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2007-11-23 10:01:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

How will they find their way around it?

2007-11-23 10:09:17 · update #1

I'm talking about America. If the rich want to help the poor, they can by providing everyone will health care. Doesn't that feel good?

2007-11-23 10:12:31 · update #2

25 answers

Well a new question not a trolling one or a rant.Yeah you go girl!
No look at English Rock Stars they all live here because of the high taxes.
How bout no.

2007-11-23 10:26:35 · answer #1 · answered by ak6702 7 · 0 1

Nobody is talking about HEALTH CARE. Nobody wants to puit doctors and hospitals on the federal payroll. The issue is HEALTH INSURANCE. At this point there are several millions of people who do not pay into any kind of HEALTH INSURANCE plan. Basically their health insurance plan is that they plan to stay healthy. Meanwhile, those with health insurance often pay far more in premiums that they have to because doctors and hospitals know that they have to make up their loses somewhere. Second, everyone pays into Medicare and whatever state Medicade they have....not to mention the VA, prison health and Indian health services etc. By moving to a NON-PROFIT UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE SINGLE PAYER system all of these expensive services would be eliminated. Everyone would pay something, but everyone would pay less. Sure, the current health insurance companies would lose out, but so what? Nobody is assured of a forever cash cow no matter how much money they give to a series of politicians. As far as the 'rich' are concerned they could kick in a bit as well by raising the FICA limits above the current $90,000 max. Don't forget, these folks spend a fortune on health insurance as well, so they may even come out ahead. Dollar and cents wise there's no reason not to have a functioning UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE system...it ain't 'socialism'...it's just good financial sense!

2007-11-23 18:40:26 · answer #2 · answered by Noah H 7 · 2 2

If they are truly rich they will just close any businesses they have and live off their money if you tax them too much.

Why do you feel it is ok to rob some people but not others?

You know you could just move to Canada and you would have free health care. Just a thought.

2007-11-23 18:53:29 · answer #3 · answered by Locutus1of1 5 · 1 0

No. If the rich are paying 33% on taxes like the rest of us, I say we do not need to tax them more. They have earned their money, and most rich persons enjoy giving money to the needy, and to causes like that. Raising the taxes on the rich would cut down on that, and most people are constantly working when they are rich.

The income system needs a complete overhaul. Just taxing the rich more wont pay for most of univerisal health care.

2007-11-23 18:11:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1


"If the rich want to help the poor, they can by providing everyone will health care. Doesn't that feel good?"

Whether it "feels good" or not is irrelevant. We have to worry about doing good, not feeling good. That's what's wrong with your liberal/socialist/communist agenda, it's based on emotions, not reason, reality, or facts.

2007-11-23 18:25:18 · answer #5 · answered by qwert 7 · 4 0

JJ why don't you take 33% of your money and pay for someones health care , you would be helping and wouldn't that feel good?
No .....It really makes me wonder what people are thinking , you are all for taking someone else's money that they have worked for to pay for something for someone but you don't want to give up what you have .
Let me explain something to you ....Big Business does not pay Taxes , You and I do , They pass the cost on to us through the things we buy . Now the "Rich" pay most of the taxes now , keep pushing and they will move out of the country or will put all of their money in off shore accounts and move all their business over seas .
Also the difference in a Right and a Privaledge is a right does not cost someone for you to have it , I have a right to free speach , it does not cost you anything for me to have it . I have a right to freedom of religion for the same reason , but I do not have a right to free health care , because someone MUST pay for it . I do not have a right to a free education because someone MUST pay for it .
Things in life are not free you must work for them , and pay for them .

2007-11-23 18:48:03 · answer #6 · answered by trinslycan 5 · 2 1

Perhaps if we didn't waste our money on stupid things we would not have to tax more. I mean, we pay a pretty hefty tax bill as it stands, and what do we get for it? Our chief of police here is a part time electrician, our streets don't have street lights, we have no decent public transport, no universal health care, just where does our money go I wonder? I assume some of it goes to keep fat cats fat.

2007-11-23 18:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by virtualangel 2 · 3 1

If you start taxing the people to death that provide your job then they pack up and go somewhere else and then you get the third world country that you so desire.

Show me where in the Constitution where it says that the Government should provide your health care? I will save you time, it's not there. Not only that, but the same people that coudn't get you your passports in a timely fashion will now be in charge of your heart operation, no thanks.

2007-11-23 18:11:24 · answer #8 · answered by El Guapo 4 · 5 1

The money is already there---------there just needs to be someone incharge that will start it......There is a lot of Americans that do not think it is the best way to go...You know the ones that say it is controlling the masses
---Lets face it there is no magic ---many countries have it and there total taxes are no different then the U.S.

2007-11-23 18:56:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Equal tax, or a flat tax, on everybody and eliminate loopholes.
If we were all taxed less on what we earned we would all have the incentive to earn more without being over taxed for our extra effort and we could then choose our own health care.
Penalizing someones effort sucks period.
I do not believe in the redistribution of wealth that so many leeches of society are crying for and a handful of sleazy politicians, hillery for one, promises.

2007-11-23 18:13:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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