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and same thing with easter with bunnies and ducks whats that have to do with the resuresction of Jesus? why do they do this to holidays?

2007-11-23 05:35:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Holidays Christmas

22 answers

I guess people are to materialistic. they don't care about the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON THERE WILL EVER BE!!!!

2007-11-23 05:43:55 · answer #1 · answered by DanceDanceDance! 2 · 0 0

Christmas was actually the Roman pagan holiday Saturnalia, but after Rome became Christian, one of the Popes decided to change Saturnalia into Christ's b-day. In early Christianity, this was a popular (and easy) way to convert people to Christianity---just give their old holidays new Christian meanings. Christianity fit neatly into Pagan life and spread quickly. (So really, a more historically correct question would be, "Why is Dec. 25th all about Jesus?") While Europe and most of the Christian world was Catholic, Christmas WAS all about Jesus (and all the other saints had their days throughout the year---it was like a year round party!) During the Protestant Revolution Bibles were printed and given to the common people who realized (gasp) Christ's B-day is never named and Christmas became another "popish" invention thrown aside. It wasn't until the 1800's that the myth of Santa Claus, a fairy story mixed with the story of St. Nicholas, began. The myth has grown, spread across the world, each culture and generation adds something to the story.....and finally we get the Santa Claus of today. Modern Christmas with Santa Claus and Jesus hanging out side by side on lawns is just a huge melting pot of Christmas traditions since ancient times. Good question, by the way. :)

2007-11-23 14:07:20 · answer #2 · answered by Jacqueline D 4 · 0 0

Thats a good question.I think they do that because the more they talk about Santa,reindeer,and lights the more people will want to act as if that is what its all about and everybody will soon forget the whole meaning of Christmas and Easter and other holidays.

2007-11-23 13:55:26 · answer #3 · answered by mia19367 3 · 0 0

because jesus is part of the 'story' a figment of imagination cooked up by the churches to control the masses and world ages ago.

religion is hardly part of a youths life anymore, the morals of it are corrupt anyways, the churches were responsible for many crusades and many many deaths. they also hoarded goods from the poor who suffered and died, and anyone who renounced Christianity was tortured and killed.

in 50 years there will be 10 more main religions born, and 25 religions not passed down.

im not saying there is no higher being or power in the universe, im saying that nobody on this planet can possibly know anything about god or the fabric of existence since we have hardly been on this planet for any time at all

2007-11-23 13:43:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I just want to say that is a very bold question and i m happy to see someone else who cares about jesus and god. those defintley are the true meanings of the holidays, and they should stay that way, but people get to overracted and sensitive these days, polictcally incorrect and things like that. i think the easter bunny and santa are symbols if not just stories made up to cover the truth. good question.

2007-11-23 13:41:30 · answer #5 · answered by hayhay12m 1 · 0 0

Because Christians had to incorporate some Druid ceremony into the holidays. In an effort to overcome a society you must make a lot of things unholy.or make their ceremony part of yours...it lures in before you can say heritical.....the tree for christmas...a yule log....easter bunny...eggs...hmmm.....rabbits...hmmmm fertility....hmmm the may pole.....hmmmm...If Christians would raise their consciousness above a book that they don't understand ....so much so that others must interpret for the masses...h,mmmmmmmm....
O' and while digesting that try this...there was no mention of Satan as the depiction of the Druid Goat God Pan until King James version of the bible...until then Satan was the fallen Lord of Light...he had to be beautiful and lustful and sensual...if sin were disgusting it would be so easy to be good...no seductive ways to lure a person to the dark side

2007-11-23 13:43:40 · answer #6 · answered by Patti_Ja 5 · 0 0

In truth, December 25 isn't the birthday of Jesus (read the Bible). The catholic church chose that date because it was the date of a pagan festival, and they wanted to make it a Christian festival instead. Over time, other pagan holidays and traditions were combined to make the Christmas we know. But Jesus was more than likely born in September or October.

2007-11-23 13:38:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

ok the Santa thing originated in the Catholic church as St. Nicholas but i actually have been wondering that myself for a while

the easter thing actually was a pagan holiday that had something to do with rabbits and the Protestant church made it into a holiday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus

but as far as today goes don't understand either!

2007-11-23 13:41:04 · answer #8 · answered by bounceyflutechik 2 · 0 1

Jesus isn't PC enough, unfortunately. We'd hate to offend anyone. Actually all of this derived from peagen traditions and mixed with Christian beliefs. And St. Nicholas didn't exist in biblical times, he did exist in Poland in the early 1800s

2007-11-23 13:38:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Its because all the toy and clothing companie use it as an excuse to sell overprised stuff and I think that more people should learn the true meaning too. I'm only 14 I know whats realy going on here

2007-11-23 13:39:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

to open a childs imagination and also many familys dont only revolve christmas around santa and have mainly jesus decorations

my parents never lied to me about santa

2007-11-23 13:39:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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