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Gordon Brown will look "weird" and out of touch if he presses on with ID card plans despite the loss of child benefit records, David Cameron has said.
At prime minister's questions, the Tory leader said the data problems should cause Mr Brown to "stop and think".

But the prime minister told MPs that using biometric profiles would ensure "people can feel confident that their identity is protected".

I dont think so! I will never feel safe until this government is out of office. Somewhere they cant get their hands on my personal data!

2007-11-23 04:22:16 · 12 answers · asked by trish 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

12 answers

The National ID Card debate is by no means dead and will continue to rumble on for a good while yet. Following the loss and/or theft of 25 million family details data, my guess is that a great many folk will by now be thinking that the Tory Party [the party of liberty] do after all have a point.

One of the stupidest things ever said about a national ID Card scheme, was that it would somehow protect us from the terrorists. The Spanish all carry ID cards. The terrorists, probably all Spanish ID card carriers were not stopped doing their killing in Madrid.

Likewise here in England the terrorists responsible for 7/7 were of the home-grown variety.

ID cards will do nothing for the people but will of course give the UK.gov a complet list of our personal habits and voting choices and what we eat and where we go and probably a whole lot more.

What the UK ID card will not do, is operate as a passport. This is the one reason why I oppose.

The French are allowed to come to London via Euro-Star carrying only their French National ID card. How come we are not going to be able to do the same when travelling from London to Paris? The UK.gov ID card plan is KRAP!


2007-11-23 07:00:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I don't think the loss of the child benefit records is going to stop this government or any other party from bringing in ID cards, they do as they please, when they want and how they want.

The people of this country lost their say when Maggie Thatcher crush the unions and Tony Blair was given the full support of the nation to do as he liked.

The government has blatantly right under the noses of the electorate divided the country into four the rich, the poor,the immigrants and the middle-class.

It is now more unlikely for the people to protest in any large numbers, ID cards will be brought in sooner rather than later, and this type of control will not stop at just identification.

The government have been taking the p###out to the people of the country for long-time, and I fear it is too late.

2007-11-23 05:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Your identity turned right into a dependents card, the divorce severed the relationship. It has no longer something to do with what your husband needs or does no longer opt for. If both of you've minor little ones, they qualify for depending playing cards, you are able to't use the playing cards without the little ones being present. i do not realize the comments of lots of any individuals answering your question. If he has been contained in the defense force for decrease than 17 years he has no retirement. Retirement does no longer hit till he has been in two decades and one month with none disciplinary moves(or medically retired). I surely have considered persons that were contained in the service for 19 years and eleven months that did not retire.

2016-10-24 23:08:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree.

ID cards won't stop crime. All the major highly populated countries in the world like USA and Australia don't have them. Our details will be probably be managed by a private company who employs temporary undertrained staff who pay disregard to attention to detail, puts profits first and before you know it they've lost our details into criminal hands.

Anyone can get our DNA from the fingerprints we leave behind everywhere - the door handle of a shop, the cigarette butt left in a pub etc.

2007-11-23 04:39:16 · answer #4 · answered by Simon J 2 · 0 0

100% agreement there trish.Gordon Brown is weird so nothing new there,and if he thinks we will trust him, he MUST be stupid!!! If, god help us, this government proceed with ID cards, the next time something happens, the ramifications don’t even bear thinking about. There is only one way to stop this happening again - get rid of Gordon and his cronies soon! Not only is HRMC not fit for purpose: neither is this government.

2007-11-23 07:52:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

new labour have proved to the public time and time again that they cannot be trusted not in their word. not with public assets or public funds. look at quinetiq. the taxpayer lost billions of bad investment on the sale to an American company...but the two defence minnisters in charge of the sale became millionaires over night?....John Presscot caught selling our council houses to he's sons company for £500.00 a house. the dome...(remember that?) new labour prommised to scrap it. untill they realised the personal perks involved. then they invested 15 times more than the conservative estimate into it. NOW we cant give it away. but take a look at the finnancial status of those minnisters involved...the Olympic farce. there are more new labour investers and interested parties than there are workmen. and that bunch of crooks want us to trust them with our personal details. they'l be selling the information to insurence companys and god ONLY!! knows who els within the year. and! the private company that runs it will probably be employing enough muslims to invade Paris and then wonder why its all gon **** up.....no thanks. you can! protest actualy. just refuse to pay for it. the fee to force it out of you legaly will cost more than the card costs in the first place.

2007-11-23 09:00:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We all know that forged ID documents – sorry, I should say 'replica ID documents sold for novelty or educational purposes', are readily available. False applications will get through.
Anything that can be read can be reproduced.
The Times reported up to 1000,000 cloned car number plates on the roads

2007-11-23 05:24:08 · answer #7 · answered by Fred3663 7 · 3 0

Will look weird and out of touch? He belongs to another planet, perhaps Uranus. New Labour has lost any credibility it had.

2007-11-23 04:29:39 · answer #8 · answered by Goat Whacker 5 · 0 0

Old Brown looks well weird anyway .. seeing him talk out of the side of his trout mouth with that conceited arrogance, just makes me want to slap him... I dread to think of the volumes of stupid and controlling laws he will pass during his unelected term .....

2007-11-23 06:51:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

He's taking the P just still being there! NO ID CARDS HERE!

2007-11-23 04:25:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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