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A woman who became pregnant after a one-night stand has been given the right to keep the birth a secret from the father.
The Court of Appeal ruling came after a county court ordered the 20-year-old to tell both her parents and the father.
The three appeal judges agreed "the ultimate veto" over who is told about the birth lay with the mother.
Fathers' groups said the ruling treated the child as the property of the mother "to be disposed of as she sees fit".

does the child have a right to have a father???

2007-11-23 05:31:52 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

34 answers

The judges need their heads knocked together. Do fathers have any rights at all?

2007-11-23 05:38:54 · answer #1 · answered by mini metro 6 · 15 8

What I cannot understand is the difference in the law. A County Court gives one verdict and then Court of Appeal gives another.
So who is right?
Have the rights of the child even been considered. This child will become an adult and will not have any access to information about her/his father if they want it.
Will the child/adult be able to go to the courts later in life to demand the name of the father?

2007-11-23 19:24:04 · answer #2 · answered by shafter 6 · 1 0

One question includes innovations. do you already know who the genuine "delivery" Father certainly is? if so, might you decide on him as a Father? Is the guy his mom reported grew to become into the father, an particularly "Father" discern, meaning, has he been there for him all his existence during the united statesand downs and did he improve him as much as be the guy you fell in love with? She chosen to maintain the identity of the "delivery" Father out of the image for a reason and you may appreciate that. with out understanding all the data, one shouldn't bounce to conclusions. "delivery" Fathers are actually not continually the main suitable decision for a Father. a real Father is guy or woman who's there no remember what and is guy or woman who stands as much as the plate for the long-term. communicate alongside with your companion's mom while you're delicate doing so and clarify to her which you already know the actuality, yet which you will honor her secret. this is perchance eating her up interior. She probably did it to guard her son.

2016-10-02 03:50:39 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

although the father does have a right to know, this young nineteen year old woman has given her newborn daughter up for adoption, believing this is the best thing she can do for her daughter as a mother. She is not disposing of her child, she is trying to give her a better life. Unfortunately for the father, he has no rights, and i think it is wrong to assume he'd automatically want them after a quick one night roll in the hay.

EDIT: i dont wish to sound rude but i think some of you answering need to actually read the news article. This woman has given the child up for adoption so she wont be involving the CSA etc etc

2007-11-23 07:01:03 · answer #4 · answered by donnajaneindigo 4 · 4 1

Please enlighten me about the scores of men who knock up women then want so much to be in that child's life? Give it up. When a man finds out a women is pregnant they're tripping over themselves to get to the ATM to pay for the abortion. MOST men don't care about their kids. Only recently has it become popular for men to be more involved in parenting. Let's see how long that lasts shall we? Sorry to bust your bubble but show me some facts to the contrary and I'll be the first to apologise. That woman did not dispose of her child. She knew that she would not be able to provide her child with the life she deserved so she gave her to a family that would. Sounds more like sacrifice then being selfish. It's so easy for you to judge when you have never had to deal with such a heart wrenching decision. Where's your sympathy when the father leaves her high and dry to take care of his child by herself? (yes even after he has been made aware that he is the father) Then it's her problem right? THAT'S why it's her decision.

2007-11-23 07:23:03 · answer #5 · answered by You wish 4 · 4 2

I suppose this is in line with the fact that she wasn't married to the father. I suppose that it is her right, however queasy it makes us feel. Perhaps she had good reason to say she didn't want the father to know - I don't know. She didn't even want her parents to know, not just the father of the baby. Who brought this case to court?
However, the child was to be adopted, so he was going to hopefully a good home. It does mean it is a clean cut.
But I know many fathers who can't be bothered with their known children, and aren't prepared to commit to them. Every parent has a duty to their child, but as parents, we often fail to do the right thing.

2007-11-23 06:35:21 · answer #6 · answered by True Blue Brit 7 · 5 1

I posted a question about this case a couple of weeks ago when it first appeared in the media , just as the case went to appeal.

It´s a real can of worms. Obviously the immediate knee jerk reaction is that of course the child has a right to father.

Any woman who chooses not to disclose a pregnancy to the father has her reasons, which we do not know.
Any woman who gives up her baby for adoption has considered this long and hard. I believe that giving your baby up for adoption is a very brave and selfless thing to do. The woman had the legal right to abort, she chose not to and she chose to spend nine months pregnant give birth and give the baby up, obviously she also has her own reasons for not keeping the baby.

The term "to be disposed of as she sees fit " is very emotive and quite an unfair judgement. There are so many factors to consider it is hard to judge here and I am glad it is not my job.

Also it is important to remember that at the end of the day this baby does have a father , an adoptive family and a loving home.

We don´t know what the child´s circumstances would have been if the biological father had had a right to overrule the mother´s decision.

2007-11-23 06:16:50 · answer #7 · answered by JOMAMO IS BACK 6 · 8 5

Unless the father is unfit for some reason, he has the right to know about his child, and to care for it if it is not placed for adoption.
The mother already has the legal right to decide whether the child lives or dies before birth, no matter what the father wants. Why should she have the legal right to deny the child its father?
Making a child with a relative stranger is not a good idea.
I've done it myself, and my daughter and I have suffered the consequences. The lack of a father in life is serious. Of course, it's better than having a bad father.

2007-11-23 05:42:26 · answer #8 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 7 5

Yes the child has the right to both parents

2007-11-23 07:37:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Every child should have the right to know who their father is. The younger they are told the better.
All fathers should share the responsability for their children.
Its not like contaception isn`t freely available....!!!

2007-11-23 07:42:13 · answer #10 · answered by Terry M 5 · 4 2

The child has a father. The woman is 20 years old why is this a court matter?
Their must be some underlying facts to this story.
At 20 years of age she would not have to disclose the fathers name to anyone. including her parents.
As an adult people need to leave her alone........

2007-11-23 05:52:42 · answer #11 · answered by ifixit54 2 · 13 3

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