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I have two questions:My 12 year old sister tells me she's pregnant and not to say anything.I've kept it a secret for a week now and I think I should tell my mother but it might break our confience is each other what to do?

My 2nd questions:My boyfriend he's 16 and he says he wants to have sex with I'm not a virgin but I don't know if I should give it to him or not.What to do?

2007-11-23 07:50:09 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

46 answers

1. Dont tell your mom about it, let your sister gain confidence to tell mom herself. Perhaps you should encourage her to tell mom.

2. I dont think you should give it to your bf. But thats your choice, if your not ready for it, tell him.

2007-11-23 07:54:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) Tell your mother for sure!! You could be keeping a fatal secret. You need to go over options with your mom, and help your sister out. This is really a sad thing, but the baby deserves to have a happy and healthy life. You might heavily consider adoption, if your mother does not want to raise a baby. This would be the best possible option.

2) I have a little sister that is your age. This breaks my heart to hear. I promise that you are making a mistake by giving in to your boyfriend (if you do). This is not respect. Respect is waiting until you are married and committed to each other. How many people are you going to sleep with before you realize that it is just lust, and never love?! You can do better, and have a better life than this. Start over and get a guy that treats you like a Princess, and truly loves you. If you don't respect yourself, you will never be able to feel like a Princess, and probably won't ever find a guy that is great to be with until you die. I bet your last relationship just ended quickly, and you felt guilty for what you had done with him. ?You probably felt used, too.

In God's eyes, you were beautifully and wonderfully made. He loves you more than you will ever know! Why do you think that this world is full of divorce and terrible family situations like this? Could it be because people sleep together and have kids when they really shouldn't? Could it be that people really don't love each other and are not committed to each other when they get married, or just live with each other? They don't understand the meaning of the wedding vows "til death do us part" I will love you and only you, united together. Start living life like you are a beautiful princess. Trust me, there really are still guys out there that will be worth the wait. Sex is not the biggest part of a relationship, even though it is a great thing. I wish you well.

2007-11-23 08:11:42 · answer #2 · answered by Riley 2 · 0 0

for first question..yes you should tell your mother, and i know this may seem bad cause it would seem like you're going behind her back but it is the right thing..she can't do this on her own not even you can. she may get mad at you now, but im sure she realises that you love her and are doing what is best for her.she will eventually get over it. as for having sex, the fact that you have done it befor doesnt mean you should do it upon request, and if he is any kind of guy he should let you make the decison if and when you are ready, if he cant deal with that , then honey he is too much of a child to appreciate sex when you DO give it to him.
cheers love, i hope this makes a difference.

2007-11-23 08:04:54 · answer #3 · answered by missy1010 1 · 0 0

First I think that you should tell you mother because something could happen to your sister since she is so young. I understand that you want to keep her secret, but your mother should know before anything else happens, becuase your sister need to see a doctor and get some help. Second I think that you should ask yourself if you want to have sex with him. Remember what could happen because you could get pregnant like you sister. I am a teen father and I didn't think that my girlfriend was going to get pregnant but she did. I am really happy that I have a son now, but I tihnkt hat I could have waited one or two more years.

2007-11-23 07:56:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1) You need to think about this really carefully. You have your sister to think about - both her confidence and her time scale. Your mum will have to find out - there's no way she's not going to notice your sister's pregnant. I think you should sit her down and say to her, "Look, basically either you tell mum or I do. I love you as a sister and I didn't want it to come to this and for you to be in this situation but you are. She needs to know - please don't let it be me who tells her." Tell her you'll be with her when she tells your mum to support her if she decides to tell her - if she doesn't tell your mum, you really have to. As a sister, it's your duty to look out for her and that sometimes means going against her will.

2) You're both sixteen so it's not illegal so that's the first thing. Only have sex if you WANT to. I have a feeling you're not entirely ready because if you were, you wouldn't be asking it. You also said, "What to do?". I think you should think about it - take into consideration how long you've been together, whether you love him and whether you feel like you actually want to. Don't feel pressured into it and remember that if he loves you, he'll wait as long as you feel necessary. Good luck =)

2007-11-23 08:45:02 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1.) You should convince your sister to tell your parents because they're going to find out eventually anyway. But make sure it isn't all a joke she could just be lying for fun.

2.) If I were you I wouldn't have sex you could end becoming pregnant like your sister and 16 is still pretty young.

2007-11-23 09:30:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you need to tell your mom about your sister because her being pregnant isn't just going to go away and the longer you wait the angrier your mom will probably get for holding it from her. Your sister might be mad at you now but telling your mom is for her own good.

And for your boyfriend question that all depends on how comfortable you are with him, so I cant really answer that.
Hope this helped!

2007-11-23 07:55:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Question 1: It's nice that you don't want to break your sisters trust, but if she doesn't tell your parents soon, you will have to. If she is going to have the baby, she needs to get to the doctor for a pre-natal check up. At her young age, may not even be safe for her to carry a baby to full term. If she is choosing to have an abortion, she will need parental consent. So either way, they need to know asap.

Question 2: No one should have sex unless they 100% want to do it. You obviously don't want to, otherwise you'd have already done it and you wouldn't be asking us this question. If he loves you, he won't pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do.

If you decide to have sex, please use a condom.

2007-11-23 07:57:42 · answer #8 · answered by sunshine 5 · 0 0

Some times breaking a promise for the better of some one you love is alloud because even if you break the trust when they realise that was for their best they will come back to you..

secondly what is the hurry sex is one thing looks so sweet as long as you dont taste it.. most of the cases it has an unwanted result... why take the chances?? and do you really think it is worth it?? if yes go ahead if not then do not... choice is yours..

2007-11-23 07:56:46 · answer #9 · answered by KEVO 2 · 0 1

Tell your sister you must tell your parents they are the only people who are likely to help you! Neither of you are old enough to handle this serious situation! Pregnant at 12 is ridiculous and if your not ready to sleep with your current boyfriend tell him to bugger off, look at the state your sisters in!!! The way you word 'give in to him' he sounds like a ratbag! Stop rushing to grow up your sister has a terrible predicament on her hands, speak to your loved ones.. get help! Good Luck. God Bless.

2007-11-23 07:56:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

um... you 12 year old sister is pregnant. you must tell your mother asap..there are some health issues there.. that cuold put her life at risk.. so i'd inform my mother.. as far as your other decision goes.. if your 12 year old sister got pregnant having sex is the last thign you should do.. unlessyou think your ready to have a baby..which your not.. more than wanting a baby goes into you beign ready for one.. good luck.. tell your mom asap

2007-11-23 07:53:54 · answer #11 · answered by mikey 2 · 0 0

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