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I don't have any kids (I'm 31), so I'm trying to 'feel' the experience through people around me that are either pregnant or have a child already. That way, it'll help me decide if I really want to go through the whole deal. How does it all feel..The whole process? How about the labor? How do you cope with it all?

2007-11-23 03:18:34 · 14 answers · asked by mz_neemarie 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I appreciate you all sharing your experiences. I know it varies from woman to woman, but I just wanted to get a general idea of things.

2007-11-23 03:38:52 · update #1

14 answers

hahahahahaha!!! that is NOT something you can get a "feel" for at all!! Every pregnancy is different...

So far, I have been pregnant twice, both times TOTALLY different..After the first, I was totally fine having another..This time, I am MISERABLE...

but thinking back, was I miserable then-- and I just easily forgot it cause i look at my son and I am so much in love now??

2007-11-23 03:25:25 · answer #1 · answered by MeL 4 · 0 0

As the other have said, it's not something you can get a real feel for.
For me, in the first 4 months, I was sick as a dog. Actually had to go to the ER for fluids and medicine. However, towards the end of that set of wonderous symptoms, I discovered that very sour candy made me feel better.
I had back pains (but i work with kids and was always bending down so that didn't help).
I was always hot. Especially my feet. But that was solved with cool showers, A/C and cold snacks.
However, I was so in love after those first miserable months, that it all just disappeared. That's when I felt his first movements. Sure the kicking felt like your insides became mini punching bags, but it's not like it really hurts, it's quite an unusual sensation.
You also get tired very easily, and it is OK to sleep. It doesn't make you lazy.
I didn't get strange cravings very often, but when I got a craving my husband HAD to get me the food.
The doctor visits weren't bad. Lots of blood tests throughout the whole thing, but nothing terrible.
I also had a problem called IUGR (Intraunterine Growth Restriction, which basically means something was causing my baby to not grow to his full potential and he would be small) and was at the doctor almost every week durning my last trimester. Lots of ultrasounds and doplars.
I didn't go into labor naturally because of my diagnosis, I was induced. They hooked me up to an IV and I started to contract about 40 minutes later. The contractions weren't terrible at the start, they were tolerable and just uncomfortable. It wasn't until hours later when they broke my water that they were painful. I had an epidural, which hurts (Im bad with pain) but I'd rather have the eidural pain than the labor pains. But for some people it may not be bad. I guess it is worse when you are induced, so I hear, because your body is not ready for it. It took 17 hours, but my little boy finally came out 11-22-06, and is now 1 year old.

Hope this helps. Remember, everyone is different so it will be different for you. Just remember that your family can help and give you the support you need. If you do this, you can always turn to them or even a mommy group for guidance and support.

2007-11-23 11:39:16 · answer #2 · answered by Kiki 4 · 1 0

Well I can tell you the specific feelings as I experienced them, but they could be very different for you.

And then there is the fact that once you have the baby all things change. You love them so unconditionally, something I really can not explain.

For me pregnancy was fine. I did not have any real issues. I did not get sick, did not gain too much weight, I did not have any problems with the baby and my job was very understanding. Delivery was nothing like on TLC and I actually did not know I was in labor until the doctor told me to waddle on over to the ER for the birth.

The epidural was so much better than I had imagined. Pushing was tiring but fine and so on and so on.

I was not sure I was ready for a child and it even too a few days after she was born to get it. I was 30 when she was born.

Today I would give my life for her. I give up everything I am to make sure she is happy and healthy and I am glad to do it. I did not have these feelings before or even during pregnancy.

Somehow it all works out and you are prepared to deal with whatever comes your way.

If a family is what you want then go ahead. You will never be "Ready". You will be happy.

2007-11-23 11:28:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Every woman has a different pregnancy experience. Some women have morning sickness and some don't, etc. I'm now 8 months pregnant and my experience thus far has been absolutely wonderful! I have no morning sickness and my pregnancy has had no complications. I get tired a lot, but thats to be expected, I mean your body is working non stop making a little bundle of joy. Pregnancy is God's greatest gift and I plan on having at least 2 more after this one.

35 weeks, 1st baby

2007-11-23 11:29:25 · answer #4 · answered by tifanie o 4 · 1 0

I love being pregnant. But some people have such a hard experience. I didn't have any sickness or extreme pain or discomfort. I felt my best when I was pregnant. If I could (i.e. if my hubby would go for it...) I'd love to be a surrogate. My sis-in-law has 2 babies & each pregnancy was HORRIBLE! She was sick all the time, lost more weight than gained. She had to take special medication just to keep food down.

2007-11-23 11:39:05 · answer #5 · answered by azflower25 2 · 0 0

Its long,hard, tiring, but REWARDING. It has not been easy at all thats for sure! so dont expect it to be a bed of roses! some have it easy.. others like myself dont.. I had morning sickness for 4 months straight! i vomited about 12 times a day! and had to be hospitalized for being dehydrated a couple times! after i got through the 1st trimester pains, i got lucky and the 2nd trimester was pretty easy i felt my baby every day by now..I got plenty of sleep and i could eat food without it coming back up!! Now im in the 3rd trimester.. Im 38 weeks and i am SOO tired and got NO sleep! It hurts to walk because the baby is engaged in my pelvis and my back hurts from all the extra weight! You really do need EXTRA support when you go through 9 months of this! If it wasnt for my Husband i would be a beached whale!! I honestly dont think i will have any more kids because this was so hard on my body, but i can definetly say it has been ALL worth it for this little girl! I cant wait to hold her in my arms and love and care for her the rest of my life!! As for Labor i am not afraid of it at all, I have been through worse with surgerys and pain growing up, Not saying its not going to be hard but whats hours of pain compared to a lifetime of joy? NOTHING :) I say its worth going through pregnancy at least 1 time in your life, its an experience you wont forget!

2007-11-23 11:36:19 · answer #6 · answered by Hanna and Ryan's Momma 5 · 2 0

Some people say its the most BEAUTIFUL thing ever... I loved being pregnant.. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Personally I freakin hate it, but I keep on keeping on because I know once I have my child I will not even care how bad the last nine months of my life have been. But, every women is different, some love it some hate it. But, in the end all women feel the same, Its worth it.

2007-11-23 11:32:30 · answer #7 · answered by Brooke B 3 · 0 0

I am going to be extremely truthful about how I felt. (I am now 23 wks pregnant with baby #2) I felt like having my son was the best thing that ever happened to me. He is biggest accomplishment and I think that all women feel that way. You are giving life to the world. My 1st pregnancy was pretty textbook. I loved it though. I was 2 weeks over due and had to be induced. The labor was the most painful thing in the world but sooooo worth it. I forgot all about the pain as soon as I saw my son for the first time. It's no picnic but I would do it again everyday for the rest of my life just to have my son. I hope this helps. Once you actually see the baby it makes everything else just disappear.

2007-11-23 11:26:15 · answer #8 · answered by troublz1984 2 · 0 0

it depends on the woman. i felt fat even though i wasnt that big. i was sick but not all the time. i felt hungry all the time even when i ate. i was tired and moody. but you have to be pregnant in order to feel pregnant. labor hurt like hell until i got the epi. i was grateful for that.

2007-11-23 11:30:44 · answer #9 · answered by MiaDiva28 6 · 0 0

At 9 months.. I wanted to have my boy already!!! I was waking up at 4am sitting up with like 5 pillows behind me. I was tired, couldn't sit for long periods, slept, slept, slept.

2007-11-23 11:51:54 · answer #10 · answered by 90304 4 · 0 0

First off, youre a woman, you're body and mind are designed to deal and cope with pregnancy and delivery. Its what your body is made to do. And it does it well.

Pregnancy is like having PMS the flu and worms all at the same time. Its painful, you feel miserable, your body is alien, and its just not fun. Some women love it, but I dont. I hate being pregnant. Epsecially 9 months pregnant.

Labor is like a bad period. Ive had worse periods than I did for my 37 hours of labor, delivery was 6 hours for me. It literally is the worst pain ever, but it ONLY lasts 2 minutes tops. Its from crowning until the head is out. THe rest just slides right out with no effort.

THis is how it goes: "Wow, this hurts, holyshit this hurts... OH MY FLUCKING GOD THIS HURTS, OHHHMYYYYY... nevermind its over." Its literally about that much time.

Its worth it, a thousand times over its worth it. I would do it a million more times. Theres nothing more empowering that taking one useless sperm cell and making a whole living person- and then having a body that can hork it out and provide life and nutrition and care for it all on its own.

Its totally worth it.

2007-11-23 11:27:33 · answer #11 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 4 0

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