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I have a mac laptop, it doesn't have safari it has internet 5.1.6. and it doesn't work. Is there anyway i can install safari in it, or fix this problem? The version of the mac is 9.

I have 2 other macs, they are both versions X tiger, they have safari and they work.

2007-11-22 23:57:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Laptops & Notebooks

2 answers

No, sorry, you can't have Safari on a Mac using version 9 operating system. In fact, there's only one graphical Internet browser available to you with OS 9 on a Mac: iCab. You can download the browser here:


iCab is quite similar to Safari and is maintained with security updates, etc.

There's an older version of Firefox you can use with Mac OS 9, but it's got more security holes in it than Swiss cheese, and I don't recommend it.

If you've got your heart set on Safari as your browser, is it possible for you to upgrade this Mac to a newer OS such as Tiger or Leopard? I can't advise you on that, as I don't know the memory and other hardware configurations of your Mac.

2007-11-23 00:10:15 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel B 2 · 0 0

Sorry, Safari is not available for OS-9
You are stuck with using either Netscape, or Internet Explorer-5
You probably need to delete the account you have now and re-set up and create a new account using the exact same settings to get it to work.
Use the OS 9 software to set it up and connect.

2007-11-23 00:13:39 · answer #2 · answered by Don M 7 · 0 0