Using your logic, a person could claim that Kennedy "committed suicide", by going to Dallas, or President Wilson "was a traitor" for trying to get the Allies to go easier on Germany after WWI.

It is easier to get understanding by asking non-loaded questions. What you are doing is trying to express your opinions with no real interest in truthful answers. We call your actions "rhetoric and diatribe". In fact, that method was used rather effectively by another group - the Nazis.

Finally, can you blame the Bush administration for 9/11 when it was planned, financed and worked up to through a series of attacks on US interests (Saudi towers, USS Cole, Embassy bombings in Africa, World Trade Attack 1 in NYC) under the Clinton Administration? Come on now - be for real. Bush was still trying to consolidate his government after the Supreme Court fight over the election. Most presidents have months to get it together. Bush had no prep time. An attack like WTC isn't planned overnight. It takes years. I don't think you are really dumb enough to believe that the plan was hatched in a few months.

Learn, think, then write.


2007-11-23 10:45:01 · answer #3 · answered by Jay the Diver 3 · 6 0

Didn't 3/4 of the planning for 9/11 occur after Clinton had refused him on a silver platter three times?

Wasn't it Reagan w/ VP Bush who helped the Iraqis defeat the Iranians?

Wasn't it Clinton who gave N Korea 94,000,000 dollars to be good boys that they used to build their nuke program?

Wasn't it Dubai that was our closest Middle East Ally in the War On Terror in Iraq, and the most capable of all port contractors?

Wasn't it Reagan who w/ Bin Ladin's help ran the Soviets out ot Afghanistan?

Aren't the Saudi's our greatest ally in the Middle Eastern Oil producing nations and our main supporter in OPEC?

Wasn't it Bush who made Bin Ladin a big nothing - hiding in a cave?

Let's talk here dude:
Clinton cut our military 40% and people like you whine about tours of duty in a small war like Iraq!

Clinton cut the CIA and FBI budgets to the point where they couldn't watch the Boy Scouts!

Clinton openly stated he did not want intel from the "shady types" (the ones involved in plots)

Clinton wrote and passed The China Trade Agreement over the protests of unions form across the nation in Washington DC

Carter caused the Iranian conflict by dumping our ally and letting the current form of GVMT to be set up.

Johnson escalated the Vietnam War to the point that we couldn't get out

Kennedy caused the Cuban missile crisis.
\Kennedy set up a failed attack on Cuba called the Bay O f Pigs

Kennedy put the first combat troops into Vietnam!

Current dimocrats have caused the hope and morale of our current enemies to soar to unimaginable heights calling for a legilated, timed, and orderly defeat of the U.S.

Kerry committed TREASON in Paris and is actually a hero with a picture and plaque in the Vietnam War Museum

Kerry caused the deaths of all U.S. and all vietnames for the last two years of the Vietnam War by doing what the Dims have been doing in regard to Irq\aq! So even knowing how it affects our combat firces they still do it.

We have no chance of being attacked w/ Repubs in but I will give you this no one will need to attack us with Dims in!

They will just surrender on demand!

Remember Chirac has been up for corruption 4 times now (The big liberal democrat hero)

I'd have Dubai for an ally over francee~ any day1!!

2007-11-23 10:55:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Looks like the others raked you over the coals pretty good so I'll just add my 2 cents worth.

You sound like a product of public school that only graduated in the last couple years.

My youngest son graduated last May and every time we tried to discuss history that I lived through that boy had the most screwed up ideas of what happened and why.

You sound much like him.

I may sue the local school system.

2007-11-23 11:17:07 · answer #5 · answered by CFB 5 · 2 0

It is not the republicans fault. It is just a war-hungry people who have nothing to lose. What does Bin Laden have to lose? Nothing. So he leads a group of radicles.

The blame fails on more than one answer. But just blaming the Republicans is a cheap way of doing it.

2007-11-23 10:36:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Didn't Bill Clinton let Bin Laden go? Enough said.

2007-11-23 10:33:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Don't know.
But I do know that Democrats work with Terrorists.

You have funny lies. Sounds like grade school stuff.

2007-11-23 10:52:02 · answer #8 · answered by dinamuk 4 · 4 1

Everything you stated is correct and we are in for more war and carnage so long as these imbeciles and their supporters in Whitehall remain in power.
Hitler and Stalin would clap their hands with glee if they were around to witness the needless slaughter of innocent people.

2007-11-23 10:41:32 · answer #9 · answered by Equaliser. 3 · 0 4

Would like to know where you are getting some of you facts? Most of what you said is BS.

2007-11-23 10:37:31 · answer #10 · answered by Sasha 5 · 5 1

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