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We've seen the argument on this forum - should men have abortion rights?

Recently there was a case in Michigan where the man wanted the right to abortion -


There will be a protest in California this month for men's rights.
If you were in California, would you attend the protest? Attend the counter-protest? Or avoid it all together? (and why~)

2007-11-23 04:20:07 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

29 answers

Yes, men have rights - to go to the drug store and buy some rubbers if they feel the slightest urge to have sex. They also have the right to put it on before putting it in.

I am pro choice, but also pro responsibility. If both partners don't agree that they want a child they are prepared and able to love and support for the next 20 years, then both partners take precautions.

2007-11-23 04:32:14 · answer #1 · answered by mr_fartson 7 · 9 5

This flies completely in the face of a person's physical autonomy. It's ridiculous.

Maybe we should give men more say about whether or not to be a parent, take the stigma off of so called "deadbeat dads" and let them wash their hands of the whole thing if they choose to do so with no legal reprecusions.

But giving them the right to decide to terminate something happening in someone else's body... no. I'm sorry but that's out.

I'll be at the counter protest, thank you.

2007-11-23 13:23:34 · answer #2 · answered by K 5 · 5 1

I think that it goes without saying that men shouldn't have the final decision on abortions. The final say should of course go to the pregnant woman. It's her choice.

That said, I think that this is a situation where there are two choices: Bad and Worse. I don't like the idea of men being forced to provide for a child they never wanted in the first place, and I don't like the idea of women being told what to do with their own bodies. There is no perfect solution that works out best for everyone.

Unless we can create a cost effective artificial womb that can develop fetuses that their mother doesn't want but their father does, and simultaneously create a system where the father can opt out of child support prior to birth, there is no real solution that everyone can be happy with.

2007-11-23 13:32:18 · answer #3 · answered by koreaguy12 6 · 6 2

News flash! Sex creates babies.
What are we to do when a baby is unwanted?

I will echo what has already been said - the person who is pregnant gets the final decision about abortion. The argument for equal rights to abortion is fallacious.

Men who leave birth control responsibility up to the woman had better be prepared to pay child support, but a man who uses a condom and it fails, should be allowed to opt out of financial responsibility. Of course, implemetation of the previous suggestion is impossible.
In the absence of any other solutions, I say, avoid sex unless you are prepared to be responsible for any and all possible outcomes.

2007-11-23 15:22:20 · answer #4 · answered by not yet 7 · 3 2

The decision to continue a pregnancy or terminate it is ultimately the decision of the person carrying the baby. It's not women's fault that men can't carry babies. It's just reality. A man does not have a right to force a woman to abort, or to continue with a pregnancy...it's HER choice, because it's in HER body.

If a man absolutely wants nothing to do with the baby when it's born, however, I think he should be able to completely sever himself from all involvement.

2007-11-23 14:39:34 · answer #5 · answered by G 6 · 5 2

I totally think that men should have some sort of "rights" when it comes to this issue. I don't know why any self respecting woman would go ahead with an abortion if the Father wanted the baby, could provide for the baby, etc. This issue is so one sided and unfair. But I have no good solutions. Bottom line is you can not force a woman to stay pregnant. I guess men should be really careful who they sleep with...

2007-11-23 12:57:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

While I am against abortion under any flag or color, regardless which parent has or even 'should have' the "right", the anti-males here should consider this:

Since women aren't forced to register for selective service, they don't deserve the right to vote because it wouldn't be their body involved when/if the draft is re-instituted. Only those who are in line to be forced to fight and die for it should be allowed to decide matters of state.

If the men "should have worn a condom" to prevent pregnancy, that is just as solid and correct an answer for women who seek abortion. See how easy it is to make things "equal"? When nobody gets to kill their 'mistakes', everyone is responsible for their actions.

Feminists are so hypocritical and nothing shows it better than their tyranny in regard to reproductive matters.

2007-11-24 08:52:02 · answer #7 · answered by Phil #3 5 · 0 4

no, a man should not have a right to force a abortion on a women, BUT if a man is that adamant about it, then he shuold also not be forced to be part of the childs life at all. just as a WOMEN Should not be able to have an abortion without the mans concent. and if the women wants one and the man doesnt, then after the baby is born the women should nto be forced to be in childs life.

2007-11-23 12:28:58 · answer #8 · answered by JohnnyC 3 · 9 2

I would support them IF they weren't trying to include the right to force a woman to abort/not abort into their movement, but since they want to have dominion over women's body in that way again, I say frack 'em.

I agree with you Fire4511: If I have the right and ability to abort my responsibilities(either through abortion, putting the baby up for adoption[incidentally, you don't need the father's permission to do that, depending on where you live] and taking advantage of Safe Havens), the father of my child should have similar rights(I'm not saying he should be able to make me get an abortion). I don't think it is right that it is OK to be able to not force me to care for an unwanted child but not OK to do the same for men. It isn't equal in that respect, but I think the men in the article are tainting their movement by wanting the ability to make a woman get an abortion.

2007-11-23 13:02:47 · answer #9 · answered by littlevivi 5 · 2 4

A fair enough solution: Pay for the abortion. If she wants to keep it, her responsibility. The man doesn't pay child-support. If he wants to keep it, and she doesn't, sorry to say dude, but not happening coz its HER body that'll go wonkers.

2007-11-24 00:40:12 · answer #10 · answered by La Bella Vixen 4 · 1 1

Definitely no ! Woman only have control of the reproduction . As women play a larger role in public life, patriarchal men are looking for new ways to be more dominant. They are worried -Because a pervasive social shift away from "male-centered production to female-centered reproduction.Women exclusively, and independently of their husbands, control their reproduction. Reproductive power is no longer shared, so patriarchal society want to get their power back .No way !

2007-11-23 14:40:21 · answer #11 · answered by Hippolyta H 2 · 5 3

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