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AND DON'T TELL ME FETUSES ARE NOT HUMANS!! They have a heartbeat after just a couple of months of being carried in the womb.

2007-11-23 03:57:07 · 24 answers · asked by My mullet is sexy 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

24 answers

they have a heartbeat from the beginning.And no,it never ok to murder anyone!

2007-11-23 04:01:38 · answer #1 · answered by alexia 5 · 5 6

This is a debate that will never end and will never reach any kind of closure on either side of the spectrum. You feel its a disgusting and morally wrong thing to do .... while someone else feels it is the absolutely only thing to be done.

Now in lies the debate ... you will come back with there is adoption. Because lots of people can not conceive and would welcome the baby into their homes with tons of love. I agree and think this should be a serious consideration but truth be told it is not easy. Not everyone can do it and who can blame them. Is it easier to move forward from a terminated pregnancy than one where you KNOW the child is out there ... only the individual who is involved can decide on that.

Then you will come back with don't have sex ... oh OK that is so original. Because only stupid horny kids go out and get pregnant because they were not thinking when they did it. You know there are people out there who were raped and attacked and is it fair that they have to carry this child and be reminded every single day of the horrendous act that happened to them just so people like you won't judge them? There are people who are SO careful ... they use condoms and protection and they get pregnant. Do they have to keep the baby because YOU said so? Because YOU said it is wrong and they are horrible awful murderers?? Well who decided that you get to decide what someone else is or is not? Who made you the moral upholder and moral code maker???

It's true you are entitled to your opinion as they are entitled to theirs. If someone feels abortion is their only option let it be. You think its disgusting ... so don't do it. Does not mean you have the right to look down on someone and place judgement on them. Your opinion is solely that .... an opinion. The day you forget that and start to believe you are better than someone else or even that you have the right to attack them for a choice .... you are the loser and YOU deserve to be judged.

Seems to me all you want is to wage a war on here ... get people's temperatures boiling and create conflict.

2007-11-23 14:34:16 · answer #2 · answered by Stephmeister 4 · 4 0

I am pro-choice and that doesn't mean I think it's OK to "murder" unborn babies. It means that I think it is the person in question's choice to have the abortion. I don't agree that it is the right thing to do.. I just believe it isn't any of my business if a person decides to do so. It is LEGAL. I can't do anything about that.. And if it wasn't legal, then women would be getting them anyway and more women would DIE along with the babies.
What gives you the right to tell anyone what to do with their own bodies?
True, it's not the right thing to do, it is cruel and unusual, I HAVE read about and seen the horrid pictures. But women have their right to make a choice.
Bottom line.. Pro choice doesn't mean you agree with the choice, it just means you believe people have that choice.

2007-11-23 12:14:23 · answer #3 · answered by justplainsweet83 4 · 7 1

calm down turbo! geez! Pro choice people believe you have the right to make decisions about your own life! Like nobody has that right to make that decision for them but themselves! And you know some people have very bad circumstances as to why they need to get an abortion so don't be so judgemental! Some girls get raped, by strangers, fathers,uncles,brothers. Don't you think those girls have gone thru enough pain and suffering! Having that baby would just be a reminder of that horrific event! There are so many more situations that are just as horrible! So just because your anti abortion doesn't mean your 100% right! your view is very cynical and narrow minded!

2007-11-23 12:09:08 · answer #4 · answered by autum_mist 3 · 5 1

What gives you the right to rain down judgment from your perfect life? Only a person who has never faced any sort of adversity could ask a question like this.

So - a heartbeat is your qualification for human life? Make sure you don't squish any spiders.

It isn't a person yet; it's a fetus, a zygote, a blastocyst - insisting that a woman carry an unwanted pregnancy to term reduces her to a sub-human level - as far as people such as yourself are concerned, women are no better than a breeding tank. It's simple, Pro-life = Anti-woman.

2007-11-23 12:47:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

And what gives you the right to tell a person what to do with their own body? Sure the baby inside her isn't her body but it sure is living in it and it is going to dramataclly change her both physically and mentally, itis HER choice not yours.

Are you one of the hypocritical pro-lifers who think it is ok when the woman gets raped? Or are you one of the idiots who thinks it is still not ok when a woman has maybe an ectopic pregnancy, or HER life is at risk if she carries through? How about we mention those who find out their child is only going to die shorty after birth anyways becaues of sever undevelopment of organs or messed up DNA? They do happen. You can not say that an abortion is ok for one and not another, and it is pretty freaking stupid to say that a woman who has an ectopic or otherwise seriously dangerous pregnancy to her life can not abort.

I do not believe in abortion, I will NEVER have one myself unless it was medically needed, but I am in absolutly no position to tell another woman (or man for that matter) what to do. That is what makes me pro-CHOICE. I give born breathing humans the choice on what they are to do with themselves and what is in their body.

2007-11-23 12:08:19 · answer #6 · answered by becky q 5 · 5 1

Pro-choice doesn't mean that people think that it's ok to to murder unborn babies. It means that people think that it's ok for others to have the choice to do whatever they want to do. Me personally, I would NEVER have an abortion. I think it's a horrible thing to do, BUT if someone else wants to, can handle murdering their baby, & can afford it on their own, then that's all up to them. Pro-choice people r not bad people.

2007-11-23 12:49:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I agree with Biggie. I think abortion is horrible, but I also think everyone has the right to decide for themselves. I'm Pro-"Choice" not Pro-"abortion"

Life is a wonderful gift, but every once in awhile there is a circumstance where life is not as good as death.

2007-11-23 12:19:19 · answer #8 · answered by Jane Magnolia 2 · 4 0

first off you have do not have the right to judge only the Almighty has that right. Lets do a scenerio: Woman gets raped and become pregnant from that rape if she has the child she will be reminded every day of what happened and will eventually come to hate the child. Now is it right for the child to grow up knowing that they are the result of a rape?thats one arguement people like you seem to over look when attempting to judge what other people do. Why dont you quite being so small minded and take care of your own businee first.

2007-11-23 12:22:24 · answer #9 · answered by butterfly02012001 2 · 3 2

Look I am so tired of seeing abortion question.I don't like unless medically necessary point blank

I do belive that it can be either way as far s pro choice,you are either for it or not.I say medically neccessary such as no brain missing limbs something absoulatly horriable.Than that's one thing.but as far as choice how about making the choice to grow up and be a woman about things

2007-11-23 12:04:49 · answer #10 · answered by what did you say 4 · 2 1

First of all, you have no right to come up in here judging those who are pro-choice just as they have no right to judge you. Although, I already have an opinion of you...

Second of all, people who are pro-choice doesn't mean they purposely go out and get knocked up - just so they can get abortions. . . they also struggle with the decision more than pro-lifers could ever understand. . . they live with that 'choice' for the rest of their lives.

Third and final, I have had an abortion in the past and I also have two lovely children and I am pregnant now. . . my CHOICE to have an abortion was personal - and to see you pro-life people outside made ME sick. . . .

you really have no idea what a person struggles with when making that decision.

2007-11-23 12:27:54 · answer #11 · answered by Miss Kelly 4 · 5 3

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