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If people feel strongly that smokers have an obligation to pay more for health care because of the extra financial burden they place on the system* then shouldn’t the same financial reasoning be used in regards to Social Security? If on average smokers die 6-8 years sooner than a non-smoker, then they obviously place much less of a financial burden on Social Security. Perhaps there should be a tax on gym memberships and heath food to make up the difference; people who work on living as long as possible are obviously abusing the system and are getting more than their fair share.

*Nations with universal health care recognize that smokers do in fact cost the health care system more “for every year a smoker lives,” but since non-smokers live longer they will eventually cost the system even more.

2007-11-23 07:48:30 · 8 answers · asked by NH Doodle 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

8 answers

you can do that another way, by increasing taxes on cigarettes. This will encourage people to quit/not start. also help healthcare costs. I'm a former smoker but even at the time I would have payed up to $8 a pack. the only problem would be the creation of a blackmarket for cheaper tobacco.

2007-11-23 07:53:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I feel strongly that fat people have an obligation to pay more health care as they cause extra burden on the health care system.

Oh and people with a family history of heart disease, certain cancers, mental disorders....the list can go on and on.

Yes the smoker does have more health problems - but the fat person generally has more insidious problems that last longer. If we're going to give the smoker money back for kickin' early -- then let us be fair to lard bottom as well. We cannot leave out those who are genetically predisposed to kick it either -- would be shameful to leave out the guy who will kick it in his 40's from a massive MI because he has seriously bad heart disease genes!

2007-11-23 07:57:29 · answer #2 · answered by Susie D 6 · 0 1

Always ragging on smokers, geesh! To the 1 that wants to increase taxes on cigs, well for all the taxes places on cigs in the last 2 decades let's also increase the booze tax by the same amount. Booze causes as much heartache, tragedy and health cost as cigarettes. And that is both passive and active effects for those that want to yada, yada about 2nd hand smoke.

I am 62, smoked since about 19, and out of all those years only ONE, mind you, ONE, health insurance claim paid and that was for skin cancer that had nothing to do with smoking.

You'll just keep buying into this corporatist con PR campaign smokers increase health policy and health costs. I am so sick and tired of you Nazi do-gooders that I could puke all over you. Take your politically correct attitude and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

2007-11-23 08:02:38 · answer #3 · answered by LEE 3 · 1 1

Whoa, seems to be a lot of hostility towards people on social security and SSI. I can understand the SSI part, as when I was working and paying all those Federal income taxes, Medicare taxes, etc., I resented the fact that some people on SSI were defrauding the government just to get SSI. But, social security is tax that you pay into all your life until you are ready to retire. Under some circumstances, your SS and income may be such after retirement that you have to pay tax on the SS, too. SS is a taxable income for retired people. Shouldn't be, but it is. Fortunately and more unfortunately, the amount of SS received after retirement is not enough for most people to meet having to file taxes on their SS. SS also never keeps up with the cost of living. It is around 2.3% every years which is far behind the actual COLA. Our SS funds are being used to borrow from, to pay for benefits to people who have never paid into the SS system. We are being penalized as retired hard workers who have paid into the "system" by the government removing a percentage out of our paychecks every paycheck! I hope you do have enough to retire on as cost of living is going up and the amount of SS you'll receive is going down. When SS was first started, there were about 12 workers paying in for everyone retired. Now it is less than one paying in because of all the benefits the governments throws out to those who have not paid into the "system". The rebate is NOT for those who paid income tax. It is the government's way to generate the economy which is teetering on the brink of recession. It was debated who, how, etc., over and over about the distribution of the "rebate". This, unfortunately, is the way the government voted to distribute the rebate and it will penalize those who need it the most. Ron

2016-04-05 05:06:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why don't you present this question to your representative in Congress, the Senators from your state, and the Social Security Administrator who represents your district. It would be interesting to know those who respond and the answers you receive. Good Luck!!

2007-11-23 07:56:50 · answer #5 · answered by googie 7 · 1 0

Actually the entire intent of social security is for everyone to pay into the system and those that die before they collect leave their money to those of us who are around to collect when we hit retirement age....so....no....keep smoking and you just stabilize my social security....as a matter of fact I'll send you another carton or two....good insurance for me....smoke smoke them cigarettes.

2007-11-23 08:58:40 · answer #6 · answered by malter 5 · 0 0

i'm so sick of people always blamming smokers....... what about all the drunks out ther and all the druggies... who cost the program...... what about all the people that go to the docs just for attention because they got nobody......... but, no its always the smoker that gets the punch...... people die and get sick from other things too, besides smoking...... ok example: how many people will die in the us today from smoking? how many from drugs, alcohol, car wrecks, ect... STOP BLAMMING SMOKERS!!!!!! FIND SOMETHING BETTER TO COMPLAIN ABOUT..........

2007-11-23 08:41:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I disagree!

Smokers should be required to pay more for everything for the inconvenience to other people. It is because a smoker is selfish and only thinks about themselves that they smoke. Smoking is an addiction and is just as bad as any other drug it's just legal.

Smokers are selfish for many reasons. One reason is that they obviously don't care about their family. They are killing themselves slowly and their families will be left behind to pick up the pieces. They are also selfish for the second hand smoke they pass around to other people including their children!

People who smoke should be arrested for child endangerment for smoking around their children.

2007-11-23 07:56:53 · answer #8 · answered by D's Girl 2 · 0 3

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